Panda Press
March 17, 2023
Dear Thacher Families:
Happy St. Patrick's Day! It was so great to see so much green today, but we truly are the lucky ones to be surrounded by such amazing students and staff! We're looking forward a fun week ahead with next Tuesday's Rock your Socks Spirit Day, and temperatures in the 50s!
As a reminder, next Friday is an Early Release Day (no school for ELC) for staff professional development. Dismissal is at 12:25 and no lunches are served.
Frank W. Rich
Our stock of clothes that we have on hand for students who have accidents, spills or other reasons to need to change their clothes is running low in some areas. If you're cleaning out closets, we could use gently-used pants, sizes 6 - 8. If you've overpurchased or see a great deal, we also need unopened or unused boys and girls underwear, sizes 6-8 (small) as well as socks.
We can always use clothes of other sizes as well, including shoes! If you have any of the these items and are willing to donate them, please send them in to school with your child with a note indicating they are for the nurse.
Thank you in advance for being such a supportive community!
Lisa Kilfoyle & Sarah Petersen, School Nurses
March 21st: Rock Your Socks
Other Important Information & Upcoming Dates
March 21: Spirit Day: Rock Your Socks
March 24: Term 2 Report Cards Published in Aspen Family Portal
March 27: School Council Meeting
March 29: 4th Grade District-Wide Choral Concert at AHS
March 31: Spirit Day: Wear Your Favorite Color for National Crayon Day
April 3 & 4: MCAS - Grade 4 ELA
April 5 & 6: MCAS - Grade 3 ELA
April 7: No School - Good Friday
Thacher Elementary School
Location: 160 James Street, Attleboro, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 226-4162