Chesterbrook Academy
May News
A Note from the Principal
We loved celebrating Week of the Young Child and Earth Day with our students! Our classrooms spent the week leading up to Earth Day learning about insects, plants, ecology and making art from recycled materials. The children especially enjoyed the Ladybug release, where our children released 4500 ladybugs into the environment. We are looking forward to the warmer weather now that it has finally arrived and much time spent in the great outdoors!
Important Dates
10th - Parent Appreciation Breakfast
10th - Field Trip - DaVinci Science Center - Kindergarten, PK2, K-enrichment
11th - Scholastic Book Orders Due
23rd - Bookmobile
28th - School Closed - Memorial Day
Parent Appreciation Breakfast
On Thursday, May 10th we will hold our annual Parent Appreciation Breakfast from 7:00 to 9:00 in the Before and After Care Room. All Parents are invited to take the morning off and come have breakfast with your child. W will be making and serving Breakfast in honor of all of the hard work that our Parents do each and every day as a Thank You for being so wonderful. Please join us. If you are short on time Breakfast to go will also be available.
Summer Camp
Summer Camp is extremely full this year! Please be sure to confirm your camp schedules by the end of the month.
Preschool age campers - don't forget your activity fee is due. As well as the form that goes with it. It is imperative that we know what your plans are for the summer.
Warm Weather Reminders
* The warm weather is finally here. Many students have started bringing water bottles. Students are welcome to bring water to school. Please be sure to take the water bottle home each night to be washed and be sure to only fill them with plain water. Please make note that we do refill the water bottles during the day so if you pick up your child and the bottle is still full it doesn't mean that they did not drink all day, they may have refilled it.
* Change of Clothes - The seasons have finally changed. This is a good time to check your child's spare clothes to be sure they are appropriate for the warmer weather and still fit.