MMS Attendance Notices
MMS and KPS are working to improve attendance.
Chronic Absenteeism Letter
When students accumulate absences where they are missing 10% of the school year, you will receive a letter like this:
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Attendance is an important aspect of student academic success. Kalamazoo Public Schools has implemented procedures designed to improve student attendance. The goal of the district is to have all students in school every day.
Our records indicate that to date, your child has missed at least 10% of the 2023-2024 school year. Missing this much school is considered chronically absent. It is important we work together to solve this matter. We want to assist you with a plan for regular and consistent attendance for your student.
Research shows that students who are chronically absent tend to experience both negative academic and social outcomes. Chronically absent students are far more likely to drop out of school than their peers who attend school regularly. Additionally, schools with high percentages of students who are chronically absent have lower reading and math achievement scores even for students who attend school regularly. For your student to have a successful educational experience, it is vitally important that they attend school every day. Sincerely, Kalamazoo Public Schools
*Students who are identified as chronically absent are in direct violation of Michigan law 380.1561 and of the Kalamazoo Public Schools Policy 5.2. Any further absence from school may result in petitioning for educational neglect.