Tharptown Elementary School
I want to thank all of you for the endless support and encouragement that you have provided me during my first year at Tharptown Elementary. This is a wonderful place to be and I am thankful that I have been given the opportunity to work beside such great people. I see your dedication and love for children every day and I also see how much you care about our school.
I wish all of you a great summer. Enjoy, relax and recharge your batteries! Spend time with your family and friends (while maintaining social distancing). Sleep late, eat great, and have fun! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Please remember to check your email throughout the summer as I will continue to push out information as I get it.
The Fundamental Five - Chapters 6 & 7
Zoom Meeting
Don't Forget!!
- All report cards should be completed, put in envelopes, stamped and left on your desk by the end of day, Monday, May 18th.
- Receipt books should be left on your desk.
- All POs should be left on your desk.
- Classroom trash should be labled and left by your classroom door. Please make sure no food/perishable items are left in your classroom.
- If you have AMSTI materials, they should be left by your classroom door. We will return those as soon as we are allowed.
Personal Item Return
We will also be handing out meals on that day as well. Please let your parents know that they can pick up meals or personal items on that day. We served 751 students at Tharptown on Saturday. Thank you to Mrs. Petree or Ms. Lucas for helping with our meal program over the last few weeks!