Sunday School Survey
Action Needed by the Youth, Please
We Want Your Input!
1. You are a youth at Vista Ridge UMC
2. Your opinion and voice matters
3. Your knowledge in faith is our priority
I KNOW you all are in school mode and filling out a survey may not seem as fun as a game of paintball or an epic round of capture the flag BUT this is extremely important.
Please take 5 minutes to take the survey below based on your age group, so that the Sunday school teachers and I can better serve you in your faith. We want Sunday School to be educational, interactive and fun.
Please be honest. This is completely confidential. No names are required and the results are posted in group format.
We NEED your feedback. Don't delay. We want your input as soon as possible.
Thank YOU!!!!
-- Daira
P.S. You're gonna want to complete the survey also because it is part of an incentive that I will reveal on Sunday!
***All youth are needed to complete the survey, not just those who have been active recently.***
Mid High Survey Link
For 6th-8th graders
Senior High Survey Link
For 9th-12th graders