Goochland Elementary News
December 12, 2022
12/16 Holiday Read Aloud 9:30-10:30 /12:30 Dismissal
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
Thank you MRs. watts and Mr. Spencer and talented GES students for an amazing winter performance. You are all shining stars!
Does your child need a winter coat?
All five of our schools have been collecting gently used winter coats and jackets over the past 2 weeks as part of our Winter Coat Drive. We have received a considerable amount of donated coats and jackets and would like to give these coats to students in need. If your child is in need of a winter coat or jacket, please complete this form so that we can assist you. Please contact our school social worker, Kristin Dunnigan (kdunnigan@glnd.k12.va.us), with any questions or concerns.
Community News
Tina L. McCay
Email: tmccay@glnd.k12.va.us
Website: goochlandschools.org
Location: 3150 River Road West, Goochland, VA, USA
Phone: 804 556-5321
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GESlions
Twitter: @tmccay1