Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
September 2023
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Voting platform, Forms, etc.
Meet Your Neighbors - Matt, Linda, Sophie, & Aron Zorandy - 65C
Linda and Matt were born in Budapest, Hungary. As teenagers, they lived on the same street and attended the same high school. Matt’s sister was friends with Linda, but even though Matt knew Linda as his sister’s best friend, they had no romantic interest in each other and lived their own lives.
During the high school years, Matt spent the summers with his godfather who lived in Ohio. After the much awaited fall of the Iron Curtain, Matt’s visits helped him see the great things his grandfather had told him about the US. It was like being in another world. Since those visits, Matt always had the dream to work and live in the US.
Linda attended the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and spent an academic year in Sydney as well. She got her master’s degree in Economics and Finance. She worked as financial controller for 10 years for companies like Mondelez Int., Johnson & Johnson and Bunge. Matt also studied economics and got his BA from finance at the Oxford Brookes University. Later, he completed his MBA at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He worked in corporate real estate and real estate portfolio management for 13 years for companies like CBRE, PwC and Shell. He is a certified member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.
Linda and Matt met again at a musical festival after many years. They started dating and moved together in 2010. They both love traveling. In 2013, they decided to quit their jobs and left for a trip around the world. They packed their backpacks, booked a flight to Canada, and left for more than six months. They did a two month road trip living in a van, driving around the US and fell in love with the Tampa Bay area. They traveled through Guatemala, Belize, Cuba, and the Fiji Island on their way to New Zealand. They spent a month travelling in Indonesia with a motorcycle, and hopped on and off buses in Malaysia to end the trip in Thailand.
After spending months together 24/7, they knew they could live together forever and married. They also decided not to go back into the corporate world and continued working as contractors to get more flexibility. Matt also started to work part-time with his hobby as a flight instructor and lecturer. He got his commercial pilot license in 2010, and continues helping others through educating.
Their twins, Sophie and Aron were born in 2018. Having twins completely changed their lives, but the family was happier than ever. Linda and Matt can’t wait to go travelling again when the kids get bigger. They want to go back to Latin America, visit the Philippines, and Central Asia. Matt and Linda have always lived an active life - Matt rowed for the Hungarian team for 15 years. They are trying to raise their children the same way - through example. The family goes running, cycling and exploring nature as much as they can. The twins started kindergarten August 2023, at Bay Vista Fundamental school. They love the vibe of a big public school. Sophie and Aron are having so much fun, that they keep telling their parents that they have the" best school in the whole world".
Bermuda Bay and their updated townhouse was “love at first sight” for the whole family. Ever since their purchase, they keep telling everyone how much it meant to them that they were so warmly welcomed by the kind neighbors. They always wanted to have an active social life and they are thrilled to join such a nice and unique community here in Bermuda Bay.
To try and streamline communication throughout the community we are initiating a system whereby there will be one person (Captain) who will maintain communication for each individual building. The purpose of this will be clear and concise communication about particular “Building” business and concerns. Owners will still be encouraged to contact the office/property manager whenever they have a concern or question, but a Building Captain can focus personal communication/fellowship/and pertinent information in another way. This will not replace email blasts from the property manager – it would be an extension of that service. Examples of this could be:
Hurricane information – making sure that their building is prepared and make sure that neighbors are helping neighbors when emergencies arise
Evacuation safety – making sure that residents understand the route and get out!
Safety concerns – for their individual buildings
Stair Project information that concerns their buildings
Landscaping concerns to your individual building
E-voting – making sure that their building residents are registered and will vote when the time comes
We are looking for one person per building who would be willing to take on this communicative responsibility. We would prefer someone in your building who is a year round resident if possible. This person would be responsible for obtaining the emails and phone numbers of the residents of your building for communication purposes only.
We Need Captains For
If you would like to be considered for Building Captain please contact bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com or
Christine Dickey (administrative assistant)
Team work makes the Dream work!
Bermuda Bay Contact Information
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President - Adriana Lein- bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Mike Martin - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - Vivi Iglesias - bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Juliet Mee, Property Manager: - bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Bermuda Bay Office: 727-864-0735
Bermuda Bay Security Phone Number: 727-212-9965
If you have an after hours emergency, please call Condominium Associates at 727-573-9300 or reach out to a board member for assistance.
Police Non-emergency: 727-893-7780
Police Emergency: 911
Bermuda Bay Clubhouse WiFi: Username: Bermudabayclubhouse (it should pop up)
Password: bbclubhouse
Committee Chairs at Bermuda Bay
ARC COMMITTEE - Roger Daisley hrdaisley@gmail.com
Beach Restoration Committee - no chair
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Environmental Committee - Vic Vena bigvic01@icloud.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Landscaping Committee- Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Pool Committee - Cindy Vena cyvena@icloud.com
Preventitive Maintenance Committee - Meredith Borden mrkbdn@yahoo.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Security Committee: Peg Daisley- MDaisley@msn.com
Social Committee: Michelle Lubotina Michelle.Lubotina@hhglobal.com
Stair Committee - Tori Elvir and Adriana Lein: bermudabaypresident@gmail.com and bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
A Message from the President
President’s Report
· Pool chillers have been turned on – so pool will be kept at 82 degrees
· AC drain lines must be delt with either bleach or white viniger to prevent damage and overflow possibilities
· Empty units must be checked every 14 days
· Building cleanout in the future
· Streamline process for renters is being developed and now renters will get email blasts specifically for them
· October is the month to have your Intent to Run paperwork in
The Social Committee is always looking for new members and volunteers. If you are interested in participating or just helping out - please contact Michelle Lubotina, the social committee chair, at michelle.lubotina@hhglobal.com
Social Committee Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month - starting at 5:30pm in the clubhouse, and not to exceed an hour. Additional meetings should only occur if there is going to be a change to an event that requires a vote or a change to the committee staff is needed.
Events for the next 3 months
Sept – Football Tailgate Party- Sun Sept 17th 1-4pm Asking residents to bring their best tailgate dish. Outdoor tailgate games will be set up & TVs to watch the football games playing between 1-4PM.
· Prizes for best tailgate dish. Voting by all who attend event.
· ½ Keg being donated by anonymous resident.
· Will get a sign-up sheet in the library this Friday for help with set up, clean up & for those tailgate dishes being entered in the contest.
Oct – Halloween Party – Sat Oct 28th 7-10pm Live band & asking residents to bring a creepy Halloween themed food dish. The Social Committee will supply corn dogs & investigate renting cotton candy or popcorn machines.
· Prizes for best costume, best couples costume & creepiest Halloween dish
Nov – Art Marche & Silent Auction Sun Nov 12th 4-7pm. Join us for an evening of socializing, appetizers, wine, along with donated artwork & crafts. The money raised will be split between the Social & Landscape committee to use on future projects. The Social Committee will provide a cheese & appetizer tray but is asking attendees to also bring an app to share.
· 6 bottles of wine are being donated by an anonymous resident.
· We are welcoming any other BB resident artists or crafters to donate one of their items for this event as well. This means any wall art, ceramics, jewelry, pottery, sewn items, crochet items.
· Welcoming any BB residents who want to donate a piece of artwork you may have but no longer want.
· All items will be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
· Sign up bid sheets will be available for each item to enter your name, bid amount and phone# if you cannot stay for the entire event.
· Items can be donated to Peg Daisley & Dawn Daisley between Nov 1st-11th.
LET'S USE THE RESOURCES ON OUR OWN WEBSITE - https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/
CA maintains a web site for us that contains all kinds of important information and methods to make your life easier. You can pay your HOA and Special Assessment fees through the website, you can see what events are taking place each day on the Calendar, and you can put in a work order to get maintenance or repair done pertaining to your unit or building. Communication through Cinc (our website) is THE BEST WAY to get things done. If you need more training on how to use this tool, please reach out to the office, and they will assist you.
Below is a reminder on how to put in your own WORK ORDER, which will speed up the process. When you email your request into the office, it must be transitioned by hand into the work order system. You can speed up the process, by typing it in yourself. We know how overwhelmed the office can get and the office staff may not be able to get to your request that day. This ensures a prompt record and time stamps your request. The Calendar let's you see all the activities that are going on around the community and the UPCOMING EVENTS (ARC Meetings, Social Committee Events, Private party functions, and so much more).
Dear Owner,
I am taking the time to contact any Bermuda Bay owner who has not yet registered to vote. We have six more VERY IMPORTANT voting items coming up. These are the six amendments that the Board previously moved forward and the attorney prepared for the annual meeting. We also hope to have some practice polling activities on MYHOAst for the ownership to practice with before the annual election. We are hoping to get 100% participation from the community. I would like to trouble-shoot any problems that you might be having with registering on the Bermuda Bay website. After the registration is completed…it will be a single online click to get your vote tabulated in a safe and secure manner. Below are the directions to get started with the registration process: If you have done this please let Juliet know but you are not showing that you have created an owner account or that it has been approved yet. After you complete and have an active account, you will need to log into your account and at the top of the page it will say Voting Online- you will have to fill in a couple pieces of information and then Juliet will be able to approve you to vote. Please give Juliet or Christine (727-864-0735) a call If you have any questions. Here are the steps to create the portal:
1. Go to or Click this link: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/
2. Register
3. Fill out the information below
. Click Register- an approval will come via email to you You might need to wait for Juliet to enter you into the system. She will then send you another email to finish the process. It is a couple of steps…but once you have completed it – you will not have to do this again to vote. We appreciate you taking the time to register, to vote, and to stay on top of the many changes that are happening at Bermuda Bay. Please contact the office if you have any difficulties and the office staff will walk you through the process.
One of the back kayak racks broke...some kayaks are still attached, while others free floated
An Insurance Reminder from our Director-at-Large
This document is from our insurance agent David Monhs from a few years ago, which we asked for with a previous board. I have emailed and asked our agent to see if the document can be updated. When the new one is received I will ask the board to share with the community via email. Please note that this one is in not completely accurate but it is helpful. There are a few important things which you should be aware of and that have changed:
1- Windows/patio doors and any owner improvements, such as extended lanais, new front door, etc. are owner's responsibility
2- The number of days you should have your empty unit checked on goes from 30 down to 15 days. So please have someone check inside your unit every 15 days.
- A survey of the property was completed concerning exterior lights that were no longer working. The maintenance crew is on it. . Several buildings are already completed.
- IF a key card or gate fob is stolen this needs to be reported to the office as soon as possible so the associated gate code can be deactivated.
- In the early morning hours of July 29 there were at least three cars broken into on the property. These are the only ones we are aware of. We do not believe any of the people affected filed a police report.
- Our Property Manager sent an email to all owners to be alert and aware to lock their vehicles. At least one gate fob was stolen. As said, if your gate card or fob is stolen, report it immediately to the office.
Clean-ups continue, as Russel tackles section by section
Common element clean-up continues - even in the extreme heat
Individual owners continue to share their services in the clean-up. Thank you Paul Dussault!
Shore posts have been picked up by Florida Boys with a few remaining for structural reasons. WKM is progressing (as seen below). Karins continues to monitor progress, as we await the balcony permitting. Only the first four buildings have been submitted, so if there are any changes, they can be corrected on all of the other drawings before submitting. This will save time and money in the long run.
Bermuda Bay has hired Paul Terry of Angius & Terry LLP as our new construction attorney/project manager
ANGIUS & TERRY LLP has specialized in resolving construction defect issues for community associations for over 35 years. They have recovered more than $750 Million to correct construction defects. They handle most cases on a contingency fee basis, so even cash strapped associations can afford to pursue a construction defect claim. With full service Florida offices in Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando and Tampa, and ancillary offices available by appointment in Ft. Myers, Jacksonville and Sarasota, they serve community associations throughout Florida. Through the years ANGIUS & TERRY LLP has had a single mission: To provide our clients with exceptional service and superior legal representation.
The Board hired Paul Terry to ensure the success of the Stair and Balcony Project. We now have a negotiator who will oversee and protect our interests in all construction projects. Mr. Terry will also be taking over the Munyan Paint Lawsuit.
The Family Pool Hours are 7:00am - 11:00pm
Property Managers Reports
Wildlife on south beach, Rosie, Gulls, and Ibis
Photos by Kerry Morrison
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735
Twitter: @BermudaBayStP