Important Announcement from KISD
February 27th, 2023

April 22, 2023
Killeen ISD Parents and Employees,
The Board of Trustees would like to thank everyone who took the superintendent search survey, attended superintendent search town hall meetings, and shared information with others. We had a tremendous response from the community.
JG Consulting presented the data from the town hall meetings, community survey, and focus group meetings that occurred over the course of the last three weeks at the board workshop this week. We are happy to share they have completed the Candidate Profile for the next Superintendent of Schools.
The next step in the process entails the advertising for the position. This will be done through a variety of ways. As a valued member of Team KISD, we want you to be able to review the Candidate Profile. In addition, we have provided the data related to the town hall meetings, community survey, and focus group meetings. All of the information can be viewed online at
We look forward to continuing the process of identifying our next Superintendent of Schools.
Killeen ISD Board of Trustees