The Patrick Henry Post
September 23rd, 2022
Celebrating Lower Elementary
From the Desk of Ms. Willard
From the Desk of Ms. Versen
Welcome to Team Versen, where we have been learning phonics, grammar, conventions in writing, along with conceptual addition and subtraction. We continue to learn about creating and following rules as well as embracing and handling our emotions. The kids are finding out what it means to become friends and to be there for one another. In social studies, we have learned and recite “The Pledge of Allegiance,” each day. We have also learned about American customs with songs like, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and “This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land,” to name a couple. Soon, we will be learning about elections and we will even vote for our own class president! In science, we have been deep diving into weather and have begun tracking weather regularly. The shift into fall is noticeable! We are learning about water molecules, types of clouds, and the water cycle. Eventually, that learning will come full circle when we learn about how Earth’s rotation and orbit around the sun along with the moon’s gravitational pull, is responsible for the length of days, the yearly cycle of seasons, and ocean tides. This is a huge year of growth for us, and we appreciate the support of our families, school friends, and community partners.
From the Desk of Ms. Hadley
A hoppy hello from the Rabbit Room! We started off our school year going over routines, class rules and our daily schedule. We spent our first week of school reading "Our Class is a Family". We had an assignment attached to it where everyone worked with a partner, drew a picture of them, and told them one thing they liked about them. This assignment has helped grow the positive relationships between the students to this day. I start off every day by reminding the students that we are a class family, and we need to respect each other. We have also practiced reading, writing, spelling, and sight words! In Math, we learned addition and subtraction within 100, number line, ten frame and doubles. In Science, we learned about Matter and did a Science experiment. Lastly, in Social Studies, we learned how to be considerate, tolerant and a Good Citizen! The Rabbit Room is already looking forward to Halloween!
From the Desk of Ms. Ivory
Thank you, Little Bit Foundation!
Mobile Food Market
Congrats to this week's Related Arts STAR Winners!
Upcoming Events
September 23rd: No School!
October 14th: Report Carts
October 17 - 20th: Parent Teacher Conferences
- Monday, October 17th, 3:15-5:15pm
- Tuesday, October 18th, 3:15-5:15pm
- Wednesday, October 19th, 3:15-5:15pm
- Thursday, October 20th, 3:15-3:45pm
You should also receive a packet of interventions from your child's teacher this week. Every student will receive a one-pager to explain their current Reading and Math level, and what you can do at home with your child to make sure they are always challenged and growing as Readers and Mathematicians!
October 28th: Patrick Henry Halloween Celebration
- Donate candy to the school for our candy stations (all candy welcome!)
- Volunteer the day of the event (Friday, October 28th, 1:00-2:30pm) - We need people to help run our stations, walk with the students through the event, and support the teachers as they assist students with costumes and candy collection
- Donate bags for the students to use to collect and hold their candy
Parents must be a registered volunteer with the district in order to participate in this event. Please contact Shanice Webb for more details: shanice.webb@slps.org, 314.231.7284