Hometown School Newsletter
October 11, 2022
Bencik's Buzz
Hometown Families:
As the weather is changing, please make sure your children are dressed to go outside. We will be going out for recess until the weather is below 32 degrees.
We are looking forward to our Family Conferences this week Thursday and Friday. Please make sure you have signed up for a conference. Call the office to schedule.
End of the day reminders
Please remind your older children if they are picking up a younger sibling they should walk straight to get them and not stop off anywhere. We do not want our younger grades waiting for their older siblings. Students should not be stopping at the park after school without an adult. At the end of the day, students need to go home to check in with family and then may return to play in the park.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parents will be able sign up for conferences starting on Thursday, September 29th at 10am, Parents are able to sign up for three conferences. We encourage families to sign up for homeroom teachers, encore teachers such as PE, library, art, or music as well as interventionists. Parents are able to sign up for conferences until October 10th.
A Look at the Week
10-13- Half Day- Dismissal at 11:30am PT Conferences 5pm-8pm
10/14- NO SCHOOL PT Conferences 11:30am-6:30pm
10/18- CASE Field Trip to Farm
10/19- Picture Retakes
Picture Retakes
Our picture retakes will be next week Wednesday. Families should bring the pictures back if they will be doing the retakes.
Arrival Procedures
Please make sure students are not walking through the parking lot when arriving at school. Students should be using the pathway as to stay safe. Vehicles are pulling into the lot and we want everyone safe. Also, as you are standing with your child please remember we have little ears listening. Profanity is frowned upon.
Unity Week
We will have a week for Unity to stand up to bullying. Please see the flyer with all of the days for different dress down days.
Health Exams- Kindergarten Families and New Students
Please make sure your health exam and immunizations are filed with the nurse. Exclusions start on October 15th.
Hometown Staff Spotlight: Ms. Kristen Scheffler
How long and what grades have you taught?
This is my first year teaching. I am an Academic Support Specialist working with students in Kindergarten-4th grade.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
I would love to travel to Paris because I have never traveled out of the country and I would love to try all the French foods and desserts. French macarons are my favorite!
What are you most excited for this year?
I am most excited to continue building relationships with my students. We are off to a great start and it has been wonderful seeing my students' personalities come out while we are working in small groups.
What is your favorite food?
I love almost any dessert! I have a real sweet tooth. If I had to pick one it would have to be brownies.
Who is someone you admire and why?
I admire the other teachers at Hometown, but especially the other members of the intervention team. Since we are all working together in the same room, I have been able to observe the other interventionists a lot. As a new teacher, it is wonderful to have the opportunity to watch veteran teachers teach.
If you see Ms. Scheffler around Hometown, please welcome her and say hello!
Talent Show
Students will be able to participate in a talent show this school year. A flyer went home explaining the event. Auditions will be tomorrow, October 12th. Please encourage your students to sign up to showcase their talents.
Students will be able to come in costumes for our half day on Halloween. We will have a parade for students and parents to view outside weather permitting. If we have bad weather, we will have the parade in the gym. After the parade, teachers will have Halloween activities for their classrooms. If you child would like to bring non-eatable items to pass to the class they may do so. We will not have parents running activities this year.
Arab American Family Services
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik