Kirk Fenton News
16th June 2023
Please look on our website www.kf.starmat.uk for up-to-date information.
Dear Parents / Carers,
What a busy week we have had! First of all, a huge well done to Year 1 who have completed their phonics screening this week and Year 4 who have had their multiplication tables test. The children persevered so well and can be proud of their achievements.
Next, congratulations go to Year 5 who took part in the Big Science Share on Tuesday. They did a great job in arguing the case for the compass being the greatest invention of all time and were sent a message from the vice-chair of the Trust:
I wanted to pass on our congratulations to all of your pupils who attended the Sharing Science event yesterday.
They all presented brilliantly, were so enthusiastic and engaged, and their work was fantastic, and behaviour exemplary. It was very obvious how much effort and preparation had gone into the event, and we learned a good deal from the content of the talks and tables.
It was a delight to be able to see their work, interaction, negotiation skills, and all-round pleasure at being there.
Water bottles - We are starting to see children bringing 'Prime' water bottles into school which is causing an issue in some of the classes. Regardless of what is in the bottle, it is not appropriate to send these into school. Please ensure your child has a plain water bottle in school.
Thank a teacher day 21st June - Every year on National Thank a Teacher Day, the Education sector takes the time to celebrate teaching and support staff across the country. The aim of the day is to raise the profile of the teaching profession, highlight the positive impact teachers and school leaders have in our society, and show teachers that they are valued. If you would like to send a thank you message to an adult in our school, please see the section of the newsletter below. These are shared with staff weekly on our internal newsletter.
Finally, I am in the final stages of finalising classes and teachers for next year but can confirm that each class will be moving up as a whole and no children will be moving into a different form group next year. I should be able to confirm teachers in next week's newsletter so watch this space!
Have a lovely weekend,
Karen Williams
Head Teacher
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Donaldson - Jonah and Owen
Hughes - Scarlett and Seb
Coelho - Maisie and Daniel
Rosen - Sophie and Charlie
Milligan - Coby and Clara C
Zephaniah - Ava and Isla S
Shakespeare - Whole Class
Angelou - Lily-Mae and Nadia
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Donaldson - Archie
Hughes - Oliver
Coelho - Evie
Rosen - Hamish
Milligan - Clara M
Zephaniah - Joe
Shakespeare - Hattie
Angelou - Fred
Winning Team
Well done to everyone who has worked hard on their maths this week. A special well done to Zephaniah class who have made a fantastic effort with their multiplication learning over recent weeks and completed their times tables test this week. Our other TT Rockstars are Ryo L, Eryn G and Bea O. Well done!
Lots of children are putting in huge effort on Numbots too and teachers are really seeing the difference in class. Special congratulations to Maisie A, Alfie H, Austin B, Tom O and Evelyn A who are our Numbots superstars this week.
Message from Head Pupils
This week, year 5 visited another school in hope of convincing them that the compass is the best invention of all, at the Great Science Share. All classes have been on the field preparing for next week's sports day and year 6 have been busy making nightlights in DT. Other than this it has been a quiet week full of interesting learning and the excitement of the holiday getting closer. See you next week for Sports Day (Thursday the 22nd).
Head Pupil certificate went to Thomas D.
Niamh and Lillie
Sports Day, Thursday 22nd June
Classes have been practising for Sports Day and we are very excited to invite parents and carers to watch our races on Thursday 22nd June. Reception, year 1 and year 2 will have their sports day in the morning, starting at 09:30, and years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will have their sports day in the afternoon, starting at 13:30. We will open the gates for EY and KS1 at 9:15 and for KS2 the gates will open at 13:15. Parents attending both will need to leave the school site over lunch time. Please can you apply sunscreen to your child before school and send them with a sun hat and a water bottle.
Please do not take any photos as many children do not have photo permission. Spectators will be sitting on one side of the track, and children and staff will be sitting on the other side. Please do not come across the track to your child as this can cause upset. Reception and KS1 parents/carers are welcome to come and say goodbye to their children at the end of the morning. KS2 parents/carers can collect their children from their classrooms when sports day finishes.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Music Performance for KS2 Parents
This year, our KS2 children have been working hard every week with Mrs Moulds, developing their skills on their musical instruments. Parents and carers of children in year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are warmly invited to a musical performance, so they can share the pieces they have been learning, on the following dates:
Parents of children in year 5 and 6: Tuesday 4th July at 2.45pm - 3.15pm
Parents of children in year 3 and 4: Wednesday 5th July at 2.45pm - 3.15pm
**DATE CHANGE** Non-Uniform Day, Tuesday 27th June
Sports Day
Thursday 22nd June
EYFS/KS1 - morning
KS2 - afternoon
Open Classrooms
Monday 26th June, 3pm
Non-Uniform Day
Tuesday 27th June - donations of chocolate for the summer fair chocolate tombola
Hughes & Coelho Class Trip
Wednesday 28th June
'Kirk Fenton Does Pride' Day
Friday 30th June - dress in bright clothes for the day
Friends Summer Fair
Friday 30th June, from 3pm
Musical Performance
Tuesday 4th July, 2.45pm Y5 & Y6
Wednesday 5th July, 2.45pm Y3 & Y4
Moving Up Days / Y6 TGS & SHS Transition Days
Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th July
New Starters EYFS Transition Morning
Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th July, 9-11.30am
New Starters EYFS Parents Meeting
Thursday 6th July, 4-5pm
Rosen Class Trip
Thursday 13th July
Milligan & Zephaniah Class Trip
Tuesday 18th July
Y5/6 Leavers' Production
Tuesday 18th July, 6.30pm
Wednesday 19th July, 2pm
Y4 Onsite Camp
Thursday 20th - Friday 21st
Donaldson Class Trip
Friday 21st July
Y6 Leavers' Lunch
Tuesday 25th July
Y6 Leavers' Service in Church
Tuesday 25th July, 2.15pm
Term Ends
Tuesday 25th July
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
Thank you to everyone who has brought in donations of books, teddies and bottles for the Summer Fair. There is still time if you have items to donate, we'd like all donations in by next Friday 23rd please.
We could still do with a few more volunteers to bake, and maybe help at the fair itself - so if you can help with either please email us.
Raffle tickets will be coming home next week - we have some FANTASTIC prizes this year, see the poster for more info.
And finally, don't forget chocolate donations for non-uniform day will help to stock the chocolate tombola at the fair!
As ever, you can always set up EasyFundraising as an easy, free,
way to help raise funds for the school whilst you shop.
(Easy Fundraising will link to: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/kirkfenton/)
Registered charity no: 1154660
Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information www.facebook.com/FriendsOfKirkFenton
STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies:
North Yorkshire Community Messenger
“North Yorkshire Police want to keep the its communities informed with what is going on in their neighbourhoods. By signing on to Community Messenger you could receive regular emails concerning emerging crime scenes, serious incidents that may impact upon the community and details relating to local community engagement. It also provides a facility for you to feedback directly back to the Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers who work in your area. It is very simple to sign up – either visit this Home Page or scan the QR code and fill in some very basic information. You will then get an email asking you to complete sign up and you are away. This is a secure system, your information is not shared with anyone else and you can sign out at any time to. We need to work together and this is a good way of achieving that – Thank You.”
Martin Wedgwood.
Selby Police Inspector.
Robin Hood
The South Milford Memorial Playing Fields Association are welcoming the professional travelling theatre group Illyria back for the second year. Last year's Peter Pan was a great success, complete with flying actors, and a terrifying crock. This summer Illyria are back to present Robin Hood! 24th June, gates open 3pm to start at 4pm. South Milford park LS25 5AF. Please park away from the High Street to avoid facebook rage :-) We Hope to see you and your families there!
You can buy your tickets here (prices are a lot cheaper with us than at some of the big venues they go to!):
Feeling frazzled?
Feeling the heat and pressure of family life?
Join our Parenting courses & events to discover ways to stay cool and calm in the middle of it all.
Sunshine and blue skies beckon (although there are no guarantees with the British weather!). As the summer approaches, we look forward to cloudless skies, BBQ's and relaxing with friends and family. But as the temperatures rise, so can the heat in our family life! Tempers can fray with the longer days; our patience can be stretched to the limits with the season of school exams.
At Family Matters York, we understand!
We would love to support you and your family in helping you to stay cool this summer. We offer FREE parenting courses & events across the city to give you a safe space to learn and share ideas with others, to help make your family life more enjoyable this summer.
Sign up to our parenting courses - starting soon:
We would love to see you.
For an overview of our upcoming June/July 2023 courses, click here
PARENTING SUPPORT: To book a place or for further info contact:
Jen Wootten Tel: 07393 147259
Email: jenwootten@fmy.org.uk
Or you can find more information about our courses on our website https://fmy.org.uk/york/