OLHMS Weekly
~Week of 4/25/22~
Hello Mustang Families!
Mustang Families,
We have been thoroughly enjoying each of our 5th grade visits the past two weeks! Our future scholars have been overwhelmed with exciting information about their future school! They have been engaged by our student ambassadors, tours and PSTA T-shirt raffle! And, I cannot forget to mention Max, our Mustang mascot!
5th grade parents, mark your calendars for May 10th as your opportunity to tour and engage with OLHMS on our PTSA Open Gym and 5th Grade Parent Night.
Updates and Reminders
Service Day: OLHMS scholars will be participating in an exciting day of events this Friday! In collaboration with community and school organizations and leaders our scholars in each grade level will be given the opportunity to serve our great community in a variety of ways! Parents, if you are interested in supporting or being a chaperone, please reach out to the school!
National Administrative Professionals' Day: Tomorrow is a wonderful reminder and opportunity for us to celebrate and acknowledge all of the incredible staff members that sometimes go unnoticed! Take a moment to thank all of the dedicated and hard working Administrative Professionals here at OLHMS! I am sure they would love an appreciative email on their day!
School Bus Behaviors: Mustang families we need your help to communicate with each of our scholars safe and respectful behaviors on the bus to and from school. Please keep in mind that students unable to ride the bus safely, respectfully and responsibly will be given consequences for their behaviors and could be suspended or removed from this opportunity. We will continue to work with First Student on the timeliness of rides, but also need your support to reinforce proper bus behavior.
Morning and Afterschool Drop Off: Please continue to be courteous, safe and careful of one another, our scholars and our neighbors. Keep in mind drop off in the morning or the afternoon must take place on Oak Center Drive in the back of our building. We need the front lot for bus drop off and pick up.
Social Media: Continue to monitor and discuss the importance for the use of social media and potential implications for our scholars. Technology and information is at the tips of our fingers. It is all our responsibility to use these tools as positive resources and model respectfulness. Our school continues to be challenged by negative social media interactions affecting our school and scholars.
Help a former OLHMS student
Former District 123 student from Covington and OLHMS, Harrison Brandt, is embarking upon becoming an Eagle Scout. For his capstone project he has partnered together with the Lions Club of Oak Lawn to lead an eyeglass, hearing aid, cell phone, and key fob collection in our community.
District 218 STEAM Camps!
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Harold L. Richards
Alan B. Shepard
Congratulation OLHMS Band
8th Grade Graduation Information
Did you turn in your graduation fees?
NO? It's ok. You can pay with cash or check in the office!!
CLICK HERE if you need a copy of the forms.
Want to donate gift cards to the LLA Walk-A-Thon?
If you would like to donate $10 gift cards as raffle prizes for participating in this year's
Live Like Abby Walkathon, please click this link to sign up.
Directions for drop off are included here as well!
Thank you
Counseling/Social Work Website
May/June Breakfast Menu
May & June Breakfast Menu
School Menu
May/June Lunch Menu
This will be followed by a shortened, PTSA meeting at 7:00 PM to induct our new 2022-2023 board.
This is our last meeting of the 21-22 school year and will mainly be, the board induction and talking about end of year plans.
Supply Kit for the 2022/2023 School year
Staff Appreciation Week Is Coming
The OLHMS PTSA is getting ready for teacher and staff appreciation week and has a full week planned. If you would like to help, we are accepting donations that can be dropped off (info in the sign up genius) or sent thru Amazon, or monetary donations thru our memberhub. Thanks for helping us celebrate our wonderful teachers and staff.
Sign up genius link
Amazon wish list
Monetary donation link.
Join Music boosters
High School Corner
St. Laurence High School - Summer camp & spring admission information
Mother McAuley - Shadow day opportunities