Rock Hill Review
November 3, 2019
Opening Up
As most of you know, we have been working over the past couple of months with our Class of 2021 deciding what our CORE values will be. As we were finishing up, I was starting to think of ways in which I can ingrain these CORE values in my mind as well as help the students remember our CORE values. Last Friday, I attended a conference through Jostens, which is the company that does our yearbooks and graduation material, and heard a principal from Tennessee speak named Dr. Phillip Campbell. Dr. Campbell said something that resonated with me in that today's kids just want to be "Seen, Heard and Loved". As he said that, I thought about our kids and the fact that a lot of them who chose to come to Rock Hill were doing so because they wanted to be connected to a smaller campus. Then I began thinking about our CORE values and how I could link the two together. As I started writing in my notebook the thought of "I Can See You" came to mind and by taking each of our CORE values you can spell out that line (Integrity, Creativity, Service, Excellence, Empathy, Unity)
Without a doubt it encompasses exactly what we are trying to do at Rock Hill in giving our kids as many opportunities to be heard and be a part of building the type of high school they want to attend. We also want them to start making those connections with us and with each other in order for them all to be seen and most importantly, loved at Rock Hill.
RHHS Drill Team Uniforms
Rock Hill Design Features - Cafeteria
Construction Update
Class of 2021 Ring Ceremony
Did you miss the Class of 2022 Parent Meeting?
Upcoming Student Meetings
Class of 2021 - RHHS Seniors
Thursday, November 14 - Crest Design (continued)
Monday, December 2 - Diploma Design
Class of 2022 - RHHS Juniors
Wednesday, November 6 - Define Core Values (continued)
Monday, November 18 - Class Motto
Wednesday, December 11 - Class Motto (continued) and Mascot Name
Coffee With the Principal (November 21, 2019)
Sign up here to let us know you are coming
Location: Prosper ISD Administration Building
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2019
Time: 9:00am
Upcoming Events
November 4 - 7: Stuff the Bus
November 6: RHHS Class of 2022 Student Meeting (Eagle Time in the LGI)
November 9: Outdoor Movie Night at Children's Health Stadium - 7:00pm
November 11: Veterans Day Luncheon at Prosper High School - 11:30am - 1:30pm
November 14: RHHS Class of 2021 Student Meeting (Eagle Time in the LGI)
Rock Hill High School
Email: datoth@prosper-isd.net
Website: https://www.prosper-isd.net/Domain/4068
Location: 16061 Coit Road, Frisco, TX, USA
Phone: 469-219-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rockhill.high.5
Twitter: @RockHillHS