Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ January 27, 2020
Sport Stacking Cup Sets
- Regular Cups $20
- Speed Cups $25
- Mini cups $15.
Camp Invention
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
Next Monday night, February 3rd, from 6:00-7:00 pm in the Pat Patt gym - We invite parents who have students currently in third or fifth grade to learn more about the Talented And Gifted (TAG) program and placement process. Topics discussed will be the timeline for spring assessments, an overview the the CogAT screening tool, and a review of the placement rubric criteria. We will also record the information and post it on the website after the event so you can hear the presentation even if you are not able to attend in person. Please, RSVP here. Thank you!
PTO News
The Hot yogaFLOW at Heather’s Gym last Tuesday was a great time! A huge THANK YOU to Heather’s Gym (https://heathersgym.club/) for donating the class, Jill Procop for organizing, and all those that came out for a fun, relaxing night to support the PTO!
Daddy/Daughter dance is still looking for volunteers to help put the dance together this Friday night and Saturday morning. Even if you can pop in for a little bit - any help is appreciated. We want to make this dance so special for our Oak Grove girls and their special guy. Please sign up below. https://signup.com/mobileweb/2.0/vspot.html?activitykey=108699628703004205#anonymous_invite_page
Get groovy at the Mother/Son dance with MrGetThePartyStarted himself! This entertainer will teach you all the best moves from the 50's to today while listening to all the far out records spun by DJ Ryan Levin! Think EVOLUTION OF DANCE! And not to be missed, Randy the Magician who had everyone's hair standing on end last year will be back with all new tricks up his sleeve! As always, two photobooths will be there to capture all of the special moments with your main man! And don't forget the sensational raffle - all new prizes and top notch experiences to win! Dance and raffle tickets on sale now through February 2nd by visiting https://www.ogsef.org/pto-mother-son-dance.html
Oak Grove School Education Foundation News
Grove Gala 2020 – Tickets & Sponsorships Now on Sale
Our biennial Spring Gala will take place on February 29, 2020 at Independence Grove. The Gala is OGSEF’s biggest fundraising initiative and we need the support of our community, parents, faculty and students to make it a great success. Plus, it is a great opportunity to network and socialize with your community…not to mention a ton of fun! The event features food, open bar, entertainment, auctions and more. This is an event you will not want to miss!
Learn more and secure your tickets or sponsorship at https://www.ogsef.org/gala-2020.html.
Silent Auction Donations & Volunteers – We Need You!
At this event, most of our fundraising dollars come from the silent auction. We are reaching out to our talented OGS community to donate to or help secure donations for the auction and raffle.
- Experiences are always a big hit – Game tickets, gourmet dinners, golf outings, concerts, parties – we want your ideas!
- We love to leverage the talents of our OGS community – Coaching/lessons, culinary treats, legal work, photography, beauty or whatever your talent may be.
- We also welcome merchandise of all kinds – Sports memorabilia, tech items and the like.
- We are also looking for a wine/spirits donor or connection to help support one of our activities.
We can’t wait to hear your creative ideas -- simply reach out to Shellie Fahy at shelliefahy@att.net with your auction or raffle donation, or if you are interested in helping volunteer. Thank you so much for your support.
Candace Fleming to Visit Oak Grove
The Junior High library is thrilled to announce that prolific author, Candace Fleming, will be visiting Oak Grove on Thursday, February 13!
Ms. Fleming will talk with students in grades 4-8 about her career as an author and her new book, The Rise and Fall of Charles Lindbergh.
Please consider buying a copy of this “hot off the press” biography!
Ms. Fleming will personally autograph all books purchased by Oak Grove students. Order forms are available in the Virtual Backpack.
Completed order forms should be turned in to Mrs. Sherman in the Junior High library by Wed., Feb. 12.
Kindergarten Class of 2020-2021
Oak Grove School is in the process of determining kindergarten enrollment for the fall of 2020. Having correct enrollment numbers is important to us as it impacts the number of sections, teachers and classrooms. If you have a child who is 5 years old on or before September 1, 2020, and is planning to attend kindergarten in the fall, you can click the "19-20 Pre-registration" link from the main page of the Oak Grove web site, or simply go
to www.ogschool.org/kindy to pre-register your child. You will be asked to enter the following information:
· Your child’s name, birthdate and gender
· Parent names and address, phone number and email address
· Names of siblings attending Oak Grove School
If you have neighbors who do not have children at Oak Grove and do not receive the Oak Grove News, please share this information with them. We would also like to hear from you if
you have a child that will be attending 1st grade at Oak Grove next year and is not currently attending kindergarten at Oak Grove this year.
Save the Date - February 12th @ 6:30 pm
Kindergarten Parent Information Night - Pat Patt Gym
· Information about the Kindergarten program for 2020/21
· Registration for school and Kindergarten screening process
· Kindergarten curriculum presentation
· Parent Q & A
If you have any additional questions, please contact us at (847) 367-4120.
Rotation Schedule K-3
January 28 - F
January 29 - A
January 30 - B
January 31- C
February 3 - D
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120