The IMS Connection
Volume 16, Issue 8: APRIL 2021
Greetings Islip Families,
A year ago, I mentioned living in a surreal situation. Who could have predicted the challenging journey we were about to embark. We have all been tested in many ways, and each family has had to toil through this crisis in the best way they knew how. Outside of school, we learned something new every day that never had any significance until this crisis. As much as we learned, we would like to now forget and simply move on. So, we are grateful for the progress made over the past year and we are excited about more opportunities opening up each week. There is an eagerness to get back to normal, but the masks on our faces remind us we are not quite there yet.
I realize there is confusion and mixed messages everywhere we turn. We can do things outside of school that we cannot do inside, and vice versa. For now, in IMS we will continue to make health and safety a priority. We will encourage all who walk through our halls to wear a mask, wash/sanitize their hands frequently, avoid milling about, walk with a purpose, and socially distance to the best of our ability.
Until next month, we wish you happy and healthy days.
Extending healthy thoughts from a friendly distance,
Dr. Timothy P. Martin
Renaissance Rave
Our First Renaissance Raffle was a HUGE Success! Every card holding student was able to participate in this exciting day! The next Renaissance Raffle is scheduled for mid-April. We will be validating your cards the first 2 weeks of April: Stay tuned for the date! Be sure to listen to announcements and check the lists posted in each dining room as well as outside of the AP Office. Continue to Look Good, Feel Good, & Do Good! We look forward to celebrating YOU this month and beyond!!
Greetings Islip Middle School Families,
New York State Testing
*ELA Exam – Testing dates:
(Computer Based)
· Grade 6 – April 20th
· Grade 7 – April 21st
· Grade 8 – April 22nd
*Students who have not refused will be pulled throughout the day to sit for the exam.
**Math Exam Testing dates:
(Paper Based)
· Grade 6 – May 3rd
· Grade 7 – May 3rd
**Based on the number of refusals, students will take the exam in the classroom or large space setting.
During both exams, any students who submitted a prior refusal letter will be attending regularly scheduled classes for content review.
Please check us out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to view photos, videos, and news about amazing things going on at IMS. Our eBoard has up-to-date info on everything you need to navigate your time at IMS, but if any questions do arise, I invite you to reach out to me via e-mail at jcohen@islipufsd.org or call me directly at (631) 650-8515.
Jason M. Cohen
Exploring Our Futures
It's never too early to dream big! Students will explore college and career pathways in order to empower them to chart their own course.
1-2 School Closed - Spring Recess
5 - School Open - (Three Snow Days Used)
6 - Budget Workshop/BOE Meeting 7:30* p.m., Zoom
14 - 3rd Qtr. Marking Period Ends
14 - C.A.R.E Club - Animal Shelter Collection begins
20 - Budget Workshop/BOE Meeting 7:30* p.m., Zoom
23 - 3rd.Qtr. Report Cards Posted to Portal
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
Please re-check the district calendar prior to an event to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.
5 Public Hearing on Budget, 7:30 p.m.; followed by BOE Meeting
13 4th qtr. Progress Period Ends
18 Annual Budget Vote & Board Election 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., HS Gym
19 Festival of the Arts, 7:00 p.m., HS
19 BOE Meeting, 9:30 p.m.
24 4th Qtr. Progress Reports Posted to Portal
27 & 28 School Open (Three Snow Days Used)
31 Memorial Day - District Closed
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
Since the start of the semester, library research students have been plowing through news articles to refine their media literacy skills.
Students read articles that report we should not sleep with any form of light at night, like that of iPhone, laptops or television, because when we do , we do not get the pitch darkness our brains need in order to store new information, and reset our brains overnight.
In terms of media literacy, the students have learned they must be critical of everything they read online, especially on social media. To determine the credibility of what is read online, students have started to recognize the value of verifying sources within the articles they read. They have learned firsthand that the credentials and work experience of authors, experts, and publishers can go a long way in establishing the credibility of online content. This recognition is very important in this age of misinformation/disinformation. Mrs. Ryder and her students will also evaluate domains, work on discerning the difference between fact and opinion, and bias throughout the semester.
Students are presently considering the perils of multitasking. The students have learned that there is a price to pay for multitasking when it comes to their ability to focus. The students actually tried to navigate a most difficult interactive multitasking test and many found what neuroscientists have said all along-our brains are wired to complete just one task at a time. “If you were to compare your brain to a computer-you may have several screens open on your desktop, but you’re only able to think about one screen at a time" (Scholastic Parents). However, there were a select few students who mastered the interactive test. Could it be they have rewired their brains and they actually can focus on doing two things at once and do both well? Only time will tell!
Mrs. Ryder’s Library Research students will continue the semester by looking at digital-related topics. We will examine digital ethics and responsibility as we consider social media, cyberbullying, online addiction and computer crimes. We will discuss issues of privacy, reputation, personal data protection, the implications of facial recognition tools, how bullying goes against our basic freedoms, and so much more.
What in the heck is going on in Tech.?
The second half of the year is in full swing in the Technology Education department. The 6th and 7th grade students are currently engaged in an array of exciting activities.
The students in Mr. Wenze'sl and Mr. Smith’s 6th grade class are currently working on Magnetic Levitation Vehicles better known as MagLevs. The students engage in design, modeling, building, and testing of these floating, motor propelled racers. Just a few of the things students learn about are: transportation systems, alternative energy, aerodynamics, and magnetism. Throughout the project, the students will have to manipulate certain materials in order to meet the design constraints and requirements that their project must conform with.
Mr. Wenzel’s 7th graders are in the middle of a Transportation unit where they design and build Egg Crash Vehicles. Their goal is to protect the occupant (an egg) in a head on collision.
The 6th graders in Mr. Claps’ class are currently building Catapults, where each student designed, built, and tested a ping pong ball throwing device. Students are graded by the distance and accuracy of their device.
The 7th graders in Mr. Claps’ class are currently working on CO2 Dragsters. The students engage in design, modeling, building, and testing of these compressed air racers.
Bring Your Pet to Work Day!
In the weeks leading up to Spring Break, school counselors facilitated the IMS Pet Train and it sure did ROAR through the building!
Leading the train, Dr. Martin and Mr. Cohen pulled along a total of almost 100 pets - dogs, cats, fish, birds, horses, hedgehogs, and rabbits! These furry friends stormed hallways of Islip Middle School! Students had the opportunity to vote for their favorite pet in each category: Dogs, Cats, and “Pets Beyond”. They then played an online matching game, guessing which pet belongs to which staff member. The activity was put together in the hopes of bringing students and staff closer after months of being encouraged to stay farther apart. Students loved the activity and found it very difficult to choose the cutest one! One student said “They’re all just so cute!” Other students stated they wish the staff could really bring their pets to work – wouldn’t that be a perfect day!
Girls and boys were challenged to complete various interactive challenges and while many participated, the young lady who went above and beyond to complete the many difficult challenges is Nyla M.. Nyla won the contest hands down and took home a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card! Way to go Nyla!
President: Nicole Muschenick, Vice President: Denise Nash
Treasurer: Kathy Hofmann, Secretary: Lauren Jones
If you have any questions or would like to be an IMS PTA volunteer,
please feel free to contact us at IslipMiddleSchoolPTA@gmail.com
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at IslipSEPTA@gmail.com
President: Marissa Peterson, Vice President: Fred Henning
Secretary: Kristy Evans, Treasure: Michelle Ruiz
Website: islipufsd.org
Location: 211 Main Street, Islip, NY, United States
Phone: 631-650-8500
Facebook: facebook.com/IslipMS
Twitter: @IslipMS