Linn Lion's Roar
January 2023
Kinder News
Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a fun and safe Winter Break.
In ELA, we are continuing to practice letter names and sounds, specifically focusing on the letters Ff, Oo, Hh, and Ll. We are also retelling stories and identifying characters and settings. We will keep working on the sight words: I, am, the, little, to, a, have, is, we, like, my, he, for, me, with, she, see, look. And this month, we will be adding: they, you, of, are, that, do. In Math, we will be starting our addition/subtraction unit, exploring what numbers can be put together to make bigger numbers and how numbers can be taken apart to make smaller number pairs.
Just a reminder, please ALWAYS send your child to school with a coat, even if the weather is predicted to be warmer. It is better to have a coat and not need it, than need a coat and not have it.
Thanks so much! We appreciate all you do to work with us to help your child learn and grow.
First Grade News
Hello 1st Grade Families,
We are halfway through first grade. We are been learning so much and are making so much progress already. We completed our 2nd fast bridge screening this month. We are encouraged to see lots of students making improvements in reading and math. While we celebrate how far we have come, we are also making plans for all the work we will do after break so our 1st graders will be reading by the end of the year. In reading class we have been studying how people earn money and how they have to make choice of how to spend their money. Try to have conversations with your child to connect this learning to home. Talk about how you earn money, if they can earn money, and how to make choices when spending money. In math, we are adding and subtracting numbers up to 19. To help at home, make sure you are reading books together. You can also count objects as you are driving or at home. Have conversations with your students and encourage them to state their opinion. Have a great break, and we are excited to keep learning in January.
Second Grade News
Second Grade wants to welcome you back to school and wish you a Happy New Year!
In Reading we will be focusing on point of view, determining the central message, and understanding that characters face challenges in stories. In math, we will be practicing various strategies for adding and subtracting within 1,000. In science, we will continue working on our Plant Adventures and moving onto Work of Water. In social studies, we we be focusing on Civics and Government (Patriotic Symbols, Memorials, and Monuments, and National Holidays).
Please help us at home by encouraging your child to read at home everyday for 15 minutes.
Third Grade News
Hello families!
We have been busy in third grade! In math we finished our third unit. This was all about multiplication and division. Students need to continue to practice multiplication facts. Now that we are in Quarter 3 the expectations have risen and the classrooms will no longer display skip counting number. On Talking Points, we did post all the skip counting songs that you can practice. In reading and writing, we finished a unit. In this past unit, they had to write a narrative story. We also finished a social studies unit about mapping and directions. The students chose a country and had to research the traditions and holidays in that country.
Please keep working on multiplication facts and then reading at least 30 minutes each day.
We wish you all a Happy New Year and look forward to a great second semester.
Fourth Grade News
Happy January!
We hope everyone had a safe and relaxing break, It is exciting to have everyone back to start the new year!
This month in fourth grade, we are starting informational text in reading. We will be reading about different natural disasters and them happening all over the world.
In writing, we are continuing opinion writing. Make sure to ask your student what an OREO is…and no, it’s not the cookie!
We are starting the biggest project of the year this month, Wax Museum. Each student will have a famous person from Kansas. They will research this person then write a speech to present to the whole school.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions.
-4th Grade Team
Fifth Grade News
Happy 2023 from 5th Grade
Math: We will be starting Module 4: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions.
ELA: We will start Unit 3. We are excited to see what new stories we will be reading!
Science: We will be continuing our unit on “Watery Earth.”
Extra: We will be taking a Field Trip to Boot Hill to celebrate Kansas Day. More information will be sent home at a later date.
Linn Elementary
Email: linn@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543274_3
Location: 1900 Linn Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: (620) 471-2114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linnlions95
WINTER BREAK - January 2 to 6
Dates to Remember:
January 26 -
PTO Meeting