Davis Richmond E-news
February 16, 2024
Important Reminders
February 29 Half-Day of School and Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences
- On February 29, District 303 elementary students will have a half day of school as the afternoon will be dedicated to parent-teacher conferences. These conferences are limited to a specific number of spaces, which is different than what we had during the fall conferences where we met with all parents.
- On February 29 the dismissal time will be at 11:30 a.m. We will not have lunch service that day. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
District Committee Seeking Parents
We are convening a district committee to analyze chronic absenteeism trends present across the district. The purpose is to review the research on best practices for attendance improvement, and provide recommendations for testing out these ideas to determine their effectiveness. We would be thrilled to have one or more D303 parents take part in this committee. Anticipated Dates: 2/29, 3/21, 4/18, 5/16 (3:30-5:30pm, location TBD). If you are interested in representing Davis or Richmond please e-mail Lisa Simoncelli-Bulak - lisa.simoncelli-bulak@d303.org
5-Essentials for PARENTS and Students
- We’re writing to inform you that beginning February 1, District 303 students in grades 4-12 will be provided with the 5Essentials survey. Please click HERE for a letter regarding the 5-essentials survey.
- In addition to student and teacher feedback, the 5essentials survey is also administered to District 303 parents. The Parent Survey is open from January 23, 2024, through March 29, 2024. All responses are confidential and will never be connected to you or your child. To take the survey, visit survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois and select the parent survey. A supplement report will also be generated if at least 20 percent of a school’s parents complete the survey.
Judicial Assembly
Thank you to Judge Peterson and Judge Cowart for visiting Davis and Richmond for some amazing read-alouds and sharing about their profession. The kids were very engaged and excited to learn about them.
News From the Nurse
District News
The District 303 Board has approved boundary maps for elementary, middle, and high schools. Maps are effective with the 2024-2025 school year beginning this fall. The Board's decision completes a process that began last fall to reduce school overcrowding and help to ensure equitable learning experiences across the District. District 303 had contracted with demographer RSP & Associates to create concept maps based on Board-approved guiding principles and community feedback. Please see the parent notice from Superintendent Gordon to learn more and review the approved maps.
PTO News
PTO Meeting Thursday Feb 22nd at 7pm
Come join our next PTO meeting on Thursday, February 22nd at 7:00 PM at Richmond. Please enter at Door #14 at Richmond, which is located at 300 South 12th St. We will be discussing the plan for our PTO next year and will be raffling off some gift cards so be sure to join us!!!
Our Davis Richmond Dance Fit fundraiser is kicking off soon! Lookout for more information in the coming weeks. For now, mark your calendars with these key dates!
● Davis Richmond Dance Fit Kickoff - 02/27/2024
● Event Days - 03/07 & 03/08
Thanks for your support, Davis & Richmond Schools families!
Davis/Richmond Adult Only Trivia Night!
Get your team together, it's time to sign up for Davis/Richmond Adult Only Trivia Night!
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH, At Pollyanna Brewing and Distilling in Saint Charles.
- Join Us For a Night of Trivia, Raffles, Silent Auction & Fun!
- Doors open at 6 pm, TRIVIA STARTS AT 7PM
- $10/person *BYOF-Bring Your Own Food (Food will not be provided)
- You can register for a team up to 8.
- First Come First Serve-so REGISTER ASAP
Looking to get PTO information?
- Make sure you like the Davis Richmond PTO on Facebook today!
- Check out our new Website DavisRichmondPTO.com for the latest PTO news.
Davis Primary
❤️Thank You, PTO and Parents, for the Wonderful Valentine Celebrations!❤️
One Book One School & Davis Family Learning Night
Aloha! We are excited to announce that Davis will be engaging in One Book/One School and hosting a Hawaiian destination Family Learning Night!
One School, One Book is a shared reading experience for the entire school. This year, we will be reading High Tide in Hawaii by Mary Pope Osborne. This book is a part of the popular Magic Tree House series. Each Davis student and classroom will receive a complimentary copy of the book, along with a reading calendar bookmark. We hope to get all families reading the same book at the same time. We aim to build a community of readers at our school.
In connection with our book, we will be having a fun Hawaiian themed family learning night at Davis on Thursday, March 7th 5:30-7:00 PM. Please mark your calendars and join us for an evening of read-alouds, crafts, music, beach games, math games, hula dancing, family photo op, and more! Be sure to wear your Hawaiian shirts, grass skirts, sunglasses, hats, and bring a beach towel for lounging with a good book in our Cool Out Cove! Families will be greeted with a passport and a lei upon arrival to Destination Davis!
There is a lot happening at Davis!
Book Clubs!
Reading to therapy dogs!
Blanket fort Paw Parties!
Congratulations to Allison Thomas!
The Illinois State Board of Education and Davis congratulate our amazing second grade teacher Allison Thomas on receiving the Award of Meritorious Service in the Teacher category. Educators presented with the Award of Meritorious Service have connected with their school community and made a positive impact. ISBE’s Those Who Excel & Teacher of the Year Awards ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 18th in Bloomington Normal. We can’t wait to cheer Allison on!
WatchDOGS Needed!
We are grateful for all of the men who have volunteered on Fridays to spend lunch and recess with our students by being "Watch DOGS." However, there are many Fridays open during Feb, March and April that have no one signed up to volunteer. Please read over this information and sign up for WatchDOGS!! Men who have already volunteered this fall, are now welcome to sign up for a 2nd date HERE. THANK YOU!!
Davis Primary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: dav-ric.d303.org
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
Richmond Intermediate
Richmond’s Empower Showcase
Thank you for coming to Richmond's 2nd annual Empower Showcase. The arcade games were designed, engineered and built by our 4th graders. 3rd graders made a beautiful city installation and 5th graders learned about cultures and languages around the world. We hope you had fun interacting at our showcase. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to see what's happening at Richmond!
Crosswalk Oak and 12th
We are really working hard at getting our students to use the crosswalk when crossing the street at arrival and dismissal. We have worked hard with the city on securing crossing guards for our intersections - now we just need them to be used. If your child is a walker or car rider PLEASE have a conversation with them about using the crosswalk for safety. If you park to pick up your child please DO NOT block part of a crosswalk. We will remind students here at school as well. Working together we can ensure a safe arrival and dismissal for all.
Valentine’s Day Parties
Thank you to our PTO and parents for making Valentine’s Day parties a success!
Black History Month - Parents needed for guest readers!
Our parent engagement committee is excited to offer an exciting parent engagement opportunity. During the month of February, we will invite guest readers into classrooms to read a book that pertains to Black History month. For a list of possible books please click HERE. If you have another title you are interested in reading, please e-mail your book idea to our LRC director at brittany.brandenburg@d303.org to see if it can be added to our list.
To sign up we will use Sign Up Genius. Please note, you do need to create a FREE account if you do not have one in order to sign up. To sign up for a slot, please click HERE. You will be prompted to provide the name of the book you will read in the comments section.
Announcing Fiddle Fest 2024
Friday, March 1st: Calling all fiddlers and lovers of folk music! It’s time for the 17th annual Fiddle Fest! All advanced orchestra students, elementary through high school and beyond, can participate! Parents, teachers, older siblings, grandparents and community members who play guitar, banjo, mandolin or a string instrument are welcome! We guarantee you’ll have a great time! If you are interested in playing and need music, please contact your child’s orchestra director, or email Rita.Borkowski@d303.org
Click Fiddle Fest 2024 Online Registration to sign up. All performers must register so we can adequately plan for this huge event. The final deadline to register is Thursday, Feb 22nd.
Fiddle Fest is Friday, March 1st. Performance begins at 7:00 pm.
Place: East High School Gym. 1020 Dunham Rd, St. Charles, 60174
Dress Rehearsal: 5:00 – 6:00 pm All performers participating must attend!
Pizza Dinner: available for participants / volunteers for $5.00 following rehearsal. Hope you can JOIN US!
Richmond Intermediate School
Website: https://dav-ric.d303.org/
Location: 300 S 12th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2800
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
Community Information
University of Wisconsin Varsity Badger Band at the Norris Cultural Arts Center
Friday, February 16, 7:00 PM - General Admission: $20 adults / $10 students and seniors
Join us in the Norris Theatre for a thrilling evening of music performed by one of America’s premier collegiate bands – the University of Wisconsin Varsity Badger Band!
Tickets are general admission with open seating. Doors will open approximately 45 minutes before the concert. Please note: the concert is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m.
For online ticketing, visit https://norris-cultural-arts.ticketleap.com/university-of-wisconsin-varsity-band-in-concert/