Monthly School Newsletter
Sacramento New Technology High School's News You Can Use!
In This Issue....
- Parent Square
- Parent Power Hour - Name Change Community Meeting
- Community Service Opportunities for Students
- Student Leadership Updates
- ELPAC Testing
- Donations Needed!
- Get Ready for Graduation
We are switching to Parent Square!
All of our communications will now be coming to you through the Parent Square App. It is highly recommended that you get the app on your smartphone and any other electronic devices you use. This will allow you to receive all of our announcements in the language you choose!
All of our teachers will also have access to this communication platform and will be able to communicate for effectively with whole class messages or with one-on-one or small group messages.
Parents can also communicate directly to any staff member or teacher through the app. The best part is, the parent can communicate in their home language and the program will translate everything for us!
We are excited to have this communication tool available to us and look forward to much better communication between our school and our families!
Even if you don't have the app, you will still get notices (and should have already been getting them), but getting the app will allow you to use the communication functions and see ALL of the posts and announcements we make.
To learn more information about Parent Square AND to Download the APP, click here!
Parent Power Hour
Monday, January 22nd 6:00-7:00pm
This month's Parent Power Hour is an important one and we hope you can attend!
As many of you know we are transitioning into an Early College High School. This means, that ALL of our students will also attend college courses at the community college.
At this meeting, we will talk about what this all means and how it opens up opportunities for all of our present and future students. In addition to this, we will be discussing our name change and the benefits that will also bring us.
Your input is EXTREMELY important. As educational partners, we want to make sure our parents fully understand and are a part of the decisions we make as we develop this program for our students.
We hope you can join us on Monday, January 22nd so we can share this information with you!
College Students - URGENT!!
Students enrolled in our dual enrollment courses (either HCD 310 or DEAF 310):
Make sure you turn in your signed permission forms to Ms. Kim ASAP!! Even though the classes are reserved for us, SCC cannot actually enroll you until your signed application is received!
Students enrolled in other college classes:
Your classes are beginning the week we return to school, so start checking your enrollment in eServices and look for your classes to begin in Canvas.
If you have ANY college related questions, email Ms.Kim at Kimberly-seyford@scusd.edu!
Community Service Opportunity - For Students!
Does your student need Community Service Hours?
The school year is officially halfway over so we want to make sure our students (and especially our seniors) remember to fulfill their community service graduation requirement.
We post community service opportunities when they arise and here is one that they might be interested in.
2024 Mayoral Forum - Hosted by the Tahoe Park Neighborhood Association
Date: Thursday, January 18th
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Tahoe Elementary School, 3110 60th St
Students who attend this forum will receive community service for their attendance. Parents are welcome to attend too! This will be a great insight to our potential new Mayor.
Please register to attend HERE!
Student Leadership Updates
English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
This is just a heads up to our parents of EL Students. We will be starting our annual ELPAC Testing in February. This is just for information. You do not need to do anything.
For more information about the ELPAC, please visit: https://www.elpac.org/resources/parent-resources/
Donations Needed!
Kleenex and Clorox Wipes - PLEASE!
This is going to be a very cold and wet winter season! We would love it if our families could donate a few boxes of tissues and/or some anti-bacterial wipes so we can take care of our students and staff!
Please be sure to bring in your receipt with your donations so we can credit you with participation time.
Thank you in advance for your help in this matter!
It's time to start thinking about graduation!
You might think its a little early to think about graduation, but its not. It will be here before you know it and we want to make sure YOU are prepared. Below is some information that will help you plan for this very special celebration.
Graduation Date: Friday, May 31st
Location: Burbank High School Auditorium
Time: 4:30 PROMPT (Doors open at 3:30pm)
Please read carefully:
- There is plenty of room for all of your family members. With a graduating class of about 30 students, we do not limit the amount of guests you can bring. That being said, please inform your guests that all Balloons will need to remain in the back of the auditorium so they do not get in the view of others. Also, no noise makers please!
- If you and/or your guests arrive at 4:30, they will be instructed to wait in the lobby until the graduates enter the auditorium. When we say we start at 4:30pm, we mean we start AT 4:30pm. Please arrive early so you can be seated well before the graduates enter.
- Order your CAP & GOWN now! - You can go to Jostens.com and enter our school name. This will get you to all the graduation regalia you may want or need.
- Senior Portraits - Since we are a tiny school, we do not host Senior Portrait events. Students can get their Senior Portraits done by any photographer your family chooses.
- Seniors will be REQUIRED to attend rehearsal. Rehearsal is in the morning from 10:30-12:30pm. Students who do not attend rehearsal will not be permitted to participate in the ceremony.
Do not worry, this will not be your only reminder about graduation and all the things you have to do to get ready. But don't wait to get started on some of this stuff right now.