River Trails Monthly
April 2023
In this newsletter...
- Video of the month
- Registration for 2023-2024
- Important April and May dates
- RTSD26 Day at the Chicago Dogs game
- And more!
Coming up in early May, we will celebrate Staff Appreciation Week here at River Trails. While we strive to show our staff how much we appreciate them every day, the official week is still a nice reminder for all of us to take a moment to recognize and celebrate these extraordinary individuals. Our teachers, assistants, secretaries, nurses, support staff, custodians and all other members of the RTSD26 team are incredibly talented and the lifeblood of this district.
It is impossible to accurately quantify the dedication and hard work our staff exhibits on a daily basis to ensure our students feel welcomed, cared for and loved. It is because of what they do that our district feels like a family. If you don’t believe me, take a moment to watch our video this month. It literally brings tears to my eyes to watch our staff in action. I absolutely know they put everything they have into their work here in District #26.
I invite you to join me in celebrating and thanking our remarkable staff members for everything they do for our students, families and community. Thank you!
If video doesn't play here, you can also access it at youtu.be/q4mkCiTfmLY
2023-2024 Registration
2023-2024 registration is open for all grades. All students, new and returning, must be registered. Any student who is not registered by the end of the year will need to return their Chromebook.
To register your student(s), please visit rtsd26.org/register. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your school or the district office.
Student Fees
This year, student fees are being handled by a service called PushCoin. You should receive an email from PushCoin after completing all of your registration forms. This email will include information about how to create an online account and attach it to your student. You can also find PushCoin instructions on our website.
Please be aware that student fees will increase if paid on May 16, 2023 or later.
4/18: Board of Education Meeting
5/2: Board of Education Meeting
5/21: RTSD26 Day with the Chicago Dogs (More info below)
5/29: Memorial Day (No School)
5/31: Last Day of School (Early Release)
More events can be found on your school's online calendar:
RTSD26 Day at the Chicago Dogs
- $12 outfield reserve tickets
- $3 bottomless soda
- $3 bottomless popcorn
- $3 parking
- Pre-game catch on the field
- Pre-game player autographs
- Chicago Dogs hat for everyone who attends
To order tickets, visit https://bit.ly/3ME3tmT (offer code is RTSD). We hope to see you there!
Every Friday, we post a gallery of photos taken by teachers and staff throughout RTSD26. The goal is to give you a glimpse into what the day looks like at our schools. You can find a collection of all our galleries on our website.
Next Board of Education Meeting
Tuesday, Apr 18, 2023, 07:00 PM
River Trails Middle School and livestreamed at rtsd26.org.
What does the Board do? How do they operate? Can I attend meetings?
Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our school board.
We will begin our final round of MAP testing next week. This will conclude our formal district assessments for the school year.
You can always find the full district assessment calendar on our website.
ECDEC Preschool
ECDEC preschool serves children between the ages of 3 and 5 years. The program is completely free and open to all families and children in the community. It is held at Euclid Elementary School and is a separate from the Prairie Trails pre-k program.
District 214 AP Ready! Night
(For Current 8th Graders)
On Thursday, April 20th, District 214 will host their AP Ready! Night at the Forest View Educational Center from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. AP Ready! Night is targeted to first-time AP students and their parent(s)/guardian(s).
The purpose of this evening is to highlight the advantages of enrolling in a rigorous course load and the role of Advanced Placement classes in the college admissions process. AP teachers will offer informational sessions about getting AP Ready! District 214’s Dual Credit classes will also be highlighted as options for achieving early college credit.
This evening will provide valuable information to help you and your student maximize academic success during their years in District 214.
Community Garden
Calling all gardeners! There are still some available plots in our community garden, located at Euclid. If you would like to participate…
- Please visit the RTSD26 admin office (1900 E. Kensington Rd.) and request a garden agreement form
- Garden agreements are required and list the rules and regulations
- Plots cost $20
- You may reserve up to two plots
- If you would like more than two, your name can be added to a waiting list
If you have any questions, please visit the district office or call 847-297-4120.
Roadway Construction
You have likely already noticed the construction going on at the intersection of Wolf Road and Euclid Avenue. It appears this will continue for several months. You can follow the progress and receive updates on the Mount Prospect village website.
We will be sure to communicate any updates that could affect our bus routes or other access to our schools.
Bilingual Family Workshops
The Illinois Resource Center (IRC) is offering free workshops designed for bilingual families. These workshops cover a variety topics related to raising a bilingual child. They are offered in English and Spanish.
Check out this flyer for more information or to register (Spanish version)
NSSEO Recreation Vendor Palooza
The Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization (NSSEO) is holding an open house so families can explore a variety of recreation and social opportunities for students in the area. It will be held on Tuesday, April 18 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at 500 S. Plum Grove Road in Palatine. Families can attend at any time during the event.
NWSRA Summer Programming
(Northwest Special Recreation Association)
Check out our Community Wall for local programs and events that might be of interest to your student or family.
We need substitutes!
Interested in choosing your own hours and making a difference in our students' lives? Consider becoming a substitute teacher for RTSD26! Visit the district website to apply. You can find information about licensure by visiting the Illinois State Board of Education website.
Address: 1900 E. Kensington Road, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
Phone: 847-297-4120
Email: rtsdinfo@rtsd26.org
Website: rtsd26.org
Facebook: facebook.com/RTSD26
Instagram: instagram.com/rivertrailsd26
Twitter: @RiverTrailsD26YouTube: @rivertrailsd26
If you have any questions about the newsletter, please contact Ben Finfer at bfinfer@rtsd26.org