Elevate Monthly

Superintendent's Message
Dear Laramie County School District 1 community,
The holiday season is upon us along with the final stretch of our first semester. We are looking forward to a strong finish as we get ready to springboard into the second half of the school year. During this time of celebration, many of our schools are hosting programs and culminating events to showcase students’ learning. We love it when their music and laughter fill the hallways of our buildings, and we encourage families and friends to come support them.
For many years, our high schools have offered tutoring sessions for secondary students during Winter Break. This allows them an opportunity to catch up on their work and even get ahead before the semester ends. These sessions are always well attended, and we look forward to offering them again.
Because of the hustle and bustle of the season, it is easy to get caught up in our own lives and demands of the day. Our students, colleagues and friends may be facing challenges that are not always visible on the surface. Checking in on those around us and providing a few kind words can make a world of difference.
It is my hope that the holiday season brings you and your family much happiness and relaxation. I look forward to your partnership next year as we continue working for our students’ success!
Dr. Stephen Newton
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Prairie Wind had all hands on deck for Veterans Day program
Laramie County School District 1 schools had so many wonderful Veterans Day celebrations this year, inviting veterans and current members of the armed forces to their buildings to be recognized and thanked for their service.
Kristen Washenfelder’s kindergarten class at Prairie Wind had all hands on deck for their Veterans Day program, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in sign language for an audience of hundreds.
Washenfelder said the students learned by reciting the Pledge each day and learning a few more signs until they had the entire Pledge memorized. She said that at her previous school in Fort Collins, all the students in her building learned to sign the Pledge of Allegiance to show inclusivity and to provide opportunities for hearing peers and adults to develop direct communication with students with hearing differences.
Washenfelder said her passion for sign language began right here in LCSD1.
“I fell in love with sign language in my first grade classroom at Anderson Elementary, where Mrs. Carver incorporated it into lessons and we had an interpreter in our room to work with a student,” Washenfelder said. “I continued to learn it until I headed to college to pursue a degree in sign language interpreting.”
Washenfelder said her kindergarteners loved learning to sign the Pledge and are now beginning to incorporate signs when learning the alphabet as well.
“As a first year kindergarten teacher, I knew I wanted to include sign language into my lessons and students’ daily activities,” Washenfelder said.
She added that the benefits to learning sign language go beyond inclusion.
“Sign language is such a unique language due to the kinesthetic nature it offers,” Washenfelder said. “Incorporating sign language is a multisensory approach to learning that benefits many students.”
—Text by Brad White
—Photo by Megan Case
South High's Multicultural Club hosts Veterans Day panel
South High’s Multicultural Club hosted a Veterans Day Assembly featuring a panel of veterans from within our community.
This event was first organized in 2010 by Major Scott Mattson, a former South High teacher, and Mattson was honored to sit on the panel this year.
During the assembly, students had the opportunity to ask questions to better understand the different military branches. The panel also addressed questions relating to the different challenges encountered while serving in the military.
One topic they focused on was cultural differences. The veterans shared personal stories about places they’ve traveled to.
Master Sgt. Hurey Smith said, “What I learned is that even though we are all different, we’re all here for the same mission and that was to defend the United States of America.”
—Photo & text by Megan Case
Deming Miller students perform for Veterans Day
Program held at Administration Building Auditorium —Photo by Megan Case
Lego Robotics events bring technology to life
Keeping up with technology in the modern world is a challenge that keeps educators, students and their families on their toes. Technology is changing so fast that, recently, education has shifted the focus away from learning hard skills; instead focusing on giving students the problem-solving skills they need to navigate any task they are given with the tools they have at hand.
One of the clearest examples of this idea can be seen in Laramie County School District 1’s Lego Robotics challenges and scrimmages like the event that was held Nov. 18. During these events, teams of students from throughout Laramie County can be seen excitedly buzzing around with iPads or robots in hand, chatting with their teammates and showing off their creativity to their families and the judges.
LCSD1 Science Coordinator Julie Calkins described the atmosphere as “organized chaos.”
“It’s a wonderful group of kids, and a lot of them are students that aren’t necessarily in football or in other activities, so it fills another niche for them. I think that’s exciting,” Calkins said.
Calkins said she has heard some parents express that Lego Robotics has their students excited to go to school.
The Lego Robotics program, which is organized under the international First Lego League rules, focuses on teamwork. Each student on the team has an opportunity to use their strengths, whether they are skilled at researching, coding, designing the robot, creating an artistic display board or more.
“Each student gets to participate,” Calkins said. “That’s what I like about it, too. It’s not a solo event, it’s a team event.”
Since the event is divided into categories and it is a team’s best score rather than their average score that counts, students can celebrate their successes and learn from their mistakes more easily.
Calkins said, “We’ve actually had robots that do not work win the design challenge because of [students’] thought process of how they worked together building their robot, how they can answer questions, how they are still trying things to fix their design.
“They can go through their engineering design book to show how they did one thing at a time. The judges are just so impressed with how everybody was in the collaborative effort that they win it.”
Calkins said she often sees students offer ideas to other teams, making the events less of a competition and more of a “coopertition.”
“Core values is a major part of the First Lego League’s mission. How do you treat each other as a team, how do you make decisions, what do you do if you’re mad at each other, how do you work things out?” Calkins said.
The program also has a category called Explore in which students as young as preschoolers can participate in robotics. Calkins said she enjoyed seeing a kindergartener who had participated in the program last year helping a preschooler.
She has also seen more girls participating and even had an all-girls team in the challenge this year.
“Watching the progression from when we started the program, watching the coaches grow and do less and less while the students do more and more, I just can’t celebrate that enough,” Calkins said.
—Photo & text by Brad White
Parent Updates
Cheyenne Metropolitan Planning Organization seeks Safe Routes to School Plan survey information
As a reminder, the district is partnering with the City of Cheyenne Metropolitan Planning Organization as they work to update the existing Safe Routes to School Plan. Last chance! Have you taken the survey? If you are a student, parent, staff, or neighbor of Cheyenne schools and use transportation to get to and from school or have observations/experiences you’d like to share, Cheyenne MPO would like to hear from you. Find information on your school and complete a short survey: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/0950860ac46b4b15ae7b3304d588c968 (Survey #1 closes Friday 12/8)
Virtual days alleviate need to extend the school year
Throughout the course of the school year, the superintendent may enact a district-wide or school-wide virtual learning day due to inclement weather, facilities issues, natural disasters, etc. Conducting a virtual day rather than shutting down school completely enables Laramie County School District 1 to meet the Wyoming statutory requirement of 175 school days without needing to extend the school year into June.
When inclement weather is predicted, teachers will work to ensure student iPads are charged and in students’ hands prior to them leaving at the end of the school day. Additionally, they will work with students to ensure they are able to log into Canvas or the online platform they will use for the virtual learning day.
If a student cannot access the online platform, teachers will make alternative learning arrangements for them.
Formal notification of a virtual learning day or delayed start will take place through the district’s mass-notification system no later than 5:30 a.m. on the day of the event. More information about the LCSD1 Board of Trustees virtual day policy is available at: http://go.boarddocs.com/wy/laramie1/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=9Q5QC4689A4E
December & January Events
Dec. 18-Jan. 1 - Winter Break
Dec. 19-20 - Central High Winter Break Tutoring, 8-11 a.m.
Dec. 18-21 & 27-29 - East High Winter Break Tutoring, 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Dec. 18-20 - South High Winter Break Tutoring, 9-11 a.m.
Jan. 8 - Board of Trustees meeting, 6 p.m., Storey Gym Boardroom