Wrangler Round Up
Weekly Parent Newsletter - Week of 4/3
Save the Dates
4/3-4/7: L.E.A.F Week (info. below)
4/7: No school
4/11: Kindergarten cap/gown pictures (info. below)
4/14: $1 dress down & PTO movie night (info. below)
Future Wright Lions
Future Wright Lions
Future Poly Ryon Longhorns
March Madness
Holub vs. Blake
CONGRATS to our newest additions to the 100 Club!!!!!
Ms. Golden's Class (1st grade)
Ms. K. Santana's Class (Kinder)
Ms. Phillips' Class (3rd grade)
Ms. Stolle's Class (4th grade)
These classes all had 100% attendance for the week and earned a prize!
EVERY class is still competing to win a spot in the 100 Club by getting 100% attendance!
Parent Classes Offered by LCISD:
Attention 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade parents!!!
Teachers share tips and strategies they use that can be reinforced at home, how to help your student through testing, and what STAAR looks like for our campus. Check it out!
Please read the information below from the LCISD student handbook regarding excused absences. Notes can be sent to school with your child or emailed to samantha.galarza@lcisd.org. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Wied.
When a student is absent from school due to personal illness, the student upon return, or within 5 days or returning to school must submit a note signed by the parent giving the date(s) and describing the reason of the absence. Parent notes may be sent by email to samantha.galarza@lcisd.org. Up to 5 personal illness notes per school year will be accepted for an excused absence.
Students are eligible for up to 5 days of excused absences due to death of a parent, guardian, grandparent, or sibling. A parent note/email must be sent within 5 days of the student returning to school.
Maximizing instructional time for our students is a top priority in LCISD and at Williams Elementary. In order to reach that goal, we engage the students in learning activities as soon as they enter the school doors. That means that it is critical for all students to arrive to school on time. There are also several advantages for the students to arrive to school before 7:30. See below.
- The school doors open at 6:45 AM and students are able to get free breakfast starting at 7:00 AM.
- Students go into their classrooms to begin their day at 7:00 AM. They work on a learning activity, unpack their backpacks, check homework, and write in their agendas.
- Your child will have an opportunity to begin the school day without feeling rushed in the classroom.
- If applicable, your child will be present for any required morning tutorials or intervention groups.
Please review Williams' Tardy Policy below:
Tardy 1-2 = Warning
Tardy 3 = Teacher contacts parent & student conference with counselor
Tardy 6 = Administrator contacts parent & intervention
Tardy 9 = Automatic office referral generated by Skyward
Thank you for working with us to help your child make the most of each day.
Uniform Policy
Students at Williams are required to wear uniforms. Students will begin to receive conduct marks for being out of dress code, and parents will be notified. Conduct marks will result in N's on your child's report card. Please review our dress code policy below:
Khaki, black, or dark blue pants, or blue denim jeans, capris, skirts, skorts, or jumpers.
*Joggers, sweats, basketball shorts, etc. are not acceptable. Leggings may be worn only under dresses/skirts that are in uniform.
Any solid-colored collared shirt (polo style). School spirit shirts can be worn any day of the week.
Students MUST bring $1 to be out of uniform on "$1 Dress-down Days". The above consequences will be given to students who do not follow the expectations.
PBIS - Positive Behavior Intervention System
How can you help at home? Reinforce positive behaviors that align with our ROPES system.
R = Responsible; Williams Wranglers are responsible
O = On time; Williams Wranglers are on time
P = Positive; Williams Wranglers are positive
E = Exceeds expectations; Williams Wranglers go above and beyond
S = Safe; Williams Wranglers are safe
Hallway ROPES
Smart Tag ROPES
Cafeteria ROPES
Restroom ROPES
Recess ROPES
Spring Book Festival - FREE Event!
Threats on Campus and/or Bus (repeat)
Williams Elementary is a place that we want everyone to feel safe and to know that they can safely come to school to learn. It is very important that students report any threats immediately to a staff member so that we can follow the protocols. Thank you for your support and know that your child's safety is our first priority.
Safety on Campus (repeat)
LCISD is in the process of having an armed officer on every campus. At this time, we are sharing with other campuses. Thankfully, we have an officer on campus at some point each day, however, that is not enough to ensure complete safety of our students, so we have to put other precautions in place. Some of those are listed below.
*All visitors to the campus MUST have an ID and MUST check in through the front doors. While in the building, badges and/or visitor IDs MUST be worn at all times. Visitors are only allowed to go to the area of the building that they are signed in to visit.
*During the school day, only adult visitors will be allowed on campus after they have followed the check in procedures.
* All staff and students MUST wear an ID at all times.
*All classroom doors will be shut and locked while students are in the classrooms. In all school tragedies, it is proven that there have been fewer deaths/injuries when classroom doors were shut and locked. Only adults are allowed to open a door.
*Class scheduled restroom breaks (often throughout the day). Students will not be denied to use the restroom, however, they will be encouraged to go when the class goes to the restroom. We understand they are children and will need to use the restroom, but also consider there are 22 students on average in a class. If they are all taking turns using the restroom and the door is being opened by the teacher, when and how is the class being taught? If the door is propped open for them to go to the restroom and an intruder was to enter the building, how is the class protected? It is unfortunate to think about these things and I wish that we were not living in a time where these are factors to consider, but reality is that we have to do all we can to protect our children. If/when we have an armed officer on our campus, we can re-evaluate the situation and determine what changes may take place.
*All exterior doors will be locked at all times.
*All staff has completed safety training at the beginning of the year and will go through various courses as needed throughout the year.
*Safety audits - every LCISD campus will have safety audits conducted at various times throughout the year to ensure safety expectations are in place.