Davis Richmond E-news
August 18, 2023
Students will take their fall i-Ready test starting next week, August 22nd. Make-ups will start the week of August 28th. Teachers will use this information to help plan for interventions this fall. The diagnostic assessment sets the personalized online instruction for each student to start the year and readjust during the year. Teachers monitor student pathways with check-ins and ability to make adjustments. Please click HERE for more details.
Parents can access the electronic version of the Elementary Handbook on the D303 website. Please note that you will not be receiving a paper copy this year. It is the responsibility of each family to review both handbooks with their children. Thank you for your support.
PTO News
Please Help - Block Party Volunteers
Pictures and Yearbooks
Room Parent Volunteer Signup
Interested in becoming a Room Parent, Lead Room Parent or Room Sponsor?
We have three Room Parent options:
- Room Parent = help in person or donate/organize parties
- Lead Room Parent = help in person or donate/organize parties. Lead planning with other Room Parents
- Room Sponsor = Be a Room Parent or Lead Room Parent for a class that doesn't have one.
Learn more and sign up by 9/15! https://forms.gle/7N6eUQ2mGMvQsh7H8
Looking to get PTO information?
- Make sure you like the Davis Richmond PTO on Facebook today!
- Check out our new Website DavisRichmondPTO.com for the latest PTO news.
District News
Davis Primary
Davis Attendance: Call 331-228-2200
Leave messages 24 hours a day
Give reason for child's absence & clearly speak student’s name & grade/teacher
Call every time your child is absent or is more than 45 min. late
Vacation? Submit the prearranged absence form
Call early in the day with changes to dismissal routine or email the teacher and both Administrative Assistants (linda.jezek@d303.org & mona.carlson@d303.org)
If your child is signed up for Baker Station and will not be attending, you must notify both the school and Baker Station (630-675-1674)
Reminder: All students need an art smock at school
First week of school excitement!
August- Sustained Attention
Executive function refers to a set of essential skills that help us focus, plan, prioritize, work toward goals, self-regulate behaviors and emotions, adapt to new and unexpected situations, and ultimately engage in abstract thinking, planning and learning. Executive function is what gets us down to business even when we'd rather just hang out and do. This month Davis is focusing on the executive functioning skill of sustained attention. This means we will be teaching students about their ability to maintain focus on something, even if there are distractions happening at the same time. Some things you can do at home to work on sustained attention with your child are; encouraging your child to talk about the smaller portions of an activity, involve your child in activities that require them to teach or assist others, allow for interesting or stimulating tasks to follow boring or mundane ones, and give clear and concise instructions.
Davis Lock Down Drill
On September 5th, Davis Primary will conduct our state-required annual Lockdown Drill with law enforcement personnel present. During this time, students will review and practice the classroom procedures. Parents/guardians may opt their child out of physical participation in this drill each year by emailing Gina Shaw at gina.shaw@d303.org and Mona Carlson at mona.carlson@d303.org at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled date. Students who are opted out will receive an alternative school safety learning experience with a certified staff member.
Open House - Please note the time change: Open House will start at 4:30 p.m. and end at 6:00 p.m.
Davis Primary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: dav-ric.d303.org
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
Richmond Intermediate
Richmond Attendance: Call 331-228-2800
Leave messages 24 hours a day
Give reason for child's absence & clearly speak student’s name & grade/teacher
Call every time your child is absent or is more than 45 min. late
Vacation? Submit the prearranged absence form
If you are planning on a different plan for your child for dismissal, please call the office by 12 p.m.at the latest.
If your child is signed up for Baker Station and will not be attending, you must notify both the school and Baker Station (630-675-1674)
Every day we start our mornings at Richmond with a morning meeting. We call our meetings CARE meetings. CARE stands for Creating A Respectful Environment. The purpose of these meetings is to build strong teacher to student and student to student relationships and have strong classroom communities. We want all of our students to feel connected to Richmond and our goal is to be responsive and proactive in meeting the needs of students and to build trust and positive relationships. Many of the skills learned in CARE meetings, students will be able to apply throughout life. We have a variety of themes such as gratitude, respecting differences, growth mindset, kindness and more. Your child’s classroom teacher will highlight in his/her newsletters more info about each month’s theme.
Richmond Lock Down Drill
On August 29th, Richmond Intermediate will conduct our state-required annual Lockdown Drill with law enforcement personnel present. During this time, students will review and practice the classroom procedures. Parents/guardians may opt their child out of physical participation in this drill each year by emailing Lisa Simoncelli-Bulak at lisa.simoncelli-bulak@d303.org and Darlene Buffano at darlene.buffano@d303.org at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled date. Students who are opted out will receive an alternative school safety learning experience with a certified staff member.
Open House: Please note time change. Open House will start at 5:00 p.m. and end at 6:30 p.m.
Richmond Intermediate School
Website: https://dav-ric.d303.org/
Location: 300 S 12th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2800
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
SCN Black and Blue Night
Head out to St. Charles North on Friday, August 18 to see our fall sports scrimmages! Our SCN Athletic Boosters will be selling concessions, spirit wear and our booster memberships along and will offer an inflatable and face painting! See the flyer for details!
We are kicking off the Fall Sports Season with the Saints Family Fun Fest on Saturday, August 19th from 12-6 PM! This event is free to attend. St. Charles East HS students, families, and the entire community are invited to attend an afternoon of fun with kids games, a bounce house, a dunk tank, sports scrimmages, future Saints photo ops, concessions, spirit wear sales, a basket raffle and more!
ALL DAY (12:00-6:00) - Basket Raffle! Kids Games! Bounce House! Concessions! Spirit Wear Sales! FUN!!!
10:00-11:00 - Alumni Soccer Game
12:00-2:00 - Basketball Hot Shot Contest
12:00-2:00 - Boys Soccer Scrimmage
1:00-2:00 - Girls Tennis Scrimmage
2:00-3:00 - Boys and Girls Cross Country Relay Races
2:00-3:30- Speed Throw/Shot Challenge (Baseball, Softball, Lacrosse)
2:00-5:00 - Boys and Girls Golf Event
3:00-4:30 - Girls Volleyball Scrimmage
3:00-4:30 - Girls Swim and Dive
3:30-4:30 - Field Games
4:45-6:00 - Marching Band, Cheer, Dance, and Football
"It's a Great Day to be a Saint!”
Basket Raffles are being created by each sports teams. Sales will be online this year here: https://saints2023.basketraffle.org/ Sales will begin August 17 and winners will be drawn at the Homecoming Football Game on Saturday, September 2nd.