The Starburst
The Barrows Weekly Newsletter: April 7, 2023
A Message from Principal Gallegos
Greetings, Barrows Families,
Congratulations to our third, fourth, and fifth graders, who showed confidence and perseverance through our ELA MCAS tests this week. They were respectful, quiet in the hallways and classrooms. We asked our students to show what they know and do their best. However, we also emphasized that this isn't the most important test of the year and that the results help our school make decisions on how to teach material best--not judge singular students' academic abilities. Students were also very flexible this week due to scheduling changes to accomodate our testing schedule.The pictures below show Mrs. Kimball and Ms. Penna's buddy classes having library together so every class could have library this week!
After an extensive screening and interview process that concluded early this week, I am happy to announce that Annemarie Ring will join us as our Assistant Principal next year. Annemarie is currently serving in her 7th year as assistant principal at an elementary school in Winchester. Annemarie's classroom experience includes time as a general education teacher, special education teacher, and interventionist. She has three children in the Reading Public Schools and has been involved in the Reading Education Foundation and the Coolidge PTO. We will benefit from her previous experience to support our staff, students, and families. She will continue to share her love of learning, community service, and 26 years of classroom and administrative experience.
Annemarie is honored to serve in her community and looks forward to joining the Barrows team for the 2023-24 school year. Again, special thanks to the Barrows community and the Barrows advisory committee for their commitment to this process. The advisory team included Laurette Cullen, Jaclyn Gargano, Erin Gibson, Shayla Leary, Laura Payack, Donna Walsh, Lori Barcikowski, Kaylee Dee, and Hannah French. Your thoughts, perspectives, and collaboration were critical throughout this process.
As usual, so many great things are happening at Barrows and in our community this week. The highlights below include:
- Reading Public Schools Districtwide Artfest Dates
- Information for next weeks PTO Meeting
- Spring Apparel Sale
- Staff Appreciation Sign-Ups
- SEPAC Parenting opportunities
- Community Support for Families
- Mrs. Korwan's awesome April OT Bitmoji Classroom Link
I wish our families that observe Easter and Passover a happy and joyous holiday!
Mrs. Gallegos
P.S. The week of April 17-21 is April vacation. The next newsletter will come the last weekend of April. Enjoy your break!
Barrows Upcoming Dates
2022-2023 School Year
Monday-Wednesday, April 10th-12th: Reading Public School ArtFest @ RMHS
Monday-Thursday, April 10-14: MCAS make-up tests for 5th-3rd Graders
Wednesday, April 12th: Final Read-a-thon Raffle, Barrows PTO Meeting @ 8:30 am in the library
Tuesday, April 11th: Pizza Kit Pick up at Tremezzo Ristorante (2 Lowell St., Wilmington)
Wednesday, May 10th: Barrows PTO Sip, Shop, Eat Fundraiser on Main Street
Thursday, May 11th: Barrows Open House (early release day 12:45 pm dismissal)
Friday, May 12th: Full Day of school 2:45 pm dismissal
School Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:15 AM - 2:45 PM
Friday, 8:15 AM - 12:45 PM
Students must be in class by 8:25 to be counted as on-time and present
Our district-wide celebration of the Arts is just a few days away and there is excitement in the air! Our three-day event is scheduled for Monday, April 10th; Tuesday, April 11th; and Wednesday, April 12th at RMHS! Some of the great things to look forward to include Visual arts and media on display down RMHS Main Street and the main lobby and musical performances from so many groups across our schools. Please see the attached e-postcard invitation and e-flyer (with the schedule of events) for more information. We welcome our entire community to come support our Reading students as we celebrate how the Arts bring us together as a district and as a larger community!
5th Graders get a special visit from some of Parker's Chorus & Band Members
MCAS Dates
Mark your calendars! Barrows Grades 3-5 2023 MCAS Assessment dates are noted below. The testing window has been set by DESE and we are planning for the following MCAS test dates at Barrows. Please note that students will take 2 days of tests per content area (English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Gr. 5 Science and Technology). Please refrain from vacations or unnecessary absences on these dates. Students that missed ELA testing this past week will be scheduled to test the first day of return (April 10-13 & 24-25).
School Lunch Menu
Remember, school lunches are once again free for students in the Commonwealth. We look forward to providing nutritious meals for our students! Be sure to check out the weekly menus, as there are a lot of NEW options! Our new daily options are Bagel & Cream Cheese, Yogurt Parfait with Granola or SunButter & Jelly sandwich (details listed in the menu). Students will not have the option of cereal or pretzels anymore.
Reading Public Schools Food Service/Lunch Menus: http://reading.k12.ma.us/departments/food-services/
It is the Reading Public School's wellness policy that we are not permitted to provide snacks to our students during the school day. Please send a healthy snack with your child every single day. If you are unsure about the allergies in your classroom, please check with your child's teacher. Teachers are not allowed to provide snacks to our students.
Barrows Teacher Appreciation Breakfast Sign-Up
We are planning a breakfast to kick off teacher appreciation week for our wonderful Barrows staff. Please review the available slots below and sign up to bring items to Barrows on Monday, May 1st between 7:30-8:00 am. If you are unable to drop items at that time please reach out to me (brooke.heaney@gmail.com).Thank you for your help!
The Spring Apparel Store is now open!
The Spring Apparel Store is now open!
Shop online to get your Barrows gear, including tees, sweatshirts, pajama pants, hats, and more! https://tinyurl.com/BarrowsSpring23
Order deadline is Sunday, April 16th, and items will be delivered to Barrows in May.
* When ordering, be sure to note in the comments box if something is a gift! *
All items are made to order and are final sale. Please check sizing chart measurements before ordering.
Questions? Contact Kate Grant: katefgrant@gmail.com
Important PTO UPDATES!
Our next PTO meeting will be this Wednesday, April 12th at 8:30am (Barrows Library and Zoom). Agenda will be sent in advance of the meeting. ALL parents and caregivers are welcome! Reach out to Lori and Meghan with any questions or topics for consideration.
- Pizza Kit pick up will be on Tuesday, April 11, at Tremezzo Ristorante, 2 Lowell St Wilmington.
- Venetian Moon! Wednesday, May 10th: Dine in and take out 4:30-9:00. (Don't forget to shop Aines, Tin Bucket and Love Struck 10a-8p while on the block!)
- CAPRI! Monday, June 6th: Dine in or take out 5-9pm!
Sign up to help in the cafeteria during lunch periods (11:15am - 12:35pm). The cafeteria is fully staffed but can always use a couple extra hands to help with opening up packages, milk cartons, moving through lunch line efficiently. Please note that all volunteers must have a completed CORI on file prior to volunteering and unfortunately non-school aged children will not be allowed to join with the volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering please use the Sign Up Genius to sign up for the day or days you would like to help out – Link to Sign Up
The Minted Fundraiser is open the ENTIRE year! You can use the promo code FUNDRAISEBARROWS any time you place an order through Minted and help support the Barrows Elementary PTO. You'll get 20% OFF your ORDER and 15% of every purchase made using our code will be donated back to Barrows.
Box Tops
Did you know you no longer need to clip Box Tops and send them into school? Box Tops now offers an app where you scan your receipts! Doing online grocery delivery these days? No problem! Box Tops also offers a way to email your online orders for credit. Find it in the app store or google play store today!
Helpsy Bin
Finally, have you been in purge mode lately? Getting rid of old, stained or ripped clothing? Drop it off in the Helpsy box in the Barrows staff parking lot (after school hours of course) and Barrows will receive a small donation for your items. Clothing, shoes and accessories are all accepted!
Questions about any of these programs, contact Alison Ethier at alison.ethier@gmail.com
PTO Board
Lori Barcikowski, Co-President
Meghan Dribin, Co-President
Amy Koehler, Treasurer
Alicia Curtin, Secretary
Alison Ethier, Social Media Coordinator
Fun From the 1st Grade Silent Auction Winners!
WALK-IT like you ROCK-ET 5K
Attention all Rockets and the Reading community: The Class of 2024 is hosting Reading’s first annual “WALK-IT like you ROCK-ET 5K” on Saturday May 6th! Bring your friends and family for a fun filled morning! The race will begin at 9am and prizes will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place in age groups. Wear your reading rocket gear or red and black to show your best rocket pride! Help bring our community together and enjoy a beautiful spring morning with music and games. Admission to run will be $25 to support our class. Register using https://runsignup.com/Race/MA/Reading/WalkItLikeYouRocket
The Reading Public Library is offering a 3-part workshop on immigration
The sessions are all on Zoom at 7 pm.
The ABCs of Immigration, April 10
Rights and Benefits for Immigrants, April 24
Immigration Policy Updates and the Work Ahead, May 8
Register for one session or all 3.
English- https://tinyurl.com/rplimmi
Portuguese- https://tinyurl.com/rplimmi-por
Spanish- https://tinyurl.com/rplimmi-span
Reading Family Supports Fair
Wednesday 4/26, 7-8 pm
Reading Public Library
We'll have local organizations with information to assist Reading families. Children are welcome too! Interpretation will be available.
Housing & Rental Assistance
Navigating your child's education
Dental and Medical Services
Work and Job Resources
Counseling and Mental Health Support
Please email karen.hall@reading.k12.ma.us if you want to attend, but will need transportation.
See fliers for more information.
English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uLicvfqyEpQb2CInLyB2cfhOfl8lO2Bb/view?usp=sharing
Portuguese: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IXOV2dVnSEwXdfsgn9jH_AN7iQUsnIR3/view?usp=sharing
Latest News from SEPAC!
SEPAC works for the understanding of, respect for, and support of all children with special needs in the community.
⭐ SPRING with SEPAC Events are open to ALL!
Don't miss out! See flier for all of our events and mark your calendars.
⭐ Do you have a child who is on an IEP, a 504 plan, and/or has a disability?
Fill out this BRIEF, ANONYMOUS survey for the SEPAC board to help us reach ALL families and plan for 2023-2024. We especially wish to reach anyone who feels disconnected from SEPAC despite having a child with an IEP, a 504 plan, and/or special needs.
⭐SEPAC meeting THIS Tuesday, April 4th, at 1pm–see flier
For more information about these and other opportunities, click here for SEPAC’s latest newsletter.
Calling all library volunteers!
The UPDATED (January-June) link to signup to help in the library is here! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ACA62FA0F58-parent
Please make sure you have an up to date CORI on file.
If you would like to know more about volunteering in the library please contact Mrs. Becker @ carina.becker@reading.k12.ma.us . All are welcome to donate their time!
- Please drive slowly up Edgemont to keep everyone safe; remember, it is one way.
- Do not park in the indented section by the gym. This is the "kiss & go" area for a quick drop-off.
- Doors open at 8:15 and close at 8:25. Your child needs to be in the doors by 8:25 AM. If your child gets to school after the doors have closed, they must come to the front door and be marked tardy.
- At dismissal time, there is no live pick-up in the driveway except for students who take the bus. Kindergarteners exit the building at 2:40 PM. The rest of the students dismiss at 2:45 PM from the same doors they enter in the morning.
As a safety reminder, the staff parking lot is staff-only. We respectfully ask that caregivers park along the streets. With our students exiting from their external doors in the parking lot, having cars drive in and out is not safe. You need to walk around the school on the blacktop to the back. Thanks for helping us out.
Dogs and Puppies on School Grounds
School Committee policy prohibits dogs on school grounds as much as we all love dogs and puppies and as much fun as it is walking them. If you'd like to walk your dog as part of your pick-up routine, the dog has to stay off school property. If you'd like your child to walk to you on the sidewalk or to the driveway entrances at dismissal so you can wait with your dog, please make that plan with them.
About these Services
Helpful Links
Barrows on Twitter: @BarrowsSchool https://twitter.com/BarrowsSchool
Barrows Homepage: http://www.reading.k12.ma.us/barrows/
Reading Public Schools: http://www.reading.k12.ma.us