Eiber's Adventure Update
November 2nd, 2022
Important Dates
Nov 10th - Food Distribution at Eiber 3:30pm
Nov 9 - Band Concert at Creighton MS: 6:30pm
Nov 10 - Orchestra Concert at Creighton MS: 6:30pm
Nov 11 - Coffee with the Principal
Nov 21-25 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
Thank You!
We had a great turn out for our Trick or Trunk on Friday! It was fun to see all of the kids in their costumes and having fun! We could not have done it without all of your generous candy donations! We collected a total of 682 pounds of candy! Mr. Hempstead’s class collected the most pounds per student at 6 pounds. Ms. Robles’ class was not far behind with 5 pounds per student. Ms. Bedell will be treating both of these classes with a pizza party very soon!
We could not have pulled off this great event without your amazingly decorated trunks! We greatly appreciate all of you that volunteered and decorated your trunks and passed out candy. Those that attended had the opportunity to vote on the best trunk and our big winner was the Cooper family with their “Lights, Camera, Action” themed trunk! Thank you all for your time and effort!
Pumpkin Carving Competition
Thank you to Mitzuko Hinojos and Julian Contreras for bringing in pumpkins for our pumpkin carving competition. Congratulations to both of you for winning a Walmart gift card for "Best Pumpkin"! Great job!
Band and Orchestra Concerts
Our 5th graders have had a fantastic start to the year with band and orchestra! The kids are all doing so well and their teachers are very proud of them. As a reminder, please make sure your child has the Essential Elements Book 1 that matches your student's instrument. The students are strongly encouraged to practice at home at least three times a week for only 20-30 minutes. This has a HUGE impact on improvement, enjoyment and success.
Please help make sure instruments and music books come to school on Mondays and Wednesdays. The first Band concert of the year will be November 9th and the first orchestra concert will be November 10th. The concerts are a lot of fun and the students can show off their hard work. All of the concerts are at Creighton Middle School and more details will be sent out closer to each event.
Parent Coffee
Friday, November 11th
8:30 - 9:30 am
Our next Parent Coffee will be next Friday, November 11th. We look forward to seeing you here for a chance to chat and meet other parents. We hope to talk to all of you about some volunteering opportunities and what the process looks like for becoming a volunteer here. We may also share some activities that you can do with your kids at home that will help support their learning! We hope to see you there!
If you have any topics that you would like us to discuss during our coffees, please reach out to Maria Beken at 303-982-4853.
Family Engagement News
Hello Eiber families!
Our November newsletter from The Parent Institute is now available and contains some great information that will help support student learning at home. Please take some time to read through the attached newsletter for some great tips that will help you provide a positive impact on your student's achievement. We will send out this newsletter monthly so please keep an eye out for it!
Help your child do well in school! Try a new idea every day! Here are a some suggestions on things you can try with your child every day to help them do well in school!
- Have everyone bring an interesting science fact to share at dinner
- Make a list of all the things that make your family members thankful
- Take a "counting walk" together. Pick something to count (cars, signs, flowers, birds, bikes) and keep track
- Ask your child to share one new thing they learned at school that day
Volunteering Opportunities
We have had several parents ask about volunteering at school. We realize that parent volunteers are an invaluable resource for our teachers and students. We would love to have some extra help. We are currently trying to gather information from our teachers to figure out which classrooms need some help and what times would make the most sense. We want to ensure that we are mindful about making the best use of everyone's time. Stay tuned for more information!
Maria Beken
Family Engagement Liaison
Direct Line: (303)982-4853
Eiber Main Line: (303)982-6406
Fall is Here!
If you are in need of winter clothes, please take advantage of our amazing community partners, The Action Center! The Action Center Clothing Bank is located at 1565 Wadsworth Blvd. They are open
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. & 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. You can go visit once a month if you are in need of any extras.
Here are a few photos of some of our kindergartners from Mrs. Ramirez's class having fun in the fall leaves!
Food Distribution at Eiber
Our next food distribution from The Action Center will be next Thursday, November 10th. We will be distributing food right outside the double doors by the bus lane from 3:30-4:30pm. We have a limited amount and it is a first come, first serve basis so come early to pick up your free groceries! If you have any questions, please contact Maria Beken.