Frequently Asked Questions
Winfield R-IV School District
COVID-19 Emergency School Closure
How long will schools be closed?
Will we have to make up these missed days of school?
When will we receive learning opportunities for our kids?
HS - Teachers will be emailing out small batches of work on Mondays and Wednesdays and provide review opportunities on Fridays. If your student is unable to complete work online, please reach out to your student's teacher. Student's who are unable to utilize online learning will be given the opportunity to pick up hard copies of school work at the high school during food pick up days and times.
Primary, Intermediate & MS - Packets will be placed out on Mondays through building media sources. Hard copies of work will be available for pickup in front of their buildings throughout the week.
Will distance learning continue through May?
How will my child's grade be determined for this semester?
Due to the unique individual needs of each of our students and their families, our administration team has decided that it is in the best interest of students that grades are not collected during COVID-19 closure. School work provided during school closure will serve as enrichment material to help students with continued academic growth and success. As a result of this, Semester 2 grades will be determined by your child’s 3rd quarter grade.
If my child did not receive a passing grade for 3rd quarter, will they have the opportunity to recover this credit?
Yes. Students who did not receive a passing (60% of above) grade for 3rd quarter will have the opportunity to bring this grade up to passing. If the needed course work is completed by May 23, 2020, this will result in a P (passing) grade on their transcript for this semester. WHS counselors will be reaching out to individuals to whom this applies with more information.
What about graduation?
What about the A+ Scholarships?
Will there be a kindergarten recognition?
Are meals being served to students during the closure?
Update 4/6/20 - The next food delivery day will be Tuesday, April 14th from 10-11 A.M.
Will there be summer school?
Are school events canceled?
Are field trips canceled?
Are athletics and sports suspended?
I am hosting an event or program at a Winfield school. Should I cancel it?
Will the upcoming ACT test still be held?
Will the state's MAP testing and EOCs still take place?
Will prom still be held?
All events have been canceled for the remainder of the academic school year, therefore the April 25th prom date will not be held. No decision has been at this time regarding whether prom will be rescheduled for a later date.
How will yearbooks, spring pictures, father daughter dance pictures be handed out?
If my student travels outside of the country or to a high-risk area in the U.S., will the District restrict his/her re-entry into school?
What do I do if my family or someone I know needs resources due to the COVID-19?
Winfield R-IV School District
Website: https://winfield.k12.mo.us/
Location: 100 8th St, Winfield, MO, USA
Phone: 636-668-8188
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Winfield-R-IV-School-District-254453261342216/
Twitter: @WarriorprideGO