MVMS Parent Update
Welcome to the 2018-19 School Year
Introducing Mr. Darin Prince, MVMS Principal
Dear Mount Vernon Families,
My name is Darin Prince and I am so excited to introduce myself as the new principal of Mount Vernon Middle School. I am honored to have been selected to join the Mount Vernon School District, which is known for both its dedication to excellence in education and the children of our great community. I have been proud to call Mount Vernon my home for the last 6 years. It is here that I started my family with my amazing and supportive wife Amanda. We have been blessed with two wonderful children in Cohen (3) and Adalynn (1), who will one day be wearing orange and black as they become Yellow Jackets. I am invested in the education and development of our community because our kids deserve the best.
My passion for middle school education and the success for all students has been shaped over the past 9 years as a science teacher, math teacher, and assistant principal in Cincinnati and Central Ohio. My commitment to serve others and strive for excellence stems from 14 years experience as a Soldier and officer in the Ohio Army National Guard. It is my personal mission to combine this passion and commitment to best serve the Mount Vernon Community as your Middle School Principal.
It is my philosophy that great education at the middle school level is rooted in the development of relationships and providing engaging educational experiences that support all students within the classroom. I will spend a lot of time with your children, getting to know their personalities, learning styles and interests. This will allow me to partner with teachers to personalize instruction within our classrooms to meet your student’s needs and get them excited about learning. My goal is to have students running home to share their experiences from their school day with you at the dinner table.
Not only am I excited to begin working with your children, but also look forward to the work we will do together. As the old Proverb states, “It takes a village to raise a child.” I am excited to see your children through your eyes. I cannot wait to share with you the great things they do throughout their days here at our school. And of course I will be here to work with you should they need any help navigating any aspect of life as a middle school student.
Once again, I am thankful for the opportunity to “Inspire and Empower” your student to excel both academically and socially as the Mount Vernon Middle School Principal. I look forward to getting to know you and your children.
Best regards,
Darin Prince
Middle School Principal
Important Information for the Start of the Year
- First day of school for Sixth Graders is Thursday, August 16th for Jackets First Flight. First day of school for 7th and 8th graders is Friday, August 17th.
- Student schedules will be live on Friday, August 10th through ProgressBook which can be accessed through the OneView Parent Portal. This will include student schedules and locker information. If students are unable to access their schedule online, they can pick up the schedule during Open House or will receive a copy of their schedule during 1st period on their first day of school. 1st period classes will be posted in student areas.
- Bus information and routes can be found on the OneView Parent Portal. If you have any questions please contact Transportation at 740-393-5995.
- We invite all of our Students and Parents to our MVMS Open House on Wednesday, August 15th from 6 to 7:30. Come tour the building, find your classes and locker, and meet our awesome teachers!
- Parent Drop Off - We ask that parents arrange drop off of their student after 7:15 AM. All students are to report to the commons or the gym until they are released by the bell at 7:36 AM. All students are to be in their first period class by 7:45 AM.
MVMS Back-to-School Kickoff Celebration
Forms and Fees
Our Custodians Worked Hard this Summer
Fall Sports are Underway for 7th and 8th grade students
Take Time for School Breakfast
Upcoming Events
10 Schedule Posting for Students
15 MVMS Open House, 6-7:30 PM
16 Jackets First Flight, First Day for Sixth Graders ONLY
17 First Day for Seventh and Eighth Graders
3 Labor Day (no school)
4 MVMS PTO Meeting, 6pm
?? - Interim Reports??? Grade Update Day??
24 Teacher In service (no school for students)
28 Back-to-school Dance, 5:30-7:30 PM
Mr. Darin Prince
Email: dprince@mvcsd.us
Website: http://www.mvcsd.us/mountvernonmiddleschool_home.aspx
Location: 298 Martinsburg Road, Mount Vernon, OH, USA
Phone: 740-392-6867
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mount-Vernon-Middle-School-1428107840766187/
Twitter: @DarinLPrince