Medicaid Messenger
Direct Service Staff Edition

Welcome Back!
As we kick off the 2023-24 school year, the Medicaid Team is excited to share the updated Medicaid Messenger newsletter. The new format will enable us to tailor messages to each service provider group as well as provide ease of access to Medicaid policies, procedures and the new county-wide forms. Plus, you can easily navigate through Medicaid Messenger by simply clicking on a title in the Table of Contents in the upper left corner of your screen.
As always, feel free to contact us with any questions.
We're here to help!
Michelle Maxfield - (734) 334-1461 ~maxfiem@resa.net
Leanne Smith - (734) 334-1464 ~smithle@resa.net
Tia Williams - (734) 334-1397 ~williat@resa.net
Open Services from 2022-23
Open Service reports for the end of the 2022-2023 school year will be sent out to districts the week of September 11th.
Follow these steps to make your 'Open' services Ready to Bill:
· Sign into MISTAR Q
· Click Menu>Programs>Service Tracker, unless you have it saved under My Favorites.
· Select the student whose service is still in 'Open' status from your caseload.
· Go to the Monthly History section and select the month that the service is 'Open.'
· Click on the “Edit” button on the Monthly History menu bar.
· Enter your Monthly Progress Note, your Tip Sheet can help provide details for each service code.
- Click Updated Tip Sheets in the Table of Contents to be directed to this resource.
· Click outside the Monthly Progress Note box and select the "Submit" button.
· Select the month again and then click "Ready to Bill" on the Monthly History menu bar.
· If everything looks good, select “OK.”
· Repeat these steps for each student with Open services.
Updated Tip Sheets
Prescription Requirements and Updated Form
Guidance for Occupational and Physical Therapists and Orientation and Mobility Specialists
Medicaid is launching a new prescription form starting with the 2023-24 school year. The updated form will represent the student's enrollment with any school district in Wayne County, eliminating the need for Direct Service Staff to ask families for a new prescription, simply because the enrolling district has changed.
We're asking all School Districts and Public School Academies to adopt the new Wayne RESA Prescription Form. The link to the new form is available below.
In addition to the new Wayne RESA Prescription Form, we have created a Prescription Reference Sheet that you can use to make sure all of the required pieces of each prescription you submit to Medicaid are present, resulting in a complete, audit compliant prescription.
Email Prescriptions via the New Secure Email System
The Medicaid Department, with support from the Wayne RESA IT Department, has created a new secure e-mail inbox. The secure e-mail uses modern encryption standards and is FERPA compliant.
When you have a new prescription for a student, email Michelle Maxfield at maxfiem@resa.net, requesting Medicaid Secure Mail access. You will receive an email from Wayne RESA Secure Mail. Follow the three steps outlined below.
One quick note, Medicaid Secure Mail expires after seven days. If your access to Medicaid Secure Mail expires before you get a chance to send your attachments, simply email Michelle for a new link.
After requesting access to Medicaid Secure Mail, refer to the following guide to complete your email and forward attachments.
Example email from Wayne RESA Secure Mail. Click "View Message."
Click "Reply to Sender."
Go to the "Attachments" section to either drop files into this section or, click "browse to attach files." When ready, click "Send" in the Reply to Sender bar at the top of the compose email screen.
Limited Licensed Staff and Supervisory Forms
Medicaid requires that Limited Licensed Staff receive documented mentoring by a fully licensed practitioner. In order to assist each school with completing this, Medicaid is providing the forms for this professional mentoring requirement. The documents are available on the Wayne RESA web site, resa.net or simply click the link below, then click District Forms.