Guardsman Gazette
September 15th, 2023
#PHMExcellence recognized by the Indiana Department of Education last Friday night (Sept. 8, 2023) at the 2023 Educational Excellence Awards Gala. Penn High School was honored with the distinguished "Excellence in College Readiness Award," partially for being the top Indiana high school with the highest number of students earning ICC (Indiana College Core) or AGS (Associate of General Studies) certificates earned! The award came with a $250,000 grant which the high school will use to further develop and enhance its existing college readiness programs for students. Click for more details on this honor for your students' future high school!
Penn Homecoming Community Events
The P-H-M Education Foundation is once again sponsoring Penn High School's Homecoming Parade, Family Fun Zone and new this year--FIREWORKS after the football game! The entire P-H-M community is invited to come out for this fun-filled family event. All the fun starts with the Homecoming Parade (grab your spot on the route by 5:00 p.m.). Info on the Parade route, Fun Zone, Football game and Fireworks can all be found on PHMEF's website. CLICK HERE.
$1 Each Day to Participate
Donations will be collected in Advisory.
This is a free spirit day (students do not need to pay $1 to participate)
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 18
- Last date to get an additional box of chocolate for fundraiser
- 4:00 - Football Practice
- 4:00 - Cheer Practice
- 4:00 - Cross Country Practice @ GMS
- 5:00 - Volleyball Game vs John Young (@John Young)
Tuesday, September 19
- 4:00 - Cheer Practice
- 4:00 - Volleyball Practice
- 5:00 - Cross Country Meet vs. Concord (@Ox Bow Park)
Wednesday, September 20
- 4:00 - Cheer Practice
- 4:00 - Volleyball Practice
Thursday, September 21
- All - School Fundraiser $$ Due to Main Office
- 4:00 - Football Practice
- 4:00 - Cheer Practice
- 4:00 - Cross Country Practice @ GMS
- 5:00 - Volleyball Game vs Northwood (@ GMS)
Friday, September 22
- 7:30 AM - Cross Country Practice
- 4:00 - Cheer Practice
- 4:00 - Volleyball Practice
- 4:00 - Football Practice
- 4:00 - 5:30 6th Grade Social
Sign Up to Volunteer at the Social
Progress Reports - Available Now!
Did you know...
when you check your student's grades in Skyward you can now see the number of missing assignments for each class. If you click on the red number, it will show which assignments are missing!
If you have any questions or concerns about a grade or assignment, please reach out to your child's teacher.
All School Fundraiser
- Monday, September 18 - Last day to get an additional box of chocolate
- Thursday, September 21 - All money should be turned in to the Main Office
- Before Fall Break - Prize Drawings will Take Place
Yearbooks For Sale (23-24)
The Grissom 2023-2024 Yearbook is on sale now. You can order today with this online order form.
The yearbook is $31 until the end of January 2024. Josten's is offering a special for early orders with a personalization purchase. If you purchase a yearbook and add the personalization option, you will receive any icons for free. This offer ends Sept 15, 2023.
Our yearbooks capture the full year which means they go to print in early June and your student will be able to pick their yearbook up at the start of the new school year. This timeline allows us to include all those special moments like Track and Field season, spring concerts, and our end of year celebrations.
Order your yearbook today!
Ashley Kelver
8th Grade Vision Screenings
Eighth grade students will be receiving vision screenings on Tuesday, September 19th. If your student wears glasses or contacts, please make sure they bring them on this day! If you have any questions, please reach out to the Health Office.
Community Health Needs Assessment
It is time for Saint Joseph Health System to administer its annual Community Health Needs Assessment. This is a voluntary survey for parents where the community shares information about their family’s health and the health of the community. The results will guide St. Joseph Health System in creating 3-year implementation strategies to impact identified health needs in the service area. Just click the link and select the English or Spanish survey.
Grissom is Great!
September artist of the month, Maximus Sharp is hard working, helpful and created a wonderful print first using a contour drawing approach to draw a subject of his selection (racoons) and then added texture and value using the hatching and cross-hatching drawing methods.
Principal, Grissom Middle School