Luxford Elementary School Scoop
August Back to School Newsletter
A note from the principal...
Dear Luxford Families and Friends,
Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year! We are so excited to begin another fabulous year of learning with your children! I believe you will be very proud of the learning taking place at Luxford when you see our student achievement reports for the 2017-2018 school year. In addition to being an academically high performing school, we remain committed to supporting our students in social and emotional growth. We will continue to provide meaningful lessons and opportunities for our children to show kindness, problem solve and work together as positive team members.
Your student’s class placement letter will be mailed next week along with a yellow transportation form. Please return the yellow form to your child's teacher at the Meet and Greet or send it in your child's backpack the first day of school. Our Meet and Greet will be August 30th. This year, we are combining the Meet and Greet with Open House. Kids will still meet their teacher/drop supplies, but teachers will also share important information about the year. Children will stay with parents while their teacher shares information. Additional parking is available at Calvary Baptist Church. PTA will be hosting an ice cream social in the café so stop by for a sweet treat in the cafe.
August 30th Meet and Greet Schedule
Preschool: 4:00-4:30 p.m.
3rd - 5th grade: 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. Please exit by 5:20 p.m. to free up parking.
Please note, Ms. Mazzola's grade 5 Meet & Greet/Open House will be on 9/5 at 4:30 p.m. because she is unable to attend on 8/30.
KG - 2nd grade: 5:45-6:15 p.m.
We can’t wait to see you all on August 30th at the Meet and Greet! It’s going to be a GREAT year!
Danielle Colucci
Principal, Luxford Elementary School
Cafe and Transportation Policy Reminders
It is time to fill out the confidential lunch application to see if your children qualify for a free or reduced cost breakfast/lunch at https://www.schoolcafe.com/. Children receiving reduced/free lunch receive the same lunch choices and type in their lunch number just like everyone else in line to pay, and no one knows how anyone’s account is billed. In addition to the free/reduced meal application, you may also use this link to load money into your child’s meal account.
Bus and Transportation Information:
Bus information for all grade levels can be found at
https://busroute.vbcps.com/eduweb/webquery/ (keep in mind, new school year information doesn’t post until a few days before school starts. Call 263-1545 with questions.).
Pre-K and KG students will receive a first weeks of school necklace enclosed in their class placement envelope which shows their bus # and parent information. Please fill out as much information on it as you can right now, and send your child to school wearing it the first two weeks.
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up (car riders):
Students who arrive by car must be dropped off in the parent drop off loop on the right of the school between 7:50 -8:08 a.m. Students are tardy if they are not in their classroom by 8:10 a.m. Do not drop your child off unless you see a staff member there to receive him/her. Never drop off your child at the front doors. If you arrive after 8:08 a.m., you will need to park and walk your child in to sign him/her in for the day.
It is best to put your child on the bus to avoid parking frustrations and long lines. However, parents who choose to pick up their child need to arrive between 2:30-2:40 p.m. and park in a designated parking space. Enter the building, and show I.D. at the security desk. In addition, anyone picking up your child needs to be on your emergency contact list. Please remember that anyone parking on the yellow fire lane will be ticketed and towed.
Buzz in Security System:
We are happy to announce the new buzz in security system is now installed which means all doors will be locked during school hours. Visitors will be required to press a button at the camera and speak to our security specialist before entering the building.
School Supply Lists
Health Concerns & Class Treats
Be sure to contact Nurse Mickie and your child's teacher to inform them of any medical concerns before school starts.
If you wish to send in birthday or class party treats, you must bring them to the nurse's office to be checked before sending them to the classroom. All treats must be peanut free. The nurse will approve the treats for your child's class and take them to the classroom. You can call in advance to talk to the nurse about what to buy as well.
Inclement Weather and Emergency Dismissal
Be sure to update your child's emergency dismissal form that will be in the start of school packet so we know how you want us to send your child home in an emergency or inclement weather situations.
Transportation Changes
Please send a note with parent signature to the office if you ever wish to change your child's normal route of transportation. We need written notification before 2:10 p.m. or we cannot guarantee we can communicate with your child's teacher and your child in time to change their transportation.
Walking Little Dragons to Class the First Week
For our newest little Dragons, we understand parents may want to walk them to class the first few days. Parents are welcome to walk them the first few days, but after that, please begin walking them half way to gradually release them by the end of the first week. After the first week, if your child is still struggling to separate from you, ask a staff member at the front desk to please escort them to class for you. Our staff members are experienced and loving and will help your child be successful at this. They do adjust quickly and are independently walking to class before you know it.
Important Dates
August 30: Meet and Greet/Open House
Preschool: 4:00-4:30 p.m.
3rd - 5th grade: 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. (please exit by 5:20 so others can park for the next session)
KG - 2nd grade: 5:45-6:15 p.m.
September 4: First Day of School
September 12: PTA Meeting 6:00-6:30 p.m.
September 13: Picture Day
October 8: Teacher Training Day; No School for Students
October 9: Progress Reports Issued
October 20: Fall Festival 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. (Please email Luxfordpta@gmail.com if you can volunteer!)
November 1: Make-up Picture Day
November 6: Parent-Teacher Conference Day; No School for Students (sign up for a time at the Meet and Greet);
November 12: Veteran’s Day; No School for Students
November 14: Quarter 1 Report Cards Issued
November 21: Early Dismissal for Students
November 22-23: Thanksgiving Break
PTA Update
Welcome new PTA Board Members! We are so thankful for your service to our children!
Mrs. Perez-Sanders, President
Ms. Kim Walker, Secretary
Ms. Stephenia Gatson, Treasurer
PTA will host an ice cream social during Meet and Greet in the café. Sign up for your membership to support our students and school. Membership is $5 for the entire year.
Please email Luxfordpta@gmail.com if you can help us by volunteering an hour or two to help us run the Fall Festival. We need a lot of help to host this fun event! If you can donate candy, prizes or your time, we greatly appreciate it.
Our first PTA meeting will be on September 12 from 6:00-6:30 p.m. in the café! Please join us!
Text "Yes" for VBCPS Alert Now Text Messaging
As many of you know, VBCPS uses its Alert Now system to send school news, including weather announcements, school closings, etc. This year, VBCPS is using a new provider. Families will not need to enroll in the system; their contact information is directly carried over based on their child’s registration. However, for text messaging, families will need to confirm they would like to keep receiving text messages from the division.
You may have received a message on July 2 from the division’s provider, School Messenger, asking you to confirm you want to keep receiving Alert Now texts. If you did not, families can always opt-in to the texts at any time by texting a “Y” or “Yes” to the division’s short code number, 67587.
As a reminder, there are no additional fees for this service – it would be subject to all applicable messaging charges depending on your service provider. Standard message and data rates may apply.
Luxford Elementary School
Student Hours: 8:10 a.m. -2:40 p.m.
Arrival begins: 7:50 a.m.
Website: https://luxfordes.vbschools.com/
Location: 4808 Haygood Road, Virginia Beach, VA, USA
Phone: 757-648-2960
Twitter: @LuxfordES