Panther Press of Wild Rose
October 6, 2023
A Note from Mrs. Solomon
Wild Rose Cares day last Saturday was a success. We had families and staff pull weeds, trim bushes, pick up trash, blow out and clean up leaf cluttered areas and added beatification to our school. THANK YOU to the William family for organizing an all of the staff and family volunteers for your time and efforts. (Pictures below)
Thank you to the the Wild Rose families that donated, prepared and provided for the Wild Rose Staff conference luncheon. Everything was amazing and fantastic and really allowed for staff to focus on conferences and take a responsibility off their minds. THANK YOU so very much we are incredibly lucky to have such care and kindness from our Wild Rose families. (Pictures below)
Hope everyone is able to take time to enjoy family and friends over the long weekend! See you on Tuesday!
Mrs. Theresa Solomon
This Newsletter at a Glance
- Pictures Kick-a-Thon
- Pictures Wild Rose Cares
- Pictures Conference Luncheon
- Chess Club
- Panther Wall of Pride
- Town Hall
- Book Fair Volunteers October 17-19
- Scarecrow Soiree
- P.A.W.S - Positive Adults With Students - Sign-up
- Alternative Recess
- Big Hearts of Fox Valley
- Wild Rose PTO
- D303 Parent Education
Wild Rose Student Council
Dr. Katrein & Student Council
Mrs. Solomon and Crew
Wild Rose Cares Day
Conference Luncheon
Salads and Desserts
A Fall Atmosphere
Soup, Chili and all the fixes
Panther Wall of Pride
We will be sharing more about the pride wall with students at our town hall. We are always focusing on the Wild Rose Way..
We Respect, We Care, We Learn, We are Wild Rose Panthers.
Signs with the Wild Rose way are throughout our school building. Also there signs throughout the building: hallways, bathroom, recess, lunchroom and all of our specials areas sharing information on how to demonstrate respect, care and learning around the school.
Each month we will be focusing on a characteristic that is an expectation for our students to demonstrate at all times. This last month was respect. Classroom teachers, specialists and specials teachers will be nominating students to receive a pride paw ticket and students will be recognized at the end of each month for demonstrating the characteristic of the month. It is really about doing the right thing, even when you don't think someone is watching.
We will be honoring students in a number of ways: Pictures on the pride wall, drawing for a prize, or special recognition time with Mrs. Solomon.
We have been so pleased with the honor and excitement students had to receive their certificate and picture on our Pride Wall. We are looking for all of our panthers to be recognized in some way throughout the year for demonstrating the Wild Rose Way.
Town Hall
On Wednesday we will send shirts home to students. Please have your child wear their town hall shirt to school on Thursday.
Each town hall or the 12th of every month please feel free to have your child wear their shirt to celebrate our Wild Rose School pride and effort to be kind always.
Swing by the Scarecrow Soiree and help make it a success! LOTS of volunteer opportunities for this fun fall event. Please join us in making this an evening to remember for all of our Wild Rose Panthers!
Big Hearts of Fox Valley
For the 10th year in a row, D303 is again partnering with Big Hearts of Fox Valley, which supports families in need during the holiday season. Big Hearts of Fox Valley Holiday Giving Program's purpose is to provide holiday gifts for D303 students and their younger siblings whose families face significant financial hardship. Through Big Hearts, members of the D303 community anonymously shop for wish list items. D303 social workers will review applicants. If you are struggling and facing significant financial hardship and would like assistance providing holiday gifts to your children, click here. If you would like to help Big Hearts by "adopting" a child this Holiday season, click here. You can visit the Big Hearts of Fox Valley website for more information.
Por el 10º año seguido, el Distrito 303 se asocia de nuevo con “Big Hearts of Fox Valley,” que apoya a las familias necesitadas durante la temporada navideña. El propósito del programa de donaciones para las fiestas de Big Hearts of Fox Valley (Holiday Giving Program) es proporcionar regalos navideños a los estudiantes del Distrito 303 y a sus hermanos pequeños cuyas familias se enfrentan a importantes dificultades económicas. A través de Big Hearts, los miembros de la comunidad del Distrito 303 anónimamente comprar artículos de la lista de deseos. Los trabajadores sociales del Distrito 303 revisarán a los solicitantes. Si usted está enfrentando dificultades financieras significativas y le gustaría recibir ayuda para proporcionarles regalos a sus hijos, haga clic aquí. Si desea ayudar a Big Hearts "adoptando" a un niño(a) en estas fiestas, haga clic aquí. Puede visitar el sitio web de Big Hearts of Fox Valley para obtener más información.
PTO Information
Wild Rose Dates to Remember
Mon. 10/16 -10/19 - Literati Book Fair
Thurs. 10/19 - Scarecrow Soiree Fall Festival 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Tues. 10/31 - Halloween Parade 1:30 PM
Tues. 10/31 - Halloween Parties
Wild Rose Elementary School
Email: Theresa.solomon@d303.org
Website: wildrose.d303.org
Location: 36W730 Red Haw Lane, St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: (331)228-3000