Alternative Gift Market
First Presbyterian Church, Shelbyville, KY
Give the gifts that keep on giving!
This year so much is so different! But some things are the same: people need people!
A few of you have reached out, knowing we usually have our Alternative Gift Market in November and it's NOVEMBER! This year, we can still give our thoughtful gifts, but let's do it safely, and virtually.
What is the Alternative Gift Market? For the last ten years or so we have gathered on a Sunday in November to give gifts of charity for those on our list that need fewer material gifts for Christmas. Members of our congregation sit at a table and share why they have a particular passion and they take your contribution. We have provided cards for you to give your loved ones announcing your gift of a donation in their honor. The church bundles all donations to Habitat for Humanity, for example, and sends one check from our church.
This year that process will be different as well. We have chosen a few of the more popular organizations for your consideration. A few sentences explain the mission of that charity. Then you can click on the link provided and give from this site. The only downside is that our church will have no record of your donation and it will not be reflected on your giving statement. However, the organization will provide the usual documentation.
So many people have so many needs this year. Please consider what you can give and share your joy this year. It's more needed than ever in our lifetimes.
Support the Mission Work of Luta and Jeremy Garbalt-Welch
Luta Garbat-Welch serves as the PC(USA) Africa Community Health Facilitator in Malawi, where she is based, and in four other countries: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Zambia. She helps African partners develop sustainable community health programs and implement Community Health Evangelism. Jeremy, a clinically trained hospital chaplain, shares his expertise with Presbyterian clergy in Malawi. “We are called to serve God by living holistic lives of faith and health and sharing God’s message of wholeness with others,” they write. “We hope that through our lives and work that we will help others live lives of wholeness and healing for others and the world.”
Click on the “Give” button and designate your gift for this special couple, children of Ruth and Doug Welch, serving the world on our behalf.
A Place to Sleep
The Salvation Army
Since we will not be assembling Christmas baskets, consider making a donation on the Salvation Army website. You can put in our zip code of 40065 if you want your dollars to be spent in this area.
They have other options for participation:
*. Angel Tree: The Angel Tree is up in Kroger now. There are over 700 children in Shelby County needing help under the Christmas tree this year. Go together with a friend(s) and sponsor several if you can! If you do not feel comfortable going inside Kroger, you can call Kathy at 502-655-2036 and she will mail your angel to you, or she will meet you in person to deliver it if you prefer. She will match you with specific ages of children if you prefer.
* Red Kettles: They are up and running, so give generously when you see that familiar kettle!
* Toys: Toys for Tots will not be collecting toys this year so they need lots of help collecting $ for toys this year. Could you help here?
Awake Ministries
Click lick on the link on the button below or visit this website:
You can type in which charity you wish to apply your donation. You can choose from The Backpack Project (which sees that Shelby County students have food to eat on weekends), Veteran’s Village/Crossroads Missions (Donations are needed now toward the Community Center in the Veteran’s Village so veterans can gather with their friends and families), their food pantry, or other branches of their organization. Since our church is not able to prepare Christmas baskets this year, Boyd and Susie suggest a donation to Awake Ministries or our local Salvation Army. Share your good hearts in a new direction this year!