Weekly Warrior
May 2, 2022
Upcoming Events
Monday, May 2nd
- ELEM State Testing - 3rd Math & 5th Grade Science
Tuesday, May 3rd
- ELEM State Testing - 3rd Math & 5th Grade Science
- MS State Testing - 6th/7th/8th ELA
- MS/HS Chorus Spring Concert @ FBC 6:30 PM
- FFA State Convention Day 1 @ Tulsa
Wednesday, May 4th
- FFA State Convention Day 2 @ Tulsa
- Faculty and Staff Appreciation Lunch Cookout
Thursday, May 5th
- MS State Testing - 6th/7th/8th Math
- HS BB Regional Tournament @ Victory Christian
- MS/HS Spring Band Concert 7:00 PM
Friday, May 6th
- NO SCHOOL - Snow Day
- HS State Track Meet @ Western Heights
- HS BB Regional Tournament @ Victory Christian
Saturday, May 7th
- HS State Track Meet @ Western Heights
- HS BB Regional Tournament @ Victory Christian
- MS/HS 3rd Saturday School 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday, May 8th
- HS Baccalaureate @ FBC 7:00 PM
- Mother's Day
Monday, May 9th
- 5th Grade Middle School Student Orientation 8:40-9:15 AM
- FFA Green Country Pig Sale 6:00 PM
Tuesday, May 10th
- BHE PreK Ceremony 9:00 AM
- BHE Kindergarten Ceremony 10:30 AM
- WAC Banquet 6:30 PM
Wednesday, May 11th
- BHE 4th & 5th Award Assembly 9:00 AM
- MS Awards Assembly 12:35 PM
- HS Awards Assembly 1:45 PM
Thursday, May 12th
- Graduation Practice full dress rehearsal 9:00 AM
- MS/HS Semester Tests
- HS BB State Tournament TBA
Friday, May 13th
- HS BB State Tournament TBA
- Professional day for all employees
- Teacher Checkout
Saturday, May 14th
- HS BB State Tournament TBA
Sunday, May 15th
- Senior Graduation 3:00 PM
Monday, May 16th
- MS Block Party @ Ag Barn 8:00-10:00 PM
Senior Spotlight
Baseball Bi-District Champions
Band Earns Superior Rating in San Antonio
The High School Band competed in San Antonio this weekend and earned a Division one Superior rating from all three judges. They also got the Outstanding Band of the entire contest. Andrew Hammons, Libby Whiteside, Cody Downing, and Kennsie Claussen also received an outstanding soloist award. We are so proud of our Warriors!
Braden Boston signs with Eastern Oklahoma State
Choir Competes at State
It's a GREAT day to be a WARRIOR!
Pictured from Left - Right; front row: Mr. Teel, Hope McDowell, Accompanist Amy Moeller. Second Row: Gavin Gwartney, chaz Edmondson. Back Row: Malachi McDaniel.
State Champion Animal Science Quiz Bowl Team
ACEE Grants In Action Pre-K & Kindergarten Field Trip
Question of the Day Winners
Internet Access Assistance
FCC Affordable Connectivity Program
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) was created by the FCC to help households struggling to pay for internet service. As part of that effort, the FCC is mobilizing people and organizations to help raise awareness about the ACP.
Eligible households can enroll in the ACP through an approved provider by visiting ACPBenefit.org.
Note: Households DO NOT have to contain Tribal members to take advantage of the $75 subsidy. A household located on land the FCC deems as 'Tribal lands' is eligible for the larger subsidy.
Stop Vaping Challenge - Quit the Hit
Quit the Hit is a free, 5-week program that helps you quit vaping over Instagram group DMs. Plus, complete our research surveys and earn up to $60.
Connect with Adair Public Schools!!!
Click the links below to access our new APS Facebook page and download our new app.
👍 APS Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Adair-Public-Schools-105409531397084.
🍏 Apple APP Store - https://apps.apple.com/.../adair-public-schools/id1544514695
🤳🏻Google Play Store - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details...
Daily Self-Assessment Checklist
Sports Schedules
APS Administration Office
Email: mlippe@adairschools.org
Website: http://adair.k12.ok.us/APS/
Location: 202 Southeast 1st Street, Adair, OK 74330, USA
Phone: 918-785-2425
Mark Lippe
Marsha Hall
Dana Pippin