CTMS Prowler
Week of Monday, November 28 - Sunday, December 4, 2022
What's Happening This Week:
Each day, we continue to prioritize safety and educate our students to be prepared for crisis or emergency situations. Today, staff and students practiced a lockdown drill. We are happy to report that the students and staff did a great job executing the expectations of this drill. In the coming weeks, we will again practice a lockdown drill coupled with evacauation of the classroom.
We have a lot to look forward to this week.
- Students will participate in their third club day on Wednesday. Reminder that club days are a modified bell schedule.
- Boys and Girls basketball kick off the season on the road on Wednesday.
- On Thursday, the 8th grade will visit WHS in the morning (see below for more information).
- Wrestling opens the season with a "home" match at WHS on Friday.
- Girls basketball will travel to Wheeling on Friday for a Saturday game at Triadelphia Middle School
- Down town Charles Town hosts it's annual Christmas Parade on Saturday
8th Grade to Visit Washington High School
Attention 8th Grade Parents:
This Thursday (December 1), the 8th grade will be traveling across town to visit Washington High School. WHS has put together a performing arts program to highlight the many elective choices your child will have available when they transition to high school. Believe it or not, this performance kicks off the high school scheduling season.
We will be departing CTMS by bus around 9:15am and will return around 11am. Students will leave all belongings at CTMS. Cell phones are not permitted at WHS. Charles Town students are expected to follow the “off and away” policy while at WHS.
We look forward to supporting your student and you as we prepare to send them off to high school.
If you do not want your child to attend this trip, please sign and return the form sent home today (Monday) to the main office by Thursday morning.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to a school counselor at 304-725-7821.
SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, December 1, 9:15am-11:00am
CTMS 8th Grade Trip to Washington High School
Winter Lunch Activity Time
Please make sure you student is prepared with a jacket/coat as well as hat and gloves if preferred.
If your child is in need of any winter clothing items, please let a member of the counseling center or school administrative team know.
Panther Palooza Recap
Events highligted team talents among each squad as well as introduced all athletes to the community. The event also held a canned and boxed food drive to be donated to local food banks for the holidays.
We want to thank Coach Holmes for organizing this awesome community event.