Penson School
February Newsletter
Penson School
Principal's Message:
We are well into our school year and have so much to celebrate! Once again, this month we have several people to thank for the generous support given to our school.
First of all, I would like to send a thank you to our amazing Parent Fundraising Committee! They have provided the school with a brand new sound system which will help us with our Christmas concert and all of the assemblies we have each month.
Thank you to Fuzzy Peach Laser & Skin Ltd. for the generous contribution to our breakfast program! The Northern Spirit Light Show has also made an amazing contribution to our breakfast program from the proceeds of the light show.
We were so grateful for the attendance at our Family Literacy Day! It was so wonderful to see all of the parents and grandparents come into our building and be a part of our community.
As a reminder, please let the office know if your child will not be riding the bus at the end of the day. We must know ahead of time so that we can support all students safely leaving school.
Mrs. Nicole Gillies
Penson Principal
Student Council Corner
Hello Penson School,
This month was a great one!
We had family literacy day on January 26th, it went very well. We had lots of parents show up, and had lots of families reading, making bookmarks, and playing board games.
Both girls and boys basketball teams had quite a few games throughout the month and they all played phenomenal!
Huge thank you to RC Mechanical and Hoods Crane rentals for sponsoring our pancake breakfast throughout the month.
Newsletter by Emersyn Berens and Jacob Hillis
Jan/Feb Events
Teddy Bear Drive-All February
Feb. 2-CSW
Feb. 5-Early Monday 3:15 pm
Feb. 5-Swimming Starts Grades 1-5 on Mondays and Wednesdays
Feb. 8-Dairy Queen Hot Lunch-Preordered
Feb. 9-Skating
Feb. 9-Hat Day
Feb. 9-Basketball Wind-Up
Feb. 12-14-Candy Gram
Feb. 16-No School
Feb. 19-Family Day
Feb. 22-Basketball home game @12:30 pm
Feb. 22-100 th day of School
Feb. 22-Subway Hot Lunch-Preordered
Feb. 22-Deadline for March Hot Lunch Orders
Feb. 23-Last day of Skating
Feb. 23-Twin Day
Feb. 24-Basketball Tournament in Valleyview
Feb. 26-Last day of Swimming
Feb. 28-Pink Shirt Day
Mar. 1-CSW
Mar. 4-Early Monday
Mar. 7-8-Teachers' Convention
Mar. 15-PD Day
Mar. 29-Good Friday