Eccles Weekly News
Below are some school highlights & reminders for the week...
December 20-31st - NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
January 3rd - NO SCHOOL, Staff Professional Development
Lockdown Drill
Giving Tree
Toy Drive
Would you like to give back to your community this year? Eccles is doing a toy drive and we need your help! Donate any new and unwrapped item for students aged newborn-15yo between Tuesday, November 30th and Thursday, December 9th. Donations can be dropped off at the door that your student enters each morning. Ideas for donations may include puzzles, games, books, art supplies, sports balls, etc.
Items will be donated to Kiwanis and be distributed to Canby families. Thank you for helping us spread holiday cheer to the Canby Community!
Arrival & Dismissal Guidelines
For the safety of your child, and other students, please remember to follow our AM/PM arrival and dismissal guidelines/locations to drop-off and pick-up your students. While we understand that they may not always seem convenient or quick, it is imperative that these are followed. We have seen an increase in students being dropped off in our bus lane or at the stop signs in front of the school, which all cause a risk of students walking into traffic or in front of buses. Our current arrival and dismissal is as follows:
Car drop-off (AM) & Pick-up (PM): Inside West parking lot, line forms along the curb
Parent Walk-up (AM): Students can be walked up to their respective hall doors in front of the school
Parent Walk-up (PM): Students can be picked up behind the back side of the school near the playground, but must be checked out with staff.
Bus Riders: Both AM & PM buses use the curb along the front side of the school for drop-off and pick-up--These areas MUST stay clear of cars during the hours of 8:30-9:30am, 11:30-12:30pm and 3:00-4:00pm; and 9:30-10:30am on Late Start Wednesdays.
Walking Students: Students need to be aware of, and follow, the best safety practices while leaving the school to walk home--using crosswalks, as well as crosswalk alert buttons, and walking with groups of 2 or more kids, whenever possible.
Library Update
Questions? Email Mrs. Adams in the Library: marlena.adams@canby.k12.or.us
We are excited to announce that the SafeOregon app will be available on all student iPads starting this week.
SafeOregon is a 24-hour anonymous tip-line individuals can use if they see or hear about instances of bullying, violence, threats, drug use, suicidal thoughts and more. The goal is to keep students safe by preventing threats from coming to fruition.
There are a number of ways to report, including:
Texting or calling 844-4-SAFE-OR (844-472-3367)
Emailing tip@safeoregon.com
Online at safeoregon.com
Via the SafeOregon app (available on all student iPads this week)
Please help us keep Canby’s kids safe by utilizing this program.