Hero Happenings!
Hellstern Middle School Newsletter, Springdale, AR
2020-2021 Issue 27, April 5, 2021
Update from this Friday.....
I want to take a moment, after such a traumatic event, to remind all of our families of how important our safety protocols & laws are. Please remember:
- NEVER use a cell phone on school grounds when you are in a vehicle.
- The speed on Har-Ber Avenue should never be over 20mph.
- If you are driving East on Har-Ber, please start slowing as you approach Storm's Orthodontics, that curve is dangerous and we do have walkers & bikers from those neighborhoods.
- Do not turn left out of our parking lot onto Har-Ber Ave. during arrival & dismissal times.
We have been working with our Maintenance Department & the city of Springdale to install crossing lights on the crosswalks both in front of our school and further down the road. Those should be coming soon. Thank you everyone, for helping keep our students safe!
ACT Aspire Testing is coming......
We will have a special surprise for all students with 100% attendance in April!!!!
Football Meeting
Honor Choir
Do you need help with food or resources?
Har-ber's Helpsheet: Lists all different kinds of resources
A list of helpful places for COVID-19 days:
(These resources were given to us by the EAST programs)
Connect with your team!
6th Grade Teams
7th Grade Teams
Meet Our Heroes!
Hellstern Athletics
Please remember, AAA guidelines & the governor's mask mandate require us to wear masks to all of the athletic events. Help keep our seasons going - mask up!
5th - Track meet
12th - Conference track meet
5 - Football meeting for 6th gr during advisory (rescheduled)
6 - Legends take algebraic aptitude test (7:45-8:33)
7 - Chargers take algebraic aptitude test (7:45-8:33)
8 - Defenders take algebraic aptitude test (7:45-8:33)
12 - Patriots (7th) exchange Chromebooks
13 - Explorers (7th) exchange Chromebooks
13 & 14 - 6th gr. girls Scoliosis screening
13 - School Board meeting (5pm)
14 - Champions (7th) exchange Chromebooks
15 - Titans (7th) exchange Chromebooks
26-30th - ACT Aspire Testing - Please do not check out your student
About Us
Sign up to receive text notifications
Email: abyford@sdale.org
Website: http://springdalear.apptegy.us/o/hellstern-middle-school
Location: 7771 Har-Ber Avenue, Springdale, AR, USA
Phone: (479)750-8725
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hellstern-Middle-School-243986482329649/
Twitter: @HellsternHeroes