Power Notes--Stay Connected!
September 15th, 2023
Vision: At CRMS we create a supportive environment where students achieve academic success, develop life skills, and build confidence for the future!
Fall-ing for School
We have had a great start to the 2023-2024 School Year and we hope to carry that positive momentum through the first quarter and hopefully, maintain it through the entire school year.
At CRMS we want to ensure that parents/guardians are up-to-date on what's going on at school and with your students. As such, you should be receiving, not only this bi-weekly newsletter, mid-term interims (4 weeks into each quarter), end of the quarter report cards (9 weeks/at the end of a quarter), and our social media posts, but also...PHONE CALLS AND EMAILS.
It is imperative that we have your most up to date contact information. It is an expectation that teachers are contacting you in regard to your student's attendance, behavior, and academics in various ways. You can expect:
1. Attendance notifications from Powerschool/Phone calls AND Chronic Absenteeism letters
2. Academics--Progress reports about grades, Powerschool updates of grades weekly, and Phone Calls about poor grades and missed work
3. Behavior--Phone calls, and emails about your student's behavior in the school (positive and challenging)
In order to do this, we need you to be an engaged and willing partner by
1. Signing up for the CCPS app
2. Knowing your log-in information for Powerschool (Please call the school for help with this if you don't know it or know how to do it)
3. Emailing or calling to ask teachers questions proactively
4. Reading the newsletter to keep abreast of policies and other important detailed information
5. Talking with your student about what's going on at school
Thank you for helping your student be a #PowerPlayer
Download the App for the Latest in Home-School Communication
September 29th--No School for Students/ Teacher Professional Development
October 19th--The Great Shake Out! (Earthquake Readiness Drill)
October 20th--No School for Students/ State-wide Professional Day
October 23rd-27th--Red Ribbon Week
School Bell Schedule
Important Message About Attendance
Good attendance for your student begins on the first day of the school year. Consider the following facts:
Chronic absenteeism may prevent children from reaching early milestones.
Chronically absent students have difficulty keeping up with the pace at which they are expected to learn and grow.
Students who are absent even a day or two every few weeks fall behind their peers.
Irregular attendance can be a better predictor of whether students will drop out before graduation than test scores.
Consistent, on-time attendance is a habit that lasts into adulthood.
In addition to wanting the best possible education for your child, we also closely monitor absences because Maryland law requires that children ages 5-18 attend school. Students may be withdrawn if not attending school regularly; students not enrolled or attending will be considered truant.
How Can Parents Encourage Good Attendance?
Build good attendance habits early so children know that getting to school on time every day is important!
Set a regular bedtime & morning routine, laying out clothes and backpacks the night before.
Avoid scheduling appointments & trips when school is in session.
Don't let your child stay home unless he/she is truly sick.
Consider that sometimes a stomach ache or headache is a sign of anxiety. If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to the school about helpful resources.
Message about Vape Sensors
Vapor sensors have been installed in all middle and high school student bathrooms in order to detect vaping and to reduce building damage and destruction in hard to monitor spaces. When smoke or vape clouds are detected or loud noises are occurring, the sensor immediately sends an alert to building administration on designated computers and mobile devices. As always, students found vaping or smoking on school property or destroying school property will be disciplined according to the Code of Student Conduct.
Please help us with our effort to eliminating vaping in schools! Talk to your student about vaping and its effects. We want school to be safe and comfortable for all students.
Power School Updates
Please make sure you have filled out the Student Information Update in PowerSchool (carolinecps.powerschool.com). This is required for all students – every student, every year – no later than Sept. 30.
With regard to calls for students to NOT ride the bus in the afternoon...PLEASE MAKE SURE TO CALL THE OFFICE PRIOR TO 2:15PM FOR ANY NOTIFICATIONS ABOUT RIDE ARRANGEMENTS. It is very difficult for our office staff to get messages to students at the end of the day about transportation changes. We will do our best, but we really need your help with contacting and informing the school earlier.
CRMS Contact Information
Dr. Yolanda Holloway, Principal holloway.yolanda@ccpsstaff.org
Mr. Neil Lambert, Assistant Principal lambert.eric@ccpsstaff.org
Mrs. Heidi Plutschak, Administrative Secretary plutschak.heidi@ccpsstaff.org
Email: holloway.yolanda@ccpsstaff.org
Website: https://www.colonelrichardsonms.org/
Phone: 410-479-1462