Lyons Ledger | Issue 3
February 2023

Upcoming Events
- Monday, Feb. 20 through Friday, Feb. 24: Presidents' Week Recess. No school.
- Sectional competitions are here. View all Lyons Athletics schedules on the Section V website.
- Wednesday, March 1, 6-7PM: PJs and Popcorn Family Literacy Night at LES. More info to come.
- March 2-6: Read Across America Week
- Friday, March 10: “Under the Sea” Activity Night for Grades K-2. More info to come.
- Friday, March 17: School Closed
- Friday, March 17, 7PM: The Addams Family Musical – Opening Night!
- Saturday, March 18, 7PM: The Addams Family Musical
- Sunday, March 19, 2PM: The Addams Family Musical – Closing Matinee
- Friday, March 31: “Under the Stars” Dance for Grades 3-6. More info to come.
View the district calendar at lyonscsd.org.
A Message from Katrina Henderson, MS/HS Principal
Students have had several opportunities to visit college and career opportunities recently. Students have recently visited the Wayne Technical and Career Center to learn about potential program offerings in their Junior year. Students recently visited a Carpentry Apprenticeship Program allowing students to learn more about various pathways including: Certified Welder, Commercial Driver, Cabinet Maker, Pile Driver, Solar Energy, Interior Systems, Millwrights, etc. Students have also had the opportunity to visit Genesee Community College and learn about the programs offered, the process for registration, athletic offerings, daily life on campus, etc. Our College and Career Readiness program has also partnered with the STEADY Work program to provide eligible students with opportunities for internships in the community to gain experience in a potential field of work.
Winter athletics are starting to wind down and are preparing for playoffs/sectional play. Please use the following link: https://sectionv.org/sports/2022/5/24/gofan_digital_ticketing.aspx if you would like to purchase a digital ticket for Section V events this winter sectional season. All Sectional Final and most Semi-Final events can be purchased through the link. Tickets can also be purchased by downloading the GO FAN app on a mobile device. Search for Lyons or Section V and the event you plan to attend.
Our music department has been working hard preparing for this year's musical: The Addams Family. We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming show dates on March 17th and 18th at 7:00pm and March 19th at 2:00pm in the MS/HS Auditorium.
LMS Eighth Graders Visit Wayne Technical and Career Center
On Monday, January 23rd, LMS 8th graders took a field trip to Wayne Technical and Career Center (WTCC), a program of Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES. Each student had pre-selected two Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses to visit during the field trip, including Animal Science, Auto Technology, and Electrical Trades. The eighth graders spent an hour in each class, engaging in a hands on activity to learn more about that program and future opportunities within each career.
Lyons MS/HS College and Career Counselor Mrs. Cristi Kuhn said that there was a lot of excitement over the opportunities: “I was kind of surprised with the level of interest, but that’s a reflection on the district for their support of these programs.” Lyons HS Seniors who study at WTCC were on-hand to show their younger peers the ropes in programs like Carpentry, Cosmetology, and Health Professions.
Mrs. Kuhn noted that students who choose to attend these programs as 11th and 12th graders would make that decision in 10th grade. The January 23rd trip was an early introduction to what is possible for the eighth graders.
Later in the week, LHS 10th graders also visited WTCC. LCSD currently has about 55 juniors and seniors who attend a program at the tech center. For more information about the programs available at WTCC, visit Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES.
Lyons FFA Headed to Substates
Members of Lyons FFA competed in the District Eight Leadership Development Events in early February. Career and Leadership Development Events challenge participating FFA members in grades 7-12 to develop critical thinking skills and effective decision-making skills, foster teamwork and promote communication while recognizing the value of ethical competition and individual achievement. CDE and LDE events occur at the local, state, and national levels.
Congratulations to Nathan Pelton, Baylei Reed, Kaylea Wagner, and Blanche Wolf for competing in the District LDEs. We look forward to following our members to the next contest: substates!
MasterMinds, Chess, Academic Challenge Bowl Teams' Spirits Shine
On Wednesday, February 15th, The MS Academic Challenge Bowl (ACB) team defeated Clyde-Savannah 180-50 and Canandaigua 145-120. Mason Gage scored 65, including one power and Josh DiCesare scored 60. Bryce McDonald made his ACB debut and assisted on bonuses. The team, coached by Mrs. Clancy, is now 3-1.
Additionally, the Lyons "Brainiacs" – MasterMinds, Chess, and ACB teams – would like to thank Mark Briggs of MJB Enterprises for the awesome "uniforms!" The players designed them and Mr. Briggs made it happen.
The final meet for all three teams will be at home on March 22nd.
Animal Science Students Compete in "Dogless" Dog Show
Mr. Dailey's Animal Science class held their first ever "Dogless" Dog Show on January 23rd. Students were asked to choose an AKC registered breed to research, and then create a life-size, realistic cut out of the dog. The class watched dog shows and talked about small animal science to prepare for competition.
During the competition, judges Ms. Riggi and SRO Wilson asked questions to the competitors about their breeds, and then decided who placed in the top three.
Best of Breed, 1st Place – Hayden Wright, Basset Hound
2nd – Ta'lynn Hutchinson, Blue Heeler
3rd – Angelica Crouse, Chihuahua
Did You Know?
The first Wednesday in February is known annually as World Read Aloud Day. In celebration of the special literary day, held this year on February 1st, Mrs. Gansz's Leadership Class took a field trip to LES to read to their elementary peers. Find more photos on the LCSD Facebook page.
A Message from Christine Taylor, LES Principal
It’s hard to believe that February has begun at Lyons Elementary School. I was sitting with Mrs. Dorrington and her students on February 2nd when we realized that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and that there would be six more weeks of winter. I know the students were excited to have more time in the snow and extra time to enjoy the winter fun.
Grade level assemblies this month focused on celebrating Black History Month and reinforcing the importance of having a growth mindset in our daily lives. Mrs. Randell and Mr. Blask delivered informative presentations for all students. Many teachers will be working with their students this month to reflect on progress, complete data charts, and set goals for success. Report cards were sent home with students on February 3rd. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or you would like to meet with them.
The Lyons Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association (LES PTA) is encouraging more teachers, families, and community members to submit membership forms and join the LES PTA. Collaborative meetings with Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Cinelli take place monthly to plan for future events, including a pie fundraiser. The LES PTA worked closely with our Lyons Elementary Student Council to plan exciting events for March. Please see the PTA events listed in the “Save the Dates” section below. Information and registration forms will be coming home soon.
Mid-year local assessments in Mathematics and English Language Arts took place in January and early February. These assessments provide a current level of performance for all students and allow teachers to plan for individualized instruction. Plory from i-Ready also visited LES to spread some cheer and motivate students to do their best. i-Ready Family Reports will be mailed home soon.
Save the Date:
March 2nd-March 6th: Read Across America Week
March 10th: “Under the Sea” Activity Night for Grades K-2
March 31st: “Under the Stars” Dance for Grades 3-6
Information about a family night for UPK families will be coming soon!
Students Encouraged, Recognized for i-Ready Diagnostics Success
Over the past few weeks, students at Lyons Elementary School have been participating in i-Ready Diagnostics. In order to encourage overall growth, LES teachers and staff organized a few incentives for students. The first included a visit from "Plory," an orange alien who teaches levels AA-C on i-Ready. Plory's visit was a huge hit!
Next, teachers were asked to have students that showed growth in either reading or math put their names in a jar. Each student had two opportunities to enter, and each teacher randomly drew one name from that jar. The name drawn was the winner of a gift card, with one winner from each classroom. Those winners are listed below. Congratulations to all of our students that showed growth. Great job!
Finally, LES celebrated the i-Ready results with free ice cream sundaes to all students at their lunch break on February 16th.
Gift card winners: Adalina Learned, Liam Loguidice, James House, Abigail Thacker, Fletcher Arbogast, Marleigh Stone, Aiden Reynolds, August Wunder, Damoni Harris, Ma’lyah Thomas, Sophia Kendall, Keegan Ehle, Thomas Perrin, Zoe Babb, Abi White, Amiyah Turner, Carson Gansz, Aleeya Felix, Quinn Ehle, George McFadden, Liam Conaway, Sophia DiSanto, Ja’cori Hall, Landon Barrett, Allen Learned, Aiden Peters, William Meslyn
LES Staff Celebrates i-Ready Achievements
Dr. Matthew Barr gathered LES teachers and staff on Monday, February 13th to share the news that in every grade level at LES, i-Ready test scores grew faster over the school year than the national average. Great job, LES students, teachers, and staff!
Section V Digital Tickets Available via GoFan App
January Athletes of the Month
Click below to read more about the January Athletes of the Month.
Sophomore Jayla Bell scores 1000th career point
Varsity basketball player and Lyons HS sophomore Jayla Bell scored her 1000th career point on Tuesday, January 24th. The Lions were facing Geneva at Lyons Community Center when Bell hit her 1000th point.
In an email, Lyons Girls Varsity Basketball coach Calvin Betts wrote that Jayla is an "extremely hard worker," dedicating her time to the game. Betts noted that Jayla’s "IQ" is her best asset: "She's able to see things that most kids her age just can't see or process as quickly."
Lyons Athletic Director Zac Young added, "Jayla has put a ton of time into her basketball career and it was nice to see her celebrated for this outstanding accomplishment. As impressed as I am about the number of points she has scored, her passing and overall game has improved significantly this season. I look forward to watching her for the next two and a half years." Betts agrees, writing that “Jayla has a very bright future and I'm honored to be her coach and a part of her amazing journey."
Congratulations, Jayla!
The Lyons Lions beat the Geneva Panthers 64 - 21 that evening.
Photo Gallery: Varsity Bowling Sectionals on February 14th
The Lyons Lions Varsity Bowling team had one of its best performances in its last match of the year. With a young team, they gained valuable experience competing in Sectionals. We're looking forward to next season!
Section V Broadcast Network App Now Available
Watch select Section V Sectionals competitions via the Section V Broadcast Network.
Swim Team Gets Sectionals Support from Mr. Degro
Lyons Varsity Swimmers John Bullock and Quinn Gay – who compete with the Newark Reds team – went bald for Sectionals, a longtime competitive swimmers' tradition. They found support for their bald state from LMS/HS Special Education Teacher Mr. Degro. Mr. Degro admitted, "This is all part of my master plan to have everyone be bald!"