East Haven High School
Weekly Newsletter: December 10th, 2023
Class of 2024 - Cap & Gown Orders Due Soon
Attention Seniors:
It is time to order your cap & gown! Cap and gown order forms were distributed during flex on Friday December 1st. ALL PAYMENTS ARE DUE BY DECEMBER 20TH! See Mrs. Cudgma (S325) or Ms. Caturano (E121) with any questions.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Toy Drive
FBLA is conducting a toy drive to benefit the children of East Haven. This is our 3rd Annual Toy Drive and each year the FBLA members surpass the previous year. Boxes are located throughout the school to drop off an unwrapped toy. Please consider those less fortunate this holiday season. Thank you in advance from the members of FBLA. We wish you and your families a safe and joyous holiday season.
Next Meeting
FBLA will be meeting on Wednesday in S106 right after school. Please be sure to come check out all the exciting things that are happening in FBLA, Future Business Leaders of America. Be sure to bring a friend. Have a profitable day.
Drama Club Auditions
Auditions for the Drama Club spring musical Curtains are right after break on January 3rd & 4th!
Sign up at: tinyurl.com/ehhscurtainsauditions and find all the info on the Drama Club Google Classroom with code: chig4mn
See Ms. Collins in E114 with any questions or if you would like a physical copy of the audition materials!
Kindness Club Elects Officers for 2023-2024
The Kindness Club would like to like give a big CONGRATULATIONS to our new club officers! They are as follows:
President: Cristina Fernandez
Vice President: Kayla DeLuca
Secretary: Elida Sandoval
Historian/Photography: Fatima Magana
From The School Counseling Department
College Applications Deadlines
Some college application deadlines fall either during, or immediately following, our holiday break. School Counselors will not be available to process materials from 12/21-1/3 - This includes reviewing applications, sending transcripts, completing School Reports and Counselor Recommendation forms. Seniors must be aware of their deadlines and be prepared with their requests well in advance of vacation in order to allow sufficient processing time.
As a general reminder, the student's portion of college applications must be submitted on time to meet the application deadline. Supplemental materials such as letters of recommendation & transcripts are not held to the same deadlines. Students should be meeting with their School Counselor to discuss their process and questions they may have.
Roberta B WIllis Scholarship Candidates
Seniors who received a letter regarding the Roberta B. Willis Scholarship are encouraged to provide the required information to their School Counselor now and not wait for the January 19th deadline to do so.
This week on The Comet we have articles on Drama Club's fun-filled fall, Mr. Fernandez's Woodworking program, the EHHS writing center peer tutors who presented at UCONN, what it means to Swarm the Hive, three more editorial cartoons by Luis Tajeda, Aedan Webster, and Anthony Santana, and a review of Kanye West's "Family Business."
If you missed last week... we published articles on FBLA: the Future of Business by Brooke Ciscone, Marching Band's consistency and triumphs by Willow Torres, and Kim Carrera asks and answers: is the Powderpuff tradition fading? Isabella Mott reviewed the top three book to movie adaptations you should watch in Keepin' It Reel, McKenna Doebrick shares her debut review of 1989 (Taylor's Version) in Buzz Beats, Creative Corner features three cartoons by Introduction to Illustration students, Willow Torres reviews Gracie Abrams' album Good Riddance, and HoneyPaws features Piper the Lab.
Check out our site at https://easthaven.highschool.news
If you don't follow us on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram @ehhscomet make sure you do before this Wednesday night for a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!
Fair Haven Community Health Center - Flu Vaccine
Fair Haven Community Health Center, East Haven High School's Medical School Based Health Clinic, can provide flu shots to students enrolled in their program. See the letters below for more details:
The Comet Beat Club To Meet December 11th
The Comet Beat club will be meeting on Monday December 11th at 3:00pm in E121 for anyone interested in joining the Newspaper staff as a reporter, investigator, photographer, artist, etc!