Clark-Shaw Magnet School
of Math, Science, and Technology
April 3, 2023
Principal's Message
Hello Eagle Family,
April ushers in spring. It also brings the final days of ACAP testing, PTA Spring Fling, and Spring Break. Students are entering the most intense days of testing this week. Each student will need a fully charged Chromebook for testing. PTA is preparing for our annual Spring Fling April 13, 2023. Students will have an opportunity to have fun with friends before leaving for Spring Break. More information is on the way about Spring Fling. Spring Break is April 17- 21, 2023. We will return with only four weeks of classes remaining. Parents, make sure you check all course averages on Schoology to avoid any academic problems at the end of the year. All students must adhere to the academic and attendance requirements in the magnet contract.
Students received online registration information with report cards last week. Registration information for next year is included in this newsletter as well. Online registration opened March 27, 2023. All students are required to have updated online registration information completed by June 1st. Students cannot complete on-site registration at any school site if online registration is not updated first.
The final magnet application window opens April 4 - 24, 2023. There are still a few spots available for next year. Pass the word that now is the time to apply for Clark-Shaw Magnet School.
Best Regards,
Mrs. Taylor-Jackson
“It is one thing to show your child the way, and a harder thing to then stand out of it.” Robert Braull
Spring Fling will be April 13th!
Save the date! Spring Fling will be Thursday, April 13th! Admission will be $10 per student. Food and drink tickets will be available for $1 a ticket.
Tickets for Spring Fling will be sold in the cafeteria during lunch waves on Thurs. 4/6 & Fri. 4/7. Students must pre-purchase admission tickets. We highly recommend buying some snack tickets in advance to avoid standing in line during the event.
On-campus ticket sales are CASH ONLY (no CashApp, Venmo, cards, or checks!)
If you would like to purchase electronically, please use the PTA link below. Online sales will close 4/12 @5pm. **ONLY MEMBERHUB RECEIPTS WITH NAMES WILL BE HONORED FOR DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS. NO SCREENSHOTS.**
Online Sales: https://clarkshawpta.memberhub.com/store
If you have questions, please email clarkshawpta1@gmail.com.
ACAP (State Testing) through April 10
We are almost done with ACAP! The Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program (ACAP) is the state accountability test which has been administered at Clark-Shaw since March 22. We are scheduled to complete school-wide testing by Monday, April 10th. Until then, it is extremely important that all students are present and on time to school! Testing will be conducted in the morning, so if medical appointments cannot be avoided, please schedule them for the afternoons if necessary.
As always, please remind your student to bring their fully-charged Chromebook AND charger to school each day. Students may bring with them a water bottle and a book for after the test. Please ensure that they are well-rested and ready to do their best on the test!
Gold Lanyard Celebrations
The 6th grade gold lanyard recipients enjoyed ice cream and a snack in the courtyard.
State Science Fair
Several of our Clark-Shaw students participated in the Alabama Science and Engineering Fair (ASEF) on Saturday, April 1, 2023 at Auburn University. We are proud of all who participated, and we congratulate the following students on their outstanding accomplishments!
Mei-Ling Rollman: 1st place in the Botany/Zoology category [$100], Biological Sciences Award for Outstanding Poster in Animal and Plant Sciences [$100], Health and Wellness of Animals Award [$100], 3rd Place-100 Women Strong Achievement Award [$50], and Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Inventors Challenge (JIC) [awarded to the top 10% of projects in the nation to continue their journey to the national competition].
Landyn Randell: 1st place in the Physics category [$100] and Future Rocket Scientist Award [$50]
Max Norris: 2nd place in the Environmental Sciences category [$50], Outstanding Engineering Award [$100], and Creative Design Award [$100]
Mahtahseen Fatima: Chemistry and Biochemistry Award [$100] and Chemical Engineering Award [$100]
Andres Gonzalez-Espana: Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Young Innovator Award [$50]
Congratulations to our state science fair winners! Landyn Randell, Mei-Ling Rollman, Max Norris, Mahtahseen Fatima, and Andres Gonzalez-Espana
Mei-Ling Rollman
1st place
Landyn Randell
1st place
Max Norris
2nd place
History Day Winner!
Congratulations to Clark-Shaw 8th grader Kyla Barnett!
Her project, "Phoenicians: Frontiers in Trade" won 1st place in the state! She competed in the exhibit category of the Alabama state-wide History Day Competition held at Auburn University-Mongomery on March 3, 2023. National History Day is an academic program and competition which encourages students to conduct historical research on a topic of interest to them. This year's theme is "Frontier in History: People, Places, Ideas."
We are very proud of Kyla for taking on this rigorous project on her own outside of class!
Kyla is now eligible to compete in the national History Day competition June 11-15, 2023 at the University of Maryland.
Congratulations and best of luck, Kyla!
8th grader Kyla Barnett with Dr. Idrissa N. Snider, Alabama History Day Coordinator for the Alabama Humanities Alliance.
Learning Leading Award
Max is a member of the National Junior Honor Society, Clark-Shaw Ambassadors, Scholars' Bowl, Robotics team, and he has been on the Honor Roll every quarter since kindergarten. In the classroom he is respected by his peers, who look for him to troubleshoot problems and solve issues quickly. Max is the team captain for the Scholars Bowl, and he leads with confidence while simultaneously encouraging his fellow teammates. Max is a learning leader that genuinely leads, not leaving any classmate behind, but aiming to help all his classmates to succeed.
His dedication to group efforts goes beyond the classroom. In his community Max is involved in his church by running the computers and video of the services that are broadcast via the internet. He is seen encouraging younger students to stay involved in their church and to extend that service into the community by visiting the elderly, helping with backpack buddies and being involved in youth programs that promote service. Max exemplifies characteristics of a well-rounded academically and socially involved student. His love for his school and outside community are seen in his daily interactions with people.
Congratulations, Max! We are proud of you!
Max Norris is Clark-Shaw's 2022-2023 Learning Leading Award recipient!
Jump Rope for Heart
Clark-Shaw has been the top middle school fundraiser for the American Heart Association for four years in a row! This year during February's Healthy Heart Month, our students raised a total of $2,933.21. Our 2 top online fundraisers were Riley Lewis and Jude Singleterry.
Coach Peabody, Riley Lewis, and Jude Singleterry pose with Meghan Robinson from the American Heart Association.
Girls Track Wins Division!
- 1st place Hurdles - Jael Lewis
- 1st place 4 x 100 m Relay
- 1st place 1600 m Run - Jordan Green
- 1st place 400 m Dash - Taylor Wells
- 3rd place 400 m Dash - Jael Lewis
- 1st place 800 m Run - Jordan Green
- 2nd place 800 m Run - Whisper Saunders
- 3rd place 200 m Dash - Taylor Wells
- 1st place 4 x 400 m Relay
- 2nd place Shot Put - Kenadie Thomas
- 1st place Long Jump - Amayah Bracy
- 3rd place High Jump - Taylor Jones
We are so proud of this undefeated 6-0, division championship team! Congratulations to Coach Peabody and all the members of the girls track team!!
Boys Track Division Results
- 3rd 4 x 100 m Relay
- 3rd 1600 m Run - Christopher Edwards
- 2nd place 400 m Dash - Jaiden Hopper
- 3rd place 400 m Dash - Bryce McCord
- 1st place 800 m Run - Leartist Williams
- 3rd place 200 m Dash - Marquise Grasham
- 2nd place 4 x 400 m Relay
- 3rd place Shot Put - Leartist Williams
- 1st place High Jump - Jermarion McNish
- 2nd place High Jump - Jaiden Hopper
The boys track team had many team victories and individual achievements and finished their season with a 2nd place finish at the division meet. Way to go, Eagles!
Archery Team Heads to State!
Our archery team continues to have a busy and successful season! Our archery team came in 1st in the Faith Academy tournament with a team score of 3135! Top archers were Evan Bonner (282), Paden Roberts (276), Landyn Randell (270), Julian Agee (265), and Eli Weatherford (263). Evan came in 2nd overall and 1st in 7th grade boys! Paden came in 2nd in 7th grade boys and Landyn came in 1st in 8th grade boys.
The team then placed 2nd in the West Mobile Classic. Top archers were Paden Roberts (280), Evan Bonner (273), Landyn Randell (272), and Julian Agee (269). Next, at the MGM/Semmes "Bad to The Bow"Tournament, our team came in 2nd of 8 middle schools with a team score of 3136. Our top archers were Paden Robers (286), Evan Bonner (271), Landyn Randell (270), Sophia Piper (266), and Sanad Shabaneh (265). Paden came in 1st in 7th grade boys and 1st in all boys overall.
Next up for the archery team is the state tournament on April 6th. Good luck!
The archery team will be competing at the Alabama state tournament on April 6, 2023. Good luck, archers!
SECME wins at competition!
Our SECME team attended a recent competition at Bishop State, and we are proud that they placed 2nd in the brain bowl and 3rd place in the poster competition! Great job, Eagles! Team members are Ariana Price, Philip Ntakirutimana, Sean Picerne, Bryce Weeden, Riley Lewis, Dylan Loftin, Mila Rollman, Evie Weeden, Baleigh Hughes, Chanala Dees, Sophie McDavid, Zeekie Edwards, Destiny Abrams, and Jordan Fluker. Congratulations as well to their sponsors, Mrs. Coumanis and Mr. Sikes!
The SECME team was successful in their first year!
Chief Science Officers (CSOs) Named
Our CSO's met to discuss the workshop and to make future plans.
Teacher Spotlight
In addition, based on the recommendation from Mobile County Public Schools, she was also selected to participate in the 2023 National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) at the University of South Alabama this summer.
Mrs. Coumanis was also the recipient of a $500 classroom grant from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation. It has partnered with Boeing to help provide support for the next generation’s success in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics!
What a great example of continuing your professional development and content knowledge! Good luck, Mrs. Coumanis!
Upcoming Events
Final Magnet School Window
May science field trip
Attention students in Mrs. May’s 8th grade science classes - The second and final field trip to the Environmental Studies Center covering Coastal Ecology: Microplastics and Watersheds is coming up May 3rd. Your permission form and payment is due April 26th.
WOW (Worship on Wednesdays!)
WOW is a group led by our Fellowship of Christian Athletes that meets on select Wednesday mornings at 6:50am for a time of prayer, devotional, and worship songs. All 6th – 8th grade students are welcome! A yellow pass from Ms. Caz will allow you to be released from the cafeteria or gym on the mornings of our meetings to report to Room 207 on 7th grade hall. Remaining dates for WOW are as follows: April 12, May 3, and May 10. Come join us as we start off the day with an encouraging word! For questions or passes, see Ms. Caz (Room 207).
Volleyball Tryouts
Mark your calendars if you are interested in trying out for volleyball!
Tryout Dates: April 10-14
Time: 2:50-4:30
To try out, you must have a current physical and Dragonfly account. See Mrs. Woods for tryout/clinic info or Coach Peabody for Dragonfly help during 7th period. (You will need a pass from your 7th period teacher.)
Football Tryouts
Spring Sports
Spring Sports Updates
2023 Clark-Shaw Boys Soccer Team
2023 Clark-Shaw Girls Soccer Team
The boys baseball team ended their season on March 30 with a resounding win over Phillips!
The girls softball team plays in the Division B single-elimination playoffs on April 5. Good luck, Lady Eagles!
March Highlights
Mrs. Johnson's Robotics class has been trying their hand at underwater robotics! So if you've wondered about that swimming pool set up near the cafeteria, now you know!
An up-close look at the underwater robots in Mrs. Johnson's class.
Mrs. Burch’s 7th-grade life science class students have been studying ways to help preserve biodiversity and maintain healthy ecosystems. This week, teenage inventor Boyan Slat and his company The Ocean Cleanup inspired them. Students designed a device to help clean up the #greatpacificgarbagepatch. The winning team collected over 100 pieces of trash in 2.5 seconds.
Ms. Caz's math classes aimed to find out just how high our Clark Eagles can soar! Data collection for statistics and perfect Pi are all in the mix! How do you measure up?
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Ronald McDonald House supply drive organized by our Red Ribbon Leader, Kimberlyn Brown! Your contributions will make a difference!
Students were given Clark-Shaw water bottles at the beginning of 4th Quarter, courtesy of the Junior League.
March 14 (3/14) was celebrated as Pi Day. Students had fun dressing out and doing pi-related activities in classes.
Science and Math teachers really like Pi Day! Pictured above are Mrs. Burch, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. May, Mrs. Kirksey, and Mrs. Coumanis.
Go Green Day on March 17th was sponsored by NJHS to raise awareness and funds for the Phelan-McDermid Foundation in honor of Mrs. Morris’s grandson, Carter.
Former Eagle Spotlight
Harrison is a member of Troop 227 at Dauphin Way United Methodist Church and earned his Eagle Scout rank last March. His family is extremely proud of him and his hard work. His project was restoring the community garden as well as funding and designing a historical sign marker at Dauphin Way United Methodist Church. He organized a work force of other scouts in his troop and got over a hundred donations in order to build a fence around the garden. The project took over 6 months and required working every other weekend with volunteers in order to complete it. He also raised funds for a historical sign outside the garden documenting the history of the church. He had to do all of this within the parameters of the Boy Scouts of America, submitting plans, raising funds, and completing all proposed plans.
Harrison is a junior at Davidson High School and is in the EPIC program. He is involved with the Warrior Law team, NHS and the student technical team that livestreams the football games at school. He is also an active youth member on the SALT team at Dauphin Way United Methodist Church, where he is also on the technical team that live-streams services on Sunday morning. And he’s a great big brother to Hudson - one of our 8th graders - who is two merit badges away from starting his own Eagle Scout project.
Great job, Harrison! We are proud of you and look forward to hearing more success stories!
Harrison Abernethy is a former Clark-Shaw Eagle who recently earned his Eagle Scout rank!
Upcoming Opportunities
Girls in Math
Looking for Fun Events?
Our PTA needs you!
Please consider joining or helping our PTA! Joining PTA does NOT require you to volunteer on campus. But for those who would like to help, several opportunities are available, including dance committee, awards committee, concessions and ticket sales, Spring Fling, and other events. We appreciate the efforts and support of our parents and families, and we hope you will consider joining! To join: [click here]
Important Upcoming Dates
March 22, 2023 - April 10, 2023: ACAP testing
April 13, 2023: Spring Fling
April 17 - 21, 2023: Spring Break (no school)
Newly Approved Calendar 2023-2024
2022-2023 School Calendar
Follow Clark-Shaw on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkshawmagnet_eagles @clarkshawmagnet_eagles
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clarkshaweagles @clarkshaweagles
Clark-Shaw Magnet School
Timesha Taylor-Jackson, Principal
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
Location: 5960 Arlberg Street, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 251-221-2106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Twitter: @clarkshaweagles
Newsletter compiled by Dena Van den Bosch, dvandenbosch@mcpss.com