From the Counselors Desk
Monthly Newsletter (December Edition)
From the Counselors Desk
Hello Apollo Families
Meet the Team
Chris Davis
Title: Counselor A-K
Graduate: The University of Alabama (Roll Tide)
Laura Payne
Title: Counselor L-Z
Hometown: Ft. Worth, TX
Graduate: University of Texas (Hook'Em!)
Ashley Seeser
Title: Intervention Counselor
Hometown: Alexandria,LA
Graduate: LSU (Geaux Tigers)
⭐⭐⭐⭐Richardson Magnet Tour Information⭐⭐⭐⭐
On January 12th, Richardson High School will host an event for students interested in the magnet programs. This is a field trip to Richardson High School in which students can visit three magnet programs. In addition, parents and students are invited to our annual Eagle Celebration (open house) on January 16th which will showcase the magnet programs, along with RHS clubs and organizations.
Eligibility Criteria - In order to be considered for this fieldtrip.(Due to limited space availability at the high school, once our maximum student capacity has been reached, this form will no longer be accepted).
- •Students who are currently passing all their courses and have a minimum combined 80 average in English, math,science and social studies courses
- •Students with good citizenship-Students who receive two or more citizenship grades below satisfactory in any nineweeks grading period will not be eligible
- •Students with no major discipline problems-Students who have been in In-School Suspension this school yearare not eligible
- •Students with a minimum of 90% attendance
- •Students must write a statement (approximately 5-10 sentences ) on “Why I want to visit the Richardson Arts, Law &Science Magnet” on the back of this form
Field trip permission forms are available on the attatchd link, as well as in the counseling office. The deadline for the Field trip forms is Friday, December 15th and need to be turned in to the counseling office. If you have any questions please see your counselor.
Attn: 8th grade families: Personal Graduation Plan ***Update****
Recently we released the options for the pathway’s, fine arts, athletic, and foreign language options that are will be available next year at Berkener High School. We are requesting, if your student have not selected their options below is a link to the a presentation with information on the electives that will be available.
If your student have not made their selections please see your students 8th grade google classroom and fill out the google form.
2023-24 Richardson HS Arts,Law, and Science Magnet Application Information
If you are interested in you student attending one of the magnet programs offered at Richardson High School, below we have provided a guide to help plan ahead.
⭐⭐⭐Note: Your student will complete a Berkner PGP Plan and choose a Berkner Pathway until your student has been accepted into a RHS Magnet Program⭐⭐⭐
- The Magnet Connections Day Tour will be on Jan12th (For qualifying 8th graders)
- Information Meeting -January 16th @7 pm
- On-Line Application for Magnet program opens - January 16th
- Deadline for Application - January 31
- Interviews will be on Febuary 13th & 20th (you will have to call to schedule your appointment)
- If selected notifications will be sent on March 8-15
Stay tuned for updates!
Upcoming SB-9 Lessons
Each year, school districts in Texas are required to provide anti-victimization training to students at elementary and secondary levels relating to the prevention of dating violence, child abuse, family violence, and human trafficking.
If you opted-in when you enrolled your child for the 2023-24 school year in PowerSchool for your student to receive an important lesson on the topic of Family Violence for 7th grade or Human Trafficking for 8th grade, your student will see this lesson during advisory class on Friday, November 10.
If you opted-out, your student will go to the cafeteria for advisory on Friday, November 10.
Richardson ISD has created approved lessons (reviewed and recommended by SHAC, presented for parental review at public meetings, and approved by the RISD Board of Trustees) for each topic which can be reviewed here:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yhSFe91RUabAdr-cyK8aV51c05GIhmjnGAH70cBs cqk/edit
Keeping the lines of communication open with your child by reinforcing and practicing the safety tools your child is learning will extend important safety practices into your home. If you have any questions, please reach out to the school counselor by email: Last Names A - K, christopher.davis@risd.org or Last Names L - Z, laura.payne@risd.org.
Thank you,
AJH Administrator or Counselor
Attn: All 8th Grade Parents: Personal Growth Plan Information
We are so excited to work with you and your students this school year in preparation for high school! There will be several steps on this journey to help your student make informed decisions about high school courses and to create an interest driven Personal Graduation Plan. A Personal Graduation Plan, or PGP, will help your student map out the next four years of their high school career.
The attached letter below is to inform you of the steps that we will be taking this school year to prepare your student for high school. We want to keep you up to date on this process and will do our best to communicate with you as much as possible. Here is a broad and flexible overview of the goals that we have for the next several months of this school year to help your student understand and prepare for the academic requirements for high school graduation.
Counselor Request Form
If your child needs to speak to a counselor, please remind them that they need to fill out the google form found on the counselor’s page on the Apollo HQ website. The Link can be found below.
From our Mrs. Seeser!
Hi! My name is Ashley Seeser and I am the new Intervention Counselor at Apollo Junior High. I am here to provide support, resources, and strategies for students and their families. I work with all students, but I work closely with those who are high-risk. This means students who experience suicidal ideation, self-harm, and/or critical behavioral issues. If you ever need resources for basic needs, emergency contacts, and/or mental health services, please reach out to me at (469)593-7923 or at ashley.seeser@risd.org. I appreciate all you do for your children, and I am looking forward to working with the Apollo community!
Group Programs
New Programs
✨We have some exciting new programs please read below! ✨
The LIFT Program
Apollo is starting a new program called LIFT (Loving Intervention For Teens). LIFT is a simple and effective way for others to voice any concerns they may have for a student. Anyone can fill this form out-parents, teachers, coaches, admin, and even other students. All you have to do is fill out the google form below. Your identity will not be shared and the student may never know that they have a LIFT form. The counseling department will work with the student’s teachers on different strategies that we believe will make a positive difference. Apollo wants to make sure that every child is provided with the support they deserve. Please reach out to Ashley Seeser (Intervention Counselor) at Ashley.seeser@risd.org with any concerns or questions. Thank you!
The Apollo Junior High/100 Black Men of Greater Dallas Leadership/Mentorship Program
Apollo is excited to announce the begining of it's leadership and mentorship program in partnership with the 100 Black Men of Greater DFW. The program is designed to develop youth into leaders by inspiring them to identify personal dreams or goals and build action plans toward achieving them.
This months topic was on the subject of leadership and what it means to be a leader vs. a follower. The Mentees investigated the 3 major styles of leaders.
- Autocratic - authoritarian
- Laissez -fare – laid back/welcome
- Democratic – combined authoritarian & Laissez-Fare
All of the young men discovered their individual leadership style and saw how the leadership styles worked in action during a role playing activity where they were placed in groups, the groups choose a leader and were given a scenario with a problem to solve. A sample of the Activity is attached.
The Mentees next meeting will be at the Red Cross Admin Building for their December Saturday Leadership Meeting on December 16th and our next on campus meeting will be in January..
A special Thank you to Mr. Portis who presented, Ms. Gaither, Gonzalez, and Mr. Edwards. Along with Mr. Sam Coleman for taking the photos for the session. Please enjoy a few of the photos from this session, and please celebrate these young menCommunity Resource Spotlight
We never know when LIFE happens! and its always a comfort to know the resources that are available in our community. So, in this section every month we will shine a spotlight on one of our district Mental Health and Community partners and the services they offer! This months spotlight is on.....
Mental Health Spotlight: TCHATT (Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine)🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
TCHATT (Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine): This service is virtual and provides students with psychiatric consultation, connection to community resources, supportive case management, and strategies to overcome stressful and emotional situations. To get started, you will have to reach out to your child’s school counselor and they will complete the form. If you have any questions or concerns, TCHATT’s link is listed below.
Community Outreach Spotlight: Metrocrest Services🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Metrocrest Services specializes in helping individuals, families, and seniors stabilize their lives for a brighter future. We offer a wide range of services including housing stability assistance, financial coaching and education, a food pantry, employment coaching and job readiness, senior services to help seniors age in place, and seasonal programs focused on children including holiday gifts and food for the summer.