DBM Details
February 2023 Community Newsletter
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Principals note
Hello Daybreak Families!
January has come and gone, and it was a great month. In January students worked hard on the Winter iReady Diagnostic and we are excited to see the growth in our student achievement data. In Math, 46% of DBM students met their full year growth goal between the start of the year and the end of January. For Reading, 55% of our students met their full year growth goal. Please join us in celebrating all the efforts of your student!
During the last week of January we also had a Positive Behavior Blitz. Teachers focused on rewarding positive behaviors students were displaying based on our Dragon A.R.M.O.R. with Dracon Scales and students turned them into their homeroom teacher. Each day homeroom teachers drew a Dragon Scale and those students were able to visit the SEL Center to select a small reward. There were 93 different students how were selected in the homeroom drawings and recognized in our SEL Center. Way to go Dragons!
February brings the start of sports session 3 which includes Girls Soccer and Boys Basketball, Random Acts of Kindness Week, and is also Black History Month. Also, Semester 1 report cards are mailed home on February 10th.
Make February a great month!
Justin Pierce, Principal
Lesli Collum, Assistant Principal
February Black History Month
During Black History Month, our school is celebrating the contributions of African-Americans in U.S. history through a variety of class activities. How will you and your family observe Black History Month?
Random Acts of Kindness Week: February 14-20, 2023
Counselor Corner
Hi Daybreak Families,
The Middle School Counseling team has noticed an influx of students engaging in self harm behaviors across the district, so we thought it important for you to have a better understanding of what to look for and how to support your children. If we discover your child is engaging in self harm behaviors we will contact you to support in finding help for your child. See the infographic below for more information on self harm, what it is, and how to respond. Symptoms you should look for may include:
- Scars, often in patterns.
- Fresh cuts, scratches, bruises, bite marks or other wounds.
- Excessive rubbing of an area to create a burn.
- Keeping sharp objects or other items used for self-injury on hand.
- Wearing long sleeves or long pants to hide self-injury, even in hot weather.
- Frequent reports of accidental injury.
- Difficulties in relationships with others.
- Behaviors and emotions that change quickly and are impulsive, intense and unexpected.
- Talk of helplessness, hopelessness or worthlessness.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Carson Wilson
School Counselor
New and Continuing After School Activities
Daybreak Middle School Choir: Ms. Weaver, who teaches Music at DBP, is our DBM Choir Director. Choir meets before school from 7:15-8:00 AM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in Ms. Weaver's classroom in the 300 building. If students are interested they can pick up a flier for information and a parent permission slip from the DBM office.
Homework Help Sessions: Space is still available for Homework Help on Mondays-Thursdays from 2:45-3:30 PM. If your student could benefit from Homework Help please have them come to the DBM office for a parent permission slip.
DBM Book Group meets on Wednesdays from 2:45-3:30 PM. If you’re interested please talk to Mrs. Marlow in the Library for more information and a parent permission slip.
MAGIC (Multi-Access, Gamified Integration of Curriculum) is meeting from 2:45-3:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All 5th-8th grade students who are interested in joining can speak with Mr. Climer or Mr. Winegrad to get more information. All students must have a signed parent permission form before joining.
Dragon Sports Update
Season 3 Sports are underway at DBM: To register your student for Season 3 sports please go to: https://www.familyid.com/daybreak-middle-school.
Girls Soccer: Girls will ride the bus to BGHS after school to practice on the turf with Coach Brooks. Come out and support our Lady Dragons! Here is our game schedule:
- Tuesday, Feb 7 against Chief at 4:15 PM at PHS
- Friday, Feb 10 against TVM/Amboy at 4:15 PM at District Stadium
- Tuesday, Feb 14 we host PVM at 4:15 PM at PHS
- Friday, Feb 17 against LMS at 5:30 PM at PHS
- District tournament play will be Feb 22-24
Boys Basketball: Practices have started after school everyday in the gym with Coach Scott, Coach Winegrad, & Coach Bosch. Boys Basketball schedules should be out soon.
Season 4 is Co-ed Track for all 6th, 7th, & 8th graders from 4/10-5/25/23. We are still looking for Track Coaches, so if you are interested or know someone who might be please have them check the district website for those job postings.
Feb 3: Girl's Soccer game, 5:30 pm @ PHS Turf Field
Feb 3: Winter Wonderland Social (dance), all grades
Feb 7: Girl's Soccer Game, 4:15 @ PHS Turf Field
Feb 8: District In-Service Day - No School
Feb 10: Girl's Soccer Game, 4:15 @ District Stadium
Feb 10: Report Cards mailed home
Feb 14: Girl's Soccer game, 4:15 @PHS Turf Field
Feb 17: Girl's Soccer game, 5:30 @ PHS Turf Field
Feb 20: Presidents' Day - No School
Boy's BB game schedule TBD
Contact Information
Student Hours:
8:00 am – 2:40 pm – Monday-Friday
9:00 am – 2:40 pm – Wednesday Late Start
DBM Main Phone: 360-885-6900
Attendance: 360-885-6942 | EMAIL
Office Hours:7:30 AM – 3:30 PMEmail: dbm.office@battlegroundps.org
Website: https://dbs.battlegroundps.org/
Phone: (360)885-6900
Facebook: www.facebook.com/daybreakdragons