Crusader Times
August 2016
Words From Our Principal
We are so excited to welcome you to the Bonita Vista Middle School family, home of the Crusaders. We are looking forward to an outstanding school year and we are most thankful that you have chosen to send your child to BVM where we are committed to providing the best quality education for all students. We have a great and passionate staff that is always willing to assist students and parents. We want all our students to have a very positive experience in middle school and we look forward to working closely with parents. We encourage parents to volunteer at BVM and to participate in all of our activities. I wish every single student the best year ever. Go Crusaders!!!
Eduardo Reyes, Ed.D.
First Day of School
BVM ASB 2016-17 were up bright and early ready to greet our new 7th grade Crusaders and welcome back our 8th grade class! Good luck Crusaders! We wish you a successful and fun 2016-17 school year!
School Culture Assembly
Parkview Little League Advances to Little League World Series
- Omar Cordero
- Lucas Marrujo
Amazing job boys! We are all very proud of you!
Spirit Week at BVM
I Think Big Student Assembly
Student Art Work
BVM art classes explored the world of repetition, patterns, and radial balance while creating a radial codex which included a motif of a mayan bird. A variety of birds were known to the Mayans such as parrots, toucans, roosters, hummingbirds, hawks, pelicans, quail, ducks, turkey, storks ….336 species migrate through or reside in what is a world famous environment for bird watchers.
Staff of the Month
Health Corner
Medical Forms for Students with Health Concerns
Many of our students have medical conditions which may require medications to be given during school hours, specifically, epipens/antihistamines for allergic reactions, and inhalers for respiratory conditions, such as asthma. If your student has these types of medical conditions, please contact me so I can provide you with the appropriate forms to take to your physician to complete and sign. The parents or guardians will also need to sign the forms and bring them to the nurse’s office with any medications the physician has ordered.
Many parents have already been contacted regarding these types of health concerns, and the forms and medications have been returned. There will be more forms going home in the next few days with students that I have identified with these types of health issues. Please notify me via telephone or email if your student needs to have medications for allergic reactions or respiratory difficulties while here at school, and I have not contacted you. It is very important to be prepared for these types of medical emergencies for the health and safety of our students.
Take care,
Christi Stoddard, RN, BSN, PHN
Tel: 619-397-2206
Counselors Corner
Welcome Back Students! We are excited to be back and looking forward to meeting each of you. The opening of school was exciting an chaotic as we issued you schedules for the year. There will be no more class changes from the counseling office—so please do NOT make requests for teacher changes, period changes, or class switches. It’s the beginning of the school year, and 7th graders it will be a big transition from elementary schools. Hang in there if the work seems to be too difficult because it is our job to help you prepare for high school. We have AEC after school tutoring along with Re-teaching for those of you that need to improve on test scores. Take advantage of these Interventions as they are here to help you learn and prepare you for the next level. Complete ALL assignments, and study and prepare for all tests. If you have any concerns or problems please feel free to come see us in the counseling center. We have an open door policy at nutrition, during lunch, and after school.
Technology Corner
How to be successful at BVM with your iPad
Bring your iPad charged to school every day. Plug it in before going to bed at night.
Bring your charger every day in case the battery runs down.
Never take your iPad out of the protective case. When you put it in your backpack, you can wrap a dish towel around it for extra protection of the screen.
Make sure you always back up all of your documents to your Google drive account!
Use the Calendar and Reminders apps to keep yourself organized!
Check Jupiter grades daily to monitor your progress in each class.
Internet Issues
Having issues with your internet at home or at school? Try the following:
If you have an app called SUHSD Login open it and login:
· If you have the app, open it and login:
Username: iboss
Password: suhsd1
· If you do not have the SUHSD Login app, find the app called LanRev. Open it and tap Profiles, then tap Install. You should now have the SUHSD Login app on your iPad. Open it and login:
Username: iboss
Password: suhsd1
If you are still having trouble ask your Advisory teacher for a pass to the Genius Bar in room 606. If you ever have any issues with your iPad or with an app come to the Genius Bar to get support.
Important Dates
08/27 - Saturday Scholars for Math 7, Math 8, English 7, and English 8
09/05 - Labor Day School Closed
09/06 - 6 Week Progress Report Sent Home With Students
09/10 - Saturday Scholars for Math 7, Math 8, English 7, and English 8
09/12 - School Culture Committee Meeting
09/13 - Picture Make-up Day and Middle School Success 101 Meeting
09/15 - School Site Council Meeting
09/19-10/03 - Fall Break
10/04 - Students Return To School
Bonita Vista Middle School
Location: 650 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910, United States
Phone: (619) 397-2200