Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ November 4, 2019
Feed My Starving Children
Oak Grove School, the PTO, and our local Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts come together to volunteer their time to this worthy cause. We have reserved 140 spaces on Friday, December 13, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Feed My Starving Children is located at 742 East Park Avenue (Highway 176) in Libertyville.
Please register using the “Join URL” https://www.fmsc.org/join-group?joincode=090L54" OR online at www.fmsc.org. Click on “Volunteer" in the upper right corner of the website, then scroll down the page to “Looking for a Specific Group?”, then enter “Join Code” 090L54 and click the “Join” button.
Select the appropriate radio button from “Who is attending." Check the box to accept FMSC’s guidelines, and click “Confirm.” If you have previously volunteered at FMSC, log in using your email and password. If this is your first time, click on “Create an Account."
Important note - when signing up, you need to register everyone from your family who will be attending.
Thank you for considering to help FMSC in their efforts to ward off world hunger. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Oak Grove Group Leader, Ken LaCrosse at klacrosse@comcast.net.
Cold and Flu Season
Parent/Teacher Conference sign-ups will open on Nov. 15
No Early Hours Next Week
Veterans Day Ceremony Time Change
The Veterans Day Ceremony on November 11 will be held at 9:15am, instead of 9:00am as published in last week's Oak Grove News. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please keep an eye on the Oak Grove News for more information to come regarding the annual event our 8th grade class holds to honor our veterans and active duty service men and women.
Oak Grove School Education Foundation
Silent Auction Donations – We Need You!
We are gearing up for OGSEF’s biggest fundraiser, the Grove Gala on February 29, 2020. At this event, most of our fundraising dollars come from the silent auction. We are reaching out to our talented OGS community to donate to or help secure donations for the auction.
- Experiences are always a big hit – game tickets, gourmet dinners – you name it. At a previous gala, a Pig Roast party led to some lively bidding!
- We love to leverage the talents of our OGS community - coaching, culinary treats, legal work, photography, beauty or whatever your talent may be.
- We also welcome merchandise of all kinds – i.e. sports memorabilia is always a big hit.
We can’t wait to hear your creative ideas -- simply reach out to Shellie Fahy at shelliefahy@att.net with your auction donation, or if you are interested in helping secure donations for the Gala by volunteering for the auction committee. Thank you so much for your support. Gala tickets will be on sale soon, so keep an eye out for updates.
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
As mentioned earlier this year, the new Illinois Social Science Standards are designed to ensure that students across Illinois focus on a common set of standards that promote the development of the knowledge and skills necessary for success in college, career, and civic life in the 21st century. While the inquiry model is a tool to foster discussion, problem solving and evidence of reasoning, there were also content changes made.
Across Illinois in K-12 classrooms, districts are in the process of transitioning their Social Science content standards to these four areas of focus:
Economics and Financial Literacy
Over the next four Curriculum Corners, there will be a more in-depth look at one of the four areas of study within the new standards. For more information feel free to use the direct link to the Illinois Social Science Standards or the link to the ISBE page with Social Science Resources.
PTO News
PTO Meeting this Wednesday
Please join us this Wednesday, November 6th, at 9am in the Professional Development Room. All are welcome!
Mother/Son & Daddy/Daughter Dance Donations
Do you want to lend a hand with the annual mother/son or daddy/daughter dances, but don't have enough time? We've got some great ways you can help! We're looking for gift cards, unopened toys, etc. to include in our raffle. Contact Carrie Siebert (carisiebs@gmail.com) or Jamie Evans (jhagerma23@yahoo.com) for the Mother/Son dance, or Shannon Bilcox (shannon.bilcox@gmail.com) for the Daddy/Daughter dance.
Maybe you have a local business that you think might want to become an event sponsor of the Mother/Son dance. If you or someone you know is interested in sponsorship, please contact Lynsey Wolfe (lynsey.wolfe@gmail.com).
The Book Fairs Are Coming!
The Junior High (grades 5-8) Book Fair will be open all next week (Nov.11-15th)! We will have autographed books for sale, discounted books, and even a raffle. Come check out the book fair after the Veteran's Day Ceremony.
The Elementary Book Fair will take place Nov. 18 - 22nd. Grades K-4th classes will have classroom shopping times during the fair. Please see the classroom shopping schedule in the Virtual Backpack. Feel free to join your child during their shopping time or shop anytime during our open hours. We will be having a Family Night Wednesday evening (November 20th) from 6pm-8pm. Find our flyer in the Virtual Backpack with all information and a form for teacher gift certificates.
Volunteers Needed: A few volunteers are still needed to help children select books, count money, and restock shelves for the Elementary Book Fair. The sign-up can be found at https://volunteer.scholastic.com/#/signup/Kkumx9YY8
ALL FOR BOOKS: Classroom Dollar Challenge
One of the goals for this year's Scholastic Book Fair is to ensure as many children as possible have access to books through the All For Books program: Classroom Dollar Challenge. We will be collecting dollars in each of the Kindergarten through 4th grade classrooms from November 11th through November 21st. All of the money collected during this period will go to Reading Power (a local organization that provides literacy tutoring services to children in North Chicago and Zion). The classroom that collects the most money will win a shopping spree at the book fair. Each student from the winning class may choose one item (book, toy, poster, etc) with a value of $10 or less at their classroom shopping spree.
SEL News
We have done some wonderful activities this past month. Some have included yoga, learning how to use our body to be strong. Others have been breathing exercises and most recently coloring the mandala. We listen to music and color, letting our mind focus on the present.
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120