October 4-10, 2020 - Celebrating National Hispanic Month
Greetings Dakota Community -
New resources and activities are always popping up around the internet. My hope is to bring students, staff, and parents the very best in free educational resources during these uncertain and unprecedented times. I'll be highlighting on-line learning and reading websites, interactive sites, and finding great resources for everyone. Where applicable I've created free accounts for our students. In addition, I'll be highlighting themed book lists. This month we're celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. Please feel free to e-mail me if you need help with log-ins, or if you have questions regarding any of the resources listed.
Mask Up & Stay Healthy -
Ms. Gropppuso
DHS Media Center Digital, Audio, Hardcopy Resources
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- Check CVS E-mail for pick-up
CMPL Digital Resources
Open Library
Why the Date of Hispanic Heritage Month Is Important
Citation: Article Title: Hispanic Heritage Month
Author: History.com Editors, Website: History
URL: https://www.history.com/topics/hispanic-history/hispanic-heritage-month
Access Date: October 6, 2020, Publisher: A&E Television Networks
Last Updated: September 18, 2020, Original Publication Date: September 11, 2020
In honor of Hispanic American Month we're featuring Hispanic Authors
By: Daniel Jose Older
Clap When you Land
By: Elizabeth Acevedo
The New David Espinoza
By: Fred Aceves
ProjectLIT 2020
Ms. Kirsten Groppuso
Email: kgroppuso@cvs.k12.mi.us
Website: https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/schools/high-schools/dhs/media-center/
Location: 21051 21 Mile Road, Macomb, MI, USA
Phone: 586-723-2722
Twitter: @DHSMediaCenters