Port Barre Elementary
April 3-14
District 2022-2023 Theme
A Culture of Service: Rebuilding, Refocusing, and Reconnecting
Port Barre Elementary School’s Vision Statement
The vision of Port Barre Elementary School is to develop attitudes, skills, and ideals which will prepare all students for college and careers.
Port Barre Elementary School’s Mission Statement
The Leaders at Port Barre Elementary will follow the Three B's--be safe, be respectful, and be responsible.
Box Tops
Pull Tabs
Community Coffee Labels
PARENTS make the Difference Monthly Newsletter - April 2023
Daily Learning Planner - April 2023
Learning Beyond the Bell
Camp Accelerate
CAMP ACCELERATE is from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday
Dates: June 5th -June 29th
Registration deadline: Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Register: https://tinyurl.com/SLPCAMPA
Let's Geaux Blue for Autism! - April 3rd - April 6th
Spring Pictures
April 5th - Kindness Changes Everything
Easter Break
Attendance Matters
School starts at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 3:05 p.m. Our goal is 95% on time attendance each day. Help us achieve this goal!
Last week, our attendance rate was 97%. We made our goal! Thank you all for getting your child to school on time.
Attendance is so important. Please help us achieve our goal! Ensure that your child gets to school on time and try to refrain from checking them out early except for doctors appointments or sickness.
1. Illness as verified by a physician
2. Hospital stay
3. Recuperation from an accident
4. Contagious disease as verified by a physician
5. Visitation with a parent who is a member of the US Armed Forces
6. Death in the immediate family
7. Natural Catastrophe
PreK through 8th grade students will not be allowed to exceed ten (10) absences each school year.
On-Site COVID Testing
As we begin this new school year, the health and safety of all students and staff remain our top concern. Louisiana Department of Health has extended the incentive testing opportunity for the 2022-2023 school year to ensure the continued safety of our schools.
Our campus will participate in the voluntary, weekly COVID-19 testing program to help keep our school community safe and allow us to have regular in-person learning. By identifying infections early, weekly testing will continue to keep transmission low and students in school for in-person learning, sports, and extracurricular activities.
Sign up today at: https://covidsafe.orion.healthcare/register/participant-splash
Even if you were signed up last year, everyone needs to re-register this school year.
Identification Badges
Student Registration Fees
Parent Portal Online Payment System: https://osp.osmsinc.com/SLPSB/