Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
March 2022
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Forms, etc.
Meet Susan Hoffman - Director-At-Large - 67C
Susan Hoffman has been an owner in Bermuda Bay since 2007, when she and her husband, Ed, bought unit 68-I to serve as her son Mitch’s dorm room when he attended Eckerd College. Visiting him, Susan and Ed fell in love with St. Pete and with Bermuda Bay. So they started spending winters here after Mitch graduated, and traded his dorm room for unit 67-C about five years ago. They are regular tennis players (haven’t gotten into pickleball), and Susan also does laps in the pool and bikes through Clam Bayou on her adult trike.
Susan is a retired employee benefits lawyer, whose last legal position was to head up the various benefits practices at the world’s largest boutique law firm. She now occasionally serves as an expert witness and mediator, and also spends her time co-leading Legal Topics discussions at Eckerd College’s ASPEC (senior learning group) and engaging in other ASPEC activities.
Susan was chair of her condo’s Board (for about five years) when she and Ed first bought property – back in 1976! When they sold their house in 2007, they moved to a condo in downtown Philadelphia, where they spend about seven months of the year. She hopes to bring that varied condo living experience (and her analytical skills) to Bermuda Bay. Even though she is here for less than half the year, the availability of Zoom for meetings makes her active engagement possible. She looks forward to meeting as many of our owners as possible over the next month before she heads north for the summer.
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President - Vivi Iglesias - bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Adriana Lein - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - Susan Hoffman - bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Property Manager: Josh McCollum, LCAM - bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Home garbage (paper, food scraps, paper, small to medium cardboard, etc.) glass and plastic containers are also accepted, but should ideally be recycled not far from here.
Small household items such as: broken table lamps, small rugs, old brooms/mops, broken glass and picture frames, small electrical appliances (toaster ovens, blenders, etc.)
Empty containers such as: paint cans, broken, plastic storage bins.
Small plant/bush trimmings in small quantities.
Renovation and Construction materials such as: lumber, old pavers, old windows, aluminum lanai frames, old carpets, sheetrock, sinks, old tile flooring etc.
Furniture (such as sofas, tables, dressers, etc.)
Cardboard that is large and/or thick (this will not compact easily)
Cardboard containers that have not been flattened.
Barbeque grills
Car batteries
See the informational below prepared by Jesse Reynolds for complete details and places where you can take things for disposal.
Pictures by Erika M. McPeck
The osprey, also called sea hawk, river hawk, and fish hawk, is a diurnal, fish-eating bird of prey with a cosmopolitan range. It is a large raptor reaching more than 60 cm in length and 180 cm across the wings. It is brown on the upperparts and predominantly greyish on the head and underparts
We are fortunate to have Ozzie and Harriet live here!
Bermuda Bay Security - 727-439-1254
Police non emergency - 727-893-7080
Police Emergency - 911
Committees at Bermuda Bay
Environmental Committee - Brad Tison bradtison@tagpartners.org
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Social Committee: Marcia Montgomery, Gail Oliviera (Summer chair: Mary French)
skeets11@gmail.com gailoliveira61@gmail.com MaryLLLFrench@gmail.com
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison Imzchef@comcast.net
Stair Committee - Jesse Reynolds and Tom Shaw jrandl.rey@gmail.com
Racquet Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Security Committee: Gy Lein gyora@me.com
Landscaping Committee- Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
The REVIEW OF DOCUMENTS COMMITTEE - Susan Hoffman susankatzhoffman@gmail.com
ARC COMMITTEE - Roger Daisley hrdaisley@gmail.com
PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE - Meredith Bordman mrkbdn@yahoo.com
TREE COMMITTEE - Bob McNally - rjmc810@aol.com
March 6 - Wine and Cheese - 4:00 pm
March 12 - Tag Sale - More information coming
March 19 - CanAm Games - (more info to follow)
Annual Tag Sale - proceeds go to the Social Committee
Contact: Shelia Ramsdell sgtshe@tampabay.rr.com
Saturday, Mar 12, 2022, 06:30 AM
Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL, USA
Come join us for Wine and Cheese at the Clubhouse
We have indoor and outdoor seating
Always good fellowship with our community
Get Ready to Rumble... Can/Am Games
Saturday, Mar 19, 2022, 12:00 PM
Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL, USA
SuperBowl Party 2022 was held in the Clubhouse
Michelle Lubotina was the Point person for this party
Prizes for Best Tailgate Dish
Click "Watch On YouTube" to avoid buffering issues
Trees that need to go
Invasive Plants and Filing an ARC Form Before You Plant - from the Landscaping Committee
The “Mexican Petunia”
Over the years, many condo owners have done their own gardening, adding a variety of plants and flowers. Unfortunately, many invasive species have inadvertently been planted, which then take over, destroying other species. In some cases, the invasive species grows so large that it affects building foundations or other structures. (See below for how to get an ARC form before planting.)
Case in point: Mexican petunia (Ruellia simplex), Mexican bluebell or Britton's wild petunia. This plant is a native of Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America. It has become a widespread invasive plant in Florida, where it was likely introduced as an ornamental before 1933. This plant is so aggressive, it's banned in some states. It spreads very quickly through self-seeding and rhizomes (underground stems). If you’re going to plant them, plant them in containers! Better yet – don’t plant them!
Invasive Plants in Florida
According to the U.S. Forest Services, a plant is invasive if it is non-native to the ecosystem, and its introduction causes, or is likely to cause, economic or environmental harm, or harm to human health. For more information about invasive plants, see the Florida Invasive Plant Directory: https://www.fnai.org/species-communities/invasives/invasives
OWNERS: Please File ARC before Planting and Gardening
Unless you are planning to plant in pots, or just annuals, be sure to fill out an ARC form to inform the association and the landscaping committee of your plans. This is one way that we can head off the planting of additional invasive plants at Bermuda Bay. ARC forms are available:
- from the office
- on the Bermuda Bay web site: file:///C:/Users/mdais/AppData/Local/Temp/MicrosoftEdgeDownloads/87bab576-3290-45ce-9e1d-8118e5f36503/299%20BBB%20ARC%20Formpdf%20(1).pdf (Note that this is an older form and the email address is wrong).
- on the Condominium Associates website - https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/cinc/documents/ . (You will have to have an account set up with CA in order to access documents)
OH NO!!!!!!
It's also important to remember that we do have rules around the pool. They are posted clearly for everyone to see. Please note: NO GLASS IS ALLOWED AROUND THE POOL AREA. We have always been tolerate of those who want to listen to music if they keep the volume low. Our rules DO STATE...Personal listening devices if you want to listen to music. It's common sense to ask those around you if it is "okay to play your music out loud". You need to be conscientious of those who want to read, talk, or just relax. No one wants to listen to music with curse words or of a controversial matter. We do have families that live here - and we want to be courteous ad respectful. Please don't test the limits of this. We would not want to have to shut down playing music around the pool area. Use common sense. PLEASE COMMUNITY - take care of our belongings and be considerate of others.
Be Sure That You Have The Updated Spectrum Equipment
We have been warning owners for some time about this switch over - so we sure that you have the latest equipment. Thank you Jeff Grande for a picture of what the latest modem looks like.
Be on the lookout for information concerning changing the 75% Vote
Fat Lennys
A new store in Gulfport is bringing bright color, big energy and quirky fun to town. Bakes and Wakes Fat Lenny’s World Headquarters is a combo ice cream parlor, bubble tea and espresso café, and toy and candy store opening soon at 2148 49th Street South.
The new restaurant and store will be a haven for oddities and eats, and will host a regular lineup of food trucks, live music and other community-centric events. Self-described as “welcoming to families while being a bit alternative and edgy,” Fat Lenny’s is an evolved version of the owners’ original concept in Erie, Pennsylvania. This iteration will also be family-friendly, along with a bit of Cheech-and-Chong vibe that adds some extra funk and color. The store will also feature their popular rolled ice cream and bubble teas.
The Skyway Marina Mall has officially closed its doors.
His project, Marina Beach, will be an eight-story mixed-use development with 400 residential units.
Dougherty previously received city approval to develop the apartment building, a 2,400-square-foot bank, a fast-casual restaurant and a 95,000-square-foot self-storage LifeStorage facility.
The proposed bank with a drive-thru will be on the northeast corner of the property. The self-storage building will be located along the southern side, and the proposed restaurant will be situated between the bank and self-storage building.
The mall’s tenants were reportedly notified they had to exit by Feb. 13.
“I received calls from two of the tenants asking for assistance,” said Misty Bottorff, Director of the Skyway Marina District.
Bottorff explained she then reached out to the City of St. Petersburg and Pinellas County staff to help direct the affected business owners.
The majority of vendors who spoke with county officials and others said they will either kill off their business entirely or keep their business alive by completely pivoting to selling products solely online.
“We just don’t have the retail activity for the mall,” Bottorff said, citing the need for more residential development to spur greater foot traffic for retail. A spokesperson for The Greenhouse said the business assistance source is aware of the situation unfolding at the Skyway Mall and “have been working on a variety of components to be of assistance to all of the impacted businesses.”
In addition to the apartment complex, Dougherty is also planning to build an eight-story, 154-unit senior living to the south of the property. Last year, Dougherty’s company, Allied Group Holdings II LLC, paid a total of $5.7 million for two parcels that made up the southern and middle half of the Skyway Mall for the planned senior living development.
Article excerpt from The Daily Spark via the internet.
The Skyway Marina Mall.
A rendering of Marina Beach. Photo from Pinellas County records
An aerial rendering of what the proposed development would look like surrounded by the adjacent properties
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/cinc/home/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc. 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711
Phone: 727-864-0735