June 2021
Bethel Sunday School
Vacation Bible School 2021
We are going to try to have VBS completely outside, children will be required to be masked when close together and while indoors. Dinner will be served starting at 5pm-Bring a picnic blanket or towel each evening to eat on. More details will be sent out in the beginning of July.
Register using the link below!
Church Newsletter:
Sunday Service:
This Sunday, if you feel comfortable, you can come back to church! But if not, we will still be going LIVE on Facebook.
Visit our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/bethelwhitehallmaryland/
Don’t have a Facebook account? No problem!! You can access the
Live Stream Service through our website at www.bethel-md.org.
You will see a BOX on the Home Page that says CLICK HERE.
This will take you directly to our Facebook Page. You will be prompted
to join Facebook but you don’t have to … you can ignore the prompts.
Bethel Presbyterian Church
Email: chrissieg.bethel@gmail.com
Website: www.bethel-md.org
Location: 4135 Norrisville Road, White Hall, MD, USA
Phone: 410-692-5282
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethelwhitehallmaryland/
Mrs. Chrissie Galliher
Bethel Presbyterian Church
Email: ChrissieG.Bethel@gmail.com
Phone: 443-807-2367