Dragon Weekly
Monday, October 2 - Saturday, October 7
It is a Big Week at Mountainburg Schools!
Dragon Homecoming Court 2023
Front row: Laurie Lamance - Junior Maid, Autumn Lindsey, Alexie Holt, Eden Dean - Senior Queen Candidates, Maddie Howell - Junior Maid. Back row: Willow Hecox-Freshman Maid, Kyla Blair-Sophomore Maid, Lane Biery, Shay Pixley, Bobby Dean - Senior King Candidates, Abbey Griffith - Sophomore Maid, River Baldwin - Freshman Maid
Our 2023 Dragon Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned during the Homecoming Ceremony on Friday, October 6 starting at 6:30 PM.
PC: Kaley Jo Beck with Heritage Portraits
Homecoming Parade Grand Marshal
Homecoming Parade Route
There is not a specific line up for the parade except the first few participants. Firetrucks, police officers, Grand Marshal, and the Band of Dragons.
PLEASE enter the north drive into Silver Lining Transport and go around the north end of the building to line up.
Below is a graphic of the parade route and more information.
Grab a Plate of Spaghetti or Bowl of Chili before the Game
E-Sports Fundraiser
Mr. Manus, MHS Science teacher is the adviser. If you have any questions, please email him: josh.manus@mountainburg.org.
2022-2023 Dragon Yearbook
Flu Clinic
FLU CLINIC INFORMATION| The flu clinic will be held on Tuesday, October 10.
ALL MES and MMS students were given a flu shot packet on Friday, September 29.
MHS students can stop by the office to pick up a packet.
The clinic will be open to the community from 8:30 AM—9:00 AM at MES.
Crawford County National Night Out
Fields of Faith
PowderPuff Game '23!
We would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to provide us responses to the following two questions.
Your responses are strictly anonymous. We do not ask for your name or an email in this survey.
October: Breast Cancer Awareness Week
- Pink Out with MJH- Oct. 19th
- Pink Out with MHS- Oct. 27th
From Mrs. Dean...
We love to celebrate our students. Mrs. Toralba is posting student work and the kids love it!
Celebrate Freedom Week
"Name and describe three freedoms that you are thankful to have because of the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence."
Below are a few responses that seniors gave.
From Mrs. Bradley
Dragon Cross Country
To Apply for Employment at Mountainburg Schools
For applications visit https://www.mountainburg.org/
Applications are available on the APPLICATIONS PAGE. Please save this application and then email it, along with the other supporting documents to: hrapplications@mountainburg.org
If email is not available, please send all documents to: Superintendent – Mountainburg Public Schools 129 Hwy 71 SW Mountainburg, AR 72946
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER—The Mountainburg School District does not discriminate in employment and education practices relative to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability.
Keep Up with Mountainburg Schools
The Mountainburg Board of Education meets once a month unless a special meeting is needed. A study session will be held at 5:15 and the business session will be at 6:00 PM. Meetings are held downstairs in the Mountainburg Administration Building.
Any changes regarding meeting dates and/or times will be posted on Facebook and the LiveFeed on the district website.
Meeting Dates:
- July 17, 2023
- August 21, 2023
- September 18, 2023
- October 16, 2023
- November 13, 2023
- December 18, 2023
- January 15, 2024
- February 19, 2024
- March 11, 2024
- April 15, 2024
- May 20, 2024
- June 17, 2024
Email: communications@mountainburg.org
Website: www.mountainburg.org
Location: 129 U.S. 71, Mountainburg, AR, USA
Phone: (479) 369-2121
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mountainburgps