Dark chocolate coffee
Home Made Weight Loss Drinks To Lose Weight
- 1 cup/250 ml of water
- ½ tsp flaxseeds (ground)
- ¾ tsp dark chocolate (grated)
- 1 tsp black coffee
- Add black coffee and hot water into a cup.
- Mix it well, before adding the flaxseeds.
- Stir the ingredients, before coating it with dark chocolate.
Sip this coffee to boost metabolism (Weird Coffee Trick)
I needed a breakthrough in my weight loss and this dissolvable packet in my coffee did it for me.
I haven't placed myself on a strict diet; however, I do monitor what I eat. Within two weeks I started seeing results and down one pant size.😲
Bringing that into reality - today is October 6, 2021.
I've lost a total of 65 lbs. This is great because, on February 8, 2021, the pandemic spread was winning.
In fact, this is the same method used for generations by people in the world's least overweight country: Vietnam
For your information, Just 2.1% of its inhabitants are considered overweight or obese!
Most Vietnamese are slim, toned, full of energy, and looking young for their age.
In comparison, The United States has a 42.4% obesity rate.
If you want to try this, tap the button below and watch the 30-minute video that shows how to do it step by step..